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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Old Tiki Car Club Plaques and Gearshifters

Pages: 1 6 replies

TIKIWAGON posted on 01/17/2013

I recently got this great car club plaque and cast gearshifter both with a tiki theme, Just wanted to know if anyone else has seen any other ones as i know there was a few car clubs in the 50's that had tiki style logos and names

Big Kahuna posted on 01/17/2013

I've got a couple of those shift knobs. The plaque is awesome. Looks like the Hawaiian Eye Tiki. Are there any markings on the back?

JOHN-O posted on 01/17/2013

A related thread started by Sabu...

Tiki and vintage Hot Rod / Custom Car culture

With specific other examples on this post.

[ Edited by: JOHN-O 2013-01-17 11:32 ]

Big Kahuna posted on 01/18/2013

Boy, I am getting old! How'd I forget about that thread?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/18/2013

More Poly Pop Transmission:

TIKIWAGON posted on 01/18/2013

I had completely forgot about this Thread, And its not even that old yes the plaque is very similar to the Hawaiian Eye tiki unfortunately it has no markings on the back

Big Kahuna posted on 01/18/2013

That's unusual that there's no markings. Most plaques were made by Chicago Metalcraft or Speed Gems. Usually they had a maker's mark, on the back.

Pages: 1 6 replies