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Tiki Central / General Tiki


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I didn't get anything even remotely tiki for Christmas.

I did get the socks & undies I asked for tho'.


I got the fancy thingy that lets you record from LP's to the computer... I am one happy fishy!

Also I got a book of fish portraits called ' FISHFACE', and a book called 'Where's My Space Age?' about all sorts of mid century modern atomic stuff, and a lovely bag full of 'Dirty Girl' cosmetics and soaps...

my husband knows what I like!!!!


Oooh, and my mom got me a Dansk Ice Cube holder thingy, and a mid century modern giant pot for yer plants... and some 'tiki' salt and peppers that turned out to be totem poles... but 2 outta 3 aint bad!

On 2003-12-26 01:01, tikifish wrote:
I got the fancy thingy that lets you record from LP's to the computer...

Can you be more specific? I'm curious.

Yes, can you be more specific about this?

Sweet Daddy T, i feel yer pain.

The tiki-est i got was from my wife, a Tiki Farm Suffering Bastard decanter, and a bar towel showing Hawaii, Maui, Lanai and Molokai. There is a big 'ol tiki sitting in the north side of da big island.

but factor in that i'm at work today... Humbug Indeed!!!



5 bottles of good rum.
The movie "Kon TIki."
A vintage bartender's guide.
Couple of great shirts.
Some designer simple syrups.

And the most useful item of all:
A Williams/Sonoma lemon/lime juice press.

I asked TIki Claus for a house in Kauai but the wind must have screwed up the smoke signals that day.


It's an audio preamplifier.

Finally I can put my Percussive Pineapples, Bongos Bongos Bongos, The Optic Earful and other vinyl favourites on CD!


I got six new Henry Taylor chisels, a new Henry Taylor palm tool set, a new Wood Is Good mallet -(I may make a contest here of old woodsy, my trusty homemade mallet of years), a new electric razor, a fifth of Tanqueray, a trip to the Mai Kai with my wife, Duke Carter's book, a cordless Dirt Devil, a professional gourmet cheese handling set (I'm a stinky cheese-a-holic!), blow-ups of photos of two of my Civil War relatives (in Joseph Wheeler's 5th Georgia Cavalry, CSA), and one of my grandfather's tackle boxes (all of which I thought were long lost). I musta been a good boy! Next month's reality check: Tax season and the fact that I have to go to an oral surgeon to get the rest of my wisdom teeth cut out at the end of January. Sonofabitch....

On the celebration of Sol Invictus I got a couple of Mr. Bali Hai S&P shakers, A Pizz outrigger, a Shag three pack, The Tiki Quest book, The Night of the Tiki book, a Tiki Farm Suffering Bastard decanter, A PMP mug, and a Daga Tiki mug...

[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2003-12-26 22:35 ]

I got no family arguments for the 1st Christmas in memory, AHHHHHH!

Tiki Farm shaker & 2-pac Martiki glasses, Shag Party book, a really unique aloha shirt and a vintage pair of '70's Levi cords (that actually fit!). BTW Bongofury, that Trader Vics pick you sent me looks right at home w/ a couple of stuffed olives sittin' on the edge a Martiki glass soaking in a dry vodka martini (shaken...not stirred, of course). Mahalo & Happy New Year.

I got 2 tiki magnets, a tiki candle, a coconut shell candle, the book "Rat Fink: The Art of Ed Big Daddy Roth" and 50's atomic symbol dish towels and pot holders. Plus lots of vino and a vinyl record album frame to hold my fave album cover, which is "Martini Time" by the Art Van Damme Quintet.


3 foot tiki, tiki mask, hawaiian dish towels, pineapple candles, palm tree candle, palm tree stationary, silver palm tree earrings, and toothpick holders that have grass on the sides(Huh?) and whole bunch of other goodies...

You mean you guys GOT things for Christmas/X-mas? Sniff, wimper, I would of been happy with socks and underwear Big Daddy. I got nothing and I live to like it I guess!!

Tiki Bird & I had a very Tiki Christmas...


I also got a ceramic tile showing the Walt Disney Polynesian Resort... kinda cool. It this a common item?

My girlfriend got me two CDs: Taboo - The Exotic Sounds of Arthur Lyman and the two-CD set, The Exotic Sounds of Martin Denny. Her parents got me The Book of Tiki. Man, I love it when people take the hint! I had also bought myself a little treat last weekend when I saw a Mr Bali Hai mug in a flea market for $18; I got the dealer down to $12 which is OK, I think. I believe its one of the older ones as it has the concave bottom and the OMC sticker. We plan to drink out of it on New Years Eve.

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