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Tretchikoff dies age 92

Pages: 1 6 replies

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 08/26/2006

From the South African Broadcasting Corporation website:

Vladimir Tretchikoff dies aged 92

August 26, 2006, 13:15
Vladimir Tretchikoff (92), a world renowned artist, has died at a frail care centre in Cape Town. Tretchikoff was a self-taught artist.

He and his family fled the Russian Revolution in 1917, moving to Manchuria, Shanghai and Singapore, before eventually settling in South Africa in 1941. He is viewed by many as one of South Africa's greatest artists. His most famous piece was the portrait titled Chinese Girl. Tretchikoff painted ultra-realistic portraits - many of women. His other subject matter included animals and flowers. He worked with oil and water paints, as well as in charcoal and other media.

tiki_kiliki posted on 08/26/2006

I just read this from the Exotica list. I'm so glad to have several of his works in my collection. An amazing talent and from what I've read, he had a wonderful life.

Jeff Central posted on 08/26/2006

Yeah, hang on to those prints if you have them. I know I'm hanging on to my "Green Lady" print. These things look great in a Tiki bar even though they are not very Tiki by themselves.

The world has lost another truly original artist!!!!!!!


MrBaliHai posted on 08/27/2006

Now that he's dead, will someone please clear up the mystery of why this painting is known as "Green Lady" when every print I've ever seen shows her face with a distinct blue tint?

Trader Woody posted on 08/30/2006

The BBC now has a debate going about the merits of the Green Lady:


Trader Woody

atomictonytiki posted on 08/31/2006

spooky, my green lady fell of the wall a couple of days ago probably about the same he passed away.

tikibars posted on 01/26/2013

The BBC now has report going about the sale of the Green Lady:


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