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Bigbro Ripped-off?

Pages: 1 8 replies

tikigreg posted on 12/26/2003

While browsing ebay, I came across an auction for tiki mug print fabric. I checked it out, and here's a pic of the item;

Looking at all the different tikis represented, one immediately jumped out. Take a look at the pink moai in the middle, upper left. Then check out page 11 of "Night of the Tiki". The moai on the fabric is a dead-ringer for the 8-foot carving belonging to bigbro! Coincidence? Any info on this?

cybertiki posted on 12/26/2003

huh ... hadn't noticed that but it looks like the same one to me as well, except the original lacks the arms & legs.

I don't know who produces the fabric, but the first time I saw it was in a Hancock's of Paducah catalog. Their style number is MC1610, and they sell it for $7.98 a yard. If someone wants to contact them, they can probably id the manufacturer of the cloth. Their website is at:


Basement Kahuna posted on 12/27/2003

not to mention that that the print on that fabric is really dumb.

cybertiki posted on 12/27/2003

I thought it was pretty bad and that's why I passed on it. Having 'interesting' or 'unique' shirts is one thing. This one was definately the other thing. If you think this one is bad however, you should see the "Tiki Drinks" fabric by the same company - it's even worse. I'll see if I can get a scan up here later. Somebody should really consult folks here at TC before they go printing thousands of yards of fabric that just makes us go ugh!

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/28/2003

Ah, you mean because Leroy owns the rights to the Moai tiki style he carved for Sven (?) Those damn Easter islanders are always ripping Leroy off!

tikifish posted on 12/28/2003

Nah, that's definitley Sven's garden man! Not quite a moai. He's more of a moai with extra nostril flaring action.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/28/2003

But they left out the Termites!

bigbrotiki posted on 12/29/2003

Yep, that's Big Daddy Olu (Olu = Cool) alright, thanks for pointing that out. That's a first, usually people use Tikis from MY book.
I have no problem with that, since I did not create the originals and it promotes Tiki culture. I try to collect that stuff, I have found the Pitcairn sign on a pair of boxer shorts in Las Vegas, the Tiki Apts sign (the cursive type) on a T-shirt in Hqwaii, and the "Steady" company used the Bad Luck Tiki from my website gallery (a Barney West carving) for a bamboo patterned 50s shirt.
It is all part of the chain of Tiki Transmission.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/29/2003

Yep, that's Big Daddy Olu (Olu = Cool) alright, thanks for pointing that out. That's a first, usually people use Tikis from MY book.
I have no problem with that, since I did not create the originals and it promotes Tiki culture. I try to collect that stuff, I have found the Pitcairn sign on a pair of boxer shorts in Las Vegas, the Tiki Apts sign (the cursive type) on a T-shirt in Hqwaii, and the "Steady" company used the Bad Luck Tiki from my website gallery (a Barney West carving) for a bamboo patterned 50s shirt.
It is all part of the chain of Tiki Transmission.

(By the way, that "personal message" blip on this board still sucks, I just found three messages dating as far back as Dec 10th which went unnoticed until now)

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