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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Someone in Arizona has some work for a Tiki Carver.

Pages: 1 6 replies

Hakalugi posted on 01/29/2013

Here's a heads up. If any carvers are interested in some commission work, I received an inquiry from someone in Phoenix, Arizona. Here is the message:

Hi - I have a palm tree that needs to be cut down and I am wanting to hire a tiki artist to carve it into a wonderful piece of totem like art to put in the corner of my living room. Would be cool to keep my palm tree here and repurpose it for in my house so it is still part of the family.

This is all I know. If you want to learn more, PM me your contact info and I'll forward it to the potential buyer.


pjc5150 posted on 01/29/2013

here's Billy's facebook page if you just want to give it to your friend....


Tucson Tiki posted on 02/02/2013

Sent you a pm with my info. Would love to do this.

Ridric posted on 07/24/2013

I live in Phoenix and have a large palm next to our front door that I would like carved into a tiki. Is there someone in the area interested in submitting a proposal? The finished tiki could be as large as 7'. Thanks!

[ Edited by: Ridric 2014-10-13 17:09 ]

GROG posted on 07/24/2013

Crazy Al is in Arizona right now. But, you're going to pay top$ to get top quality that you'll get from Al.

Here's his website if you want to contact him. http://www.tikimania.com/

GROG miss Tiki-Kate

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-07-24 13:04 ]

DHTiki posted on 07/24/2013

Do you want it carved in place, or are you planning on cutting it down, having it carved, and then re-placed?

Ridric posted on 07/24/2013

I want it carved in place. It's growing too close to a wall and we want to chop the top half off and "tiki-ize" the rest. The palm is next to the walkway just before the front door, which leads to an interior courtyard. The tiki would be a perfect greeter! Thanks.

[ Edited by: ridric 2013-07-25 08:47 ]

[ Edited by: Ridric 2013-07-25 08:48 ]

Pages: 1 6 replies