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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiAno posted on 01/31/2013

A- 48
B- $.50 (this is important as a tax-time answer).
C- $20,000 (also, an important tax time answer).

Of course, my answers may not apply, depending on the Wendy/ Dan approach to filing taxes. :)

D- We all thank you for all of the time, work, and money you put into your creations. I hope your own "B" answer compensates you for all of the time you give to us here.

danlovestikis posted on 01/31/2013

marty1manparty Member Joined: Jan 30, 2013 Posts: 1 Posted: Yesterday; 3:50 pm Let me introduce to you the TikiManFrond family

Hi marty1manparty I think you wanted to post a "other crafts" page to display your palm frond art and somehow got onto my page. I see this is your first post. To make your own choose New Topic. Write the title of your work and then start adding photos in the box like this one. To add photos click on Add Images To Your Post which is just below this box. I'd like to see your work so keep trying. Welcome.

CONTEST: I keep excellent records for taxes. I don't want to live in a failed state so I pay what I owe. So keep it real. You may change/edit your guess up until the last minute. I enjoyed the jokes.

Progress Report:

We poured another head yesterday. Number 17 comes out of the mold today.

I spent the whole day mapping out the Mrs. Pac Man Bob's. Today I will start to carve out the backgrounds. I'm glad these are tiki mugs and not the real game.

I've carved out the inside of the barriers. Next I have to carve out all of the background around the dots and other playing pieces.

LoriLovesTiki time to faint again. Dan's been baking. We flip and bake longer our cookies so that they are snappy.

I hope more of you will enter the contest. It doesn't matter if you have won before. Each contest is brand new. You just have to pay the shipping to get your prize.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-01-31 14:15 ]

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 01/31/2013

Wendy, My contest entries:

A - 106
B - $17,722.50
C - $15,257.79

17 shrunken heads, a-drying, what number day of Wendy-mas is that?

Big Kahuna posted on 01/31/2013

A. 59
B. $10,590
c. $7,590

Oh, Boy! Oh, Boy! Oh,Boy!
One of those severed heads is mine!!!!!!!

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/01/2013

Here's my best guesses:

A) 119

B) 21,9000

C) 12,5000

This was way too hard. I can't wait for the answers to be revealed, I'm so curious!

danlovestikis posted on 02/01/2013

Contest entries so far. Last chance by 11 PM tonight PST. If you want to change any of your numbers post the change and I'll fix it here. Good Luck.


A. 5
B. $1,563, 685. 73
C. $3.57


A. 47
B. $6,372.18
C. $15,732.11


A - 380
B - 33,000
C - 9,000


A) 26
B) $6,324
C) $1,024


A- 52
B- 30,000
C- 10,000


A) 48
B) $13,500
C) $3400.45


A - 106
B - $17,722.50
C - $15,257.79

Big Kahuna

A. 59
B. $10,590
c. $7,590


A) 119
B) 21,9000
C) 12,5000


A. 36
B. 10,000 dollars
C. 4,425 dollars

Progress Report Wish List #3.

The bowl mold has had the fan blowing inside it for days. It is still sopping wet.
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I decided to open it up and have the fan keep going. However yesterday I fired and that warmed the room up and that will have helped more.
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Every other day if these molds are dry we pour. Today is another pour day.
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I had enough items dry to do a bisque fire.
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I sanded and fine tuned each piece.
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Bottom shelf.
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Top shelf.
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Each piece dries at a different rate. I fired Chippy's mug but not his hat. I fired two monsters but not the Mummy. It will be a while before I have another load ready to bisque.

I read on Tiki Sharks thread today that facebook is killing Tiki Central. I hope that is not true. Your posts help keep it alive. Thank you very much.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-01 20:55 ]

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ZeroTiki posted on 02/01/2013

When you Post your numbers here please do it in this manner
A. 36
B. 10,000 dollars
C. 4,425 dollars
Hope I made it!

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hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2013

Cookies look good, I'd pay extra for a cookie in every mug I buy... :)

I think I saw that photo of the severed heads in a Hannibal Lecter movie....

All the mugs look sweeeeet...


TikiAno posted on 02/02/2013

Edited entry:

A) 48
B) $13,500
C) $3400.45

After looking at the line up of the greenware/ pre-bisque guys, I realized I need to get lots more pieces from you and have a "family photo" photo shoot.

E Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a9872472a5f9b86ecd7b5d2d625fbb73?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
ebtiki posted on 02/02/2013

A: 29
B: $12,800
C: $16,200

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 02/02/2013

If you come down for the Bowlarama show at the Tonga Hut, make sure Dan bakes chocolate chip cookies. GROG love chocolate chip cookies. :D

On 2013-01-31 09:01, danlovestikis wrote:

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GROG miss Tiki-Kate and GROG love chocolate chip cookies.

[ Edited by: GROG 2013-02-02 10:19 ]

danlovestikis posted on 02/02/2013

First off my apologies for being late this morning. I just woke up. Dan said he was just about to check to see if I was breathing.

Contest Answers and winners:

Congratulations Men!

A. I fired up the kiln 46 times. I'm amazed that some of you came so very close. The winner is Philot at 47 off by only 1!

B. I earned $4,653. The winner is Loki Tiki who was off by $1,671.

C. I spent $6,525.57. The winner is Big Kahuna off by $1,064.43

I have all of your addresses and as soon as these are packaged I'll get back to you with the cost of shipping. I enjoyed watching the action. Thank you everyone for participating.

I need GROG as a manager because I'd love to earn a million a year making tikis. I must keep my prices low because very few people who order from me ask what it is going to cost. It may be because I don't make anyone take the art they ordered. If they don't want it (that hasn't happened yet) Dan would put it in his collection.

Progress Report Wish List #3:

I've been working on the Mrs. Pac Man Bobs. I use this tool the most to carve out the clay.
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I use brushes of different sizes to wash out the carving lines.
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One mug just started and one finished.
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Today I have to mop and clean up the kitchen nook before I start the next project.
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The three Mrs. Pac Man Bobs are done and ready to start drying today.
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This will be a busy day. I have molds to open and a kiln to open. I wish you all a fun weekend.
cheers, Wendy

PS Grog I saw you posted while I was typing. You get me a million a year for my art and he'll bake you lots of chocolate chip cookies!

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-02 10:38 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2013

Another great contest in the books...

I'll still pay xtra for cookies..



LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/02/2013

Congrats to the winners!

I'm still curious Wendy. How many pieces (mus & bowls) did you finish last year?

danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2013

hang10tiki I should share the secret to these cookies. They are Toll House in a tub. Corn oil on a cookie sheet. Scoop them out of the bucket. Bake on one side for 14 minutes then flip and cook for 5 more. They are so good hot out of the oven. Save the left overs in a plastic bag to keep them crunchy.

LoriLovesTiki I counted the unique mugs on my Gallery page and that came to 66. I also made 40 Sacramento Crawl mugs and 30 Zombie Torch mugs with flames and 8 as regular mugs. I did finish off a bunch of things that had dried but I haven't sold them I've been using them for swaps and contests. So all total sold and not sold around 200 items.

Progress Report on Wish List #3:

Top shelf of the kiln.
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It was so cold but I scrubbed each head inside and out. Then I rinsed them. They went on clean trays and into the house.
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Bottom shelf of the kiln.
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First out was Beach-bum Bob. He didn't stick to the towel and he developed a few more cracks. I'll have fun experimenting with glazes and patches to semi-fix him.
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I used these two sponges to scrub the dust off. The rise water stayed clear so I could tell I was doing a good job.
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When I lifted Bela Lugosi out of the kiln his arm came off. I have these two products to put it back on. These can be used to attach tikis to bowls. I hope it works well for an arm.
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See these little places where the clay had pockets for air. That's all it took to pop off the arm.
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All scrubbed and taken into the house.
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Back to work. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-03 09:03 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/03/2013


200 is very impressive but I'll bet you're on track to easily beat that number for 2013!!! You never cease to amaze me!

I'm supremely confident that you can fix Bella. I look forward to watching his repair and completion as well as cute little bare bottomed Bob.

Have a great day!

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 02/03/2013

You should listen to Lori, she's Mz. Awesomeness.

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hang10tiki posted on 02/04/2013

Fixin fixin fixin...

How about a photo of the "un-sold mugs"

I'll bet they would go quick if a photo were to appear :)


Ps- I'm still thinking about those cookies...

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 02/04/2013

On 2013-02-03 21:06, hang10tiki wrote:

Ps- I'm still thinking about those cookies...

2nd that.

HT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5133a5466468235d4e1bc1335c25ddab?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hale Tiki posted on 02/04/2013

So many severed heads! I can't wait!

And I think that no one ever asks because they know they're in for a treat, and that you won't stop until you get it right. And boy do you get it right!

TikiAno posted on 02/04/2013

Wendy, thanks for more carving photos- especially helpful seeing what tools you're using. :) (Including multiple brushes, a big help (to me)). Fun contest, congrats to the winners- as well as the losers (aka "not winners").

Ditto Lori, too. I look forward to seeing the results. I also agree w/ Hang10, those mugs would go fast.

In honor of Hang10 and Grog, perhaps a Cookie Bob? :wink:

danlovestikis posted on 02/04/2013

LoriLovesTiki I'm working on Bela, we'll see if I can heal him. Thank you for your encouragement. I've never counted before. My main goal is to add photos here so I can have fun things to read when you all post for me.

GROG You should listen to Lori, she's Mz. Awesomeness.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/04/2013

Some thoughts:

Lori LOVES Grog! Lori also loves Nui'mi who first called her Mz. Awesomeness. You guys know how to make a lady smile. :)

I want a cookie Bob too. I think he should be the color of Cookie Monster. And I want cookies, so tell Dan to get baking!

And I agree Wendy, you should post pics of your available pieces. I could even set you up with a Google site or something. Post pics and prices and people contact you with their orders.

TikiAno posted on 02/04/2013

Perhaps call the new site... WendyBay (or, WendEbay)?

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 02/05/2013

Would there be a second website for selling Dan's cookies or part of the same site?

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hang10tiki posted on 02/05/2013

Bake-em Dan-O.com

PG Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e26a9f98a762dd7f7f1e5d3f116de83?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Professor G posted on 02/05/2013

Not only is Wendy's ceramic technique and repair really interesting to me, and I always like to see the new glazes, but today's repartee . . . stellar. "Bake'em Dan-O?" Well said, H10. The Brotherhood of the Blue Bobs salutes you.

L Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ab192134c4577e4df629c7e713f796a1?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
lunavideogames posted on 02/05/2013

I almost joined the brotherhood, but sadly my wife wanted a Bobbie mug, so the last of my money went to her mug. Now she has a Wendy mug and I do not :( But a couple of those mugs that she is making are mine so this is exciting. I would still like that blue Bob if I see it for sale again. It was a very cool design!

TikiAno posted on 02/05/2013

Hang10, well played. :) (from team Green Bob). (for now).

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hang10tiki posted on 02/05/2013

Luna- order a BlueBob and join the gang


Tikiano, you need to join the Blue club!
I have a small green bob, so i guess I'm sort of in your green club, kind of...

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-02-04 20:14 ]

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b9f394dc69a9134df062764ec9564ebf?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MadDogMike posted on 02/05/2013

Wendy, you were busy while I was out of town! Dan's double-bake cookie method is very interesting, maybe I'll get to sample some of those this weekend :D Be warned, I'm a bit of a cookie monster and a dessert fiend ~ I can blow thru a dozen cookies in 10 minutes or less :lol:

Good luck on your repairs! Seems like Magic Carpet Bob would be a good candidate for glaze fusing. Flat place to sit on, plenty of surface area, and a "divot" to keep him from sliding around.

danlovestikis posted on 02/05/2013

Super wow and thank you for all the posts.

LoriLovesTiki I'm up for making anything as long as it won't get me arrested. There will be a Wish List #4 in the future.

TikiAno good suggestions, I'll keep them in mind.

GROG Dan's cookies have put him in the running for being the most interesting man in the world. Here he is with his buddy.
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hang10tiki Bake-em Dan-O.com .... see what I mean. Dan is a star!

Professor G no wonder you want blue eyes on FrankWarGod, have to keep the Brotherhood of the Blue Bobs showing up somehow.
Not only is Wendy's ceramic technique and repair really interesting to me....Now I'm in the running with Dan!

lunavideogames I'm so happy to see the Brotherhood of the Blue Bob's continues to be popular.

TikiAno maybe a color blended brother/sisterhood of Wendy Bob's?

hang10tiki I have a ways to go before I can take more orders or post photos of my leftovers for sale.


Progress Wish List #3

We just poured Severed Head #20.

dartharnie's Bela Lugosi repair in progress. I sanded it yesterday to remove the excess. Then I put on another layer.
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I will add layers and sand until the two pieces look as if they are one.
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19TikiCheft62's bowl mold was almost dry. I sanded the inside and put the fan back on it.
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Today I poured the first one. No leaks, yippee! This bowl will be a major project. Three of the Missionary's Downfall women will be attached to this bowl. That's Dan's dad in the photo. He was in a police bulletin on proper position for shooting. They had to "photoshop" his non-regulation socks black before they could print it.
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MadDogMike is coming here Thursday for a three day visit. He'll be staying in the Buzzy Bedroom. I'm going to take some fun photos while he is here and I'll share them with you.

Thanks for the visit, Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/05/2013

When you're ready Wendy I'll set you up with a website. Free & easy!

I'm so happy that Mike gets to visit you. That will be a great visit. Some of my very favorite TC people together. Take lots of pictures!

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ZeroTiki posted on 02/06/2013

Wowitee WOW wow! Bela is looking sa~WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!

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hang10tiki posted on 02/06/2013

I don't crave crispy cookies often, but when I do, it's Dan-o's

danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2013

LoriLovesTiki thank you for the offer. I actually have a web-page claytikis.com which I haven't had updated in 7 years. I just love Tiki Central best. We are super excited to have MadDogMike coming here for the first time. I will take lots of photos.

ZeroTiki you are sweet. I hope we see you in Napa someday.

hang10tiki Dan said they are the most interesting cookies in the world. Come here and he'll bake them for you.

Progress Report Wish List #3

I just opened and cleaned Severed Head number 20. Now we are getting someplace.

I also opened and cleaned the very first bowl from our newest mold, the one that made the horrible mess in our garage.
It didn't leak and it was a success. The bowl came out beautifully.

19TikiChef62 your bowl will be made soon. I may have to play with MadDog First.

Taking the mold apart.
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So far so good.
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It's out along with SH#20 and a couple of Bobs.
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I indented the bottom so that the bowl will not rock. I will also sign it in the indented area.
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I'm letting it dry for an hour in his position.
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I will be attaching three Missionary's Downfall Women to this bowl.

Cheers, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 02/07/2013

SH#20 awesome
The long bobs look cool
MDM- u lucky Man U !!!
W & D- Be sure to put Mike to work, I hear he works faster with cookies in his system...


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dartharnie posted on 02/07/2013

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I wonder....What about leaving the bowl upside down like this and attaching some or the girls to create a goblet of sorts?

Might be something worthy of some pagan polynesian ritual....

As always, love the images and lessons...and thaks for fixing Count bobula...I mean he can't flourish his cloak without an arm after all.

[ Edited by: dartharnie 2013-02-07 12:15 ]

danlovestikis posted on 02/07/2013

hang10tiki its going to be so much fun to have MadDog here. He arrives around 3 PM. Those cookies are in his future.

dartharnie good idea on the goblet. I like to change things.

Count Cocula...

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cy posted on 02/07/2013

Can't believe all the exceptional work you guys can churn out! Stay tiki my friends.

HT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5133a5466468235d4e1bc1335c25ddab?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Hale Tiki posted on 02/07/2013

On 2013-02-07 09:23, dartharnie wrote:

I wonder....What about leaving the bowl upside down like this and attaching some or the girls to create a goblet of sorts?

Or right side up, and attaching a War God to the top of it!

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dartharnie posted on 02/07/2013

WOW...please not cocula...Count BOBULA...I have no idea how I typed that or what I was thinking but I know i'm in line for some Freudian teasing...

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lunavideogames posted on 02/07/2013

Too easy for jokes Dartharnie...

This is a family friendly thread here. I won't be the one to make crude jokes on Wendy's thread :)

Looking good Wendy! Keep up the good work. Hopefully Bobula is fixable. 20 heads already! They are coming along nicely.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/07/2013

I find it amazing how you just slice the wahine in half and adjust her!

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Philot posted on 02/08/2013

The sign's a neat idea. Coming together real nice, too.

I too am impressed by the customization on the maiden.

danlovestikis posted on 02/08/2013

He's here, he's really here! MadDogMike has slept in the Buzzy Bedroom. To spread out the fun we just had him tour downstairs. Then we went out to dinner which included ice cream so no cookies yet. Then we watched the movie Flight which was very well done. Then it was bedtime. This morning he snuck out at 6 am to meet up with his family. We get him back at 5 PM for more fun.

In the Buzzy bedroom.
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In Dan's man cave in the garage.
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At Vince's for dinner.
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cy life is good when you have tiki friends, the best folks in the world. We promise to stay tiki my friend.

Hale Tiki it is just so much fun to have so many possibilities. I sent you an important PM.

dartharnie and lunavideogames the mug has always had Count Bobula on the bottom. No TYPOS on my end. If I have a question I'll always ask.

LoriLovesTiki these women have a high rate of blow ups in the kiln. Hopefully I didn't make it worse. They looks so much better upright. I can't remember why I sculpted her leaning back that far.

Philot here comes some more photos of alterations for the women.

Progress Report Wish List #3

I have Severed Head #21 in the mold ready to be released.

19TikiChef62's bowl in progress.Now that the waist has firmed up I started further changes. 19 wants each girl to be different in some way. We talked about having the arms in different positions. Right now I've altered three waists and some arms.

I cut the arm off.
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I changed its position. Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/51153051.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a065b8fb5601ebae2f05842f43661cbc
I attached it with sticky clay and then formed another hand. I filled in at the upper legs so she'll be wearing a sarong.
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For this one I changed both arms and added the sarong. I put one hand up so she can hold an offering of a shell.
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I now have one with both arms up, one with one arm down and one with both arms down. Once I start to attach them I'll see how they fit and if there is a better arm position that works with the bowl. 19 and I had discussed both arms stretched back and attached to the bowl. We'll see what works.

Thank you all so much for your comments and for stopping by, Wendy

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SandraDee posted on 02/08/2013

WHAT!! Mike is in town? Why were not all invited to come see him? Jealous!

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WestADad posted on 02/08/2013

WOW! I hope you and Mike have ridiculous fun! I am so jealous!


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