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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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GROG posted on 02/08/2013

cy posted on 02/08/2013

Now THATS funny GROG, well played!

hang10tiki posted on 02/08/2013

I knew page 180 would be awesome...


danlovestikis posted on 02/08/2013

SandraDee he's here with his family. We are just providing a bit of entertainment when he's done with them on and off. It's OK to be jealous he is after all a celebrity! I can tell because no one noticed my artwork photos.

WestADad we will do our best. Tonight he'll get Dan's chocolate chip cookies.

GROG now I'm jelous. I love the photo. Every animal has such personality, including the MadDog.

cy, GROG's art is killer. Be afraid be very afraid!

Since Dan and I are missing MadDog I decided to log on here. I loved the comments and drawing. So here's what I did.

When he returns tonight I'll present him with a gift from GROG.

Back to my clayday, Wendy

WaikikianMoeKele posted on 02/08/2013

Wahines sliced in half & then their arms sliced off! Are you sure this isn't DAN's handiwork?
(I know he likes severed heads, but this is getting ridiculous.) :)
At least you put them back together again.
Wendy can rebuild them, she can make them better than they were...
Then throw in a visit from MadDogMike & accompanying artwork,
what a week you've given us on the "Wendy & Dan" show!
btw, I had to pick up a couple packages of the Toll House cookies &
bake some last night due to Dan's causing me chocolate chip cookie cravings!

MadDogMike posted on 02/09/2013

GROG, you crack me up! :lol:
People, if you get a chance, be sure to finagle an invitation to Dan & Wendy's ~ they are the perfect hosts! Their collection is beyond compare and I haven't even seen the upstairs yet! The Buzzy Bedroom is comfy and cozy but I did sleep with blinders so I didn't have to look at all the scary pics of Buzzy! :D
Having a great time Dan & Wendy ~ THANK YOU!!!

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/09/2013

I hope the sheets got changed since Buzzy last stayed :lol:
Mike, your looking good! (said in a manly way!)

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swizzle posted on 02/09/2013

Nice work with the Wahines Wendy. I too prefer them in the more upright position.

Love the drawing GROG, and good job framing it Wendy, it looks great.

And Mike, Dan and Wendy WOULD be the perfect hosts if they didn't make you sleep in the Buzzy bedroom. :lol: It was a good thing i was so tired when i was there that i fell asleep quickly and didn't have time to think about all the scary pics of Buzzy surrounding me.
And just wait until you get upstairs, it will blow your mind.

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[ Edited by: swizzle 2013-02-08 16:48 ]

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WestADad posted on 02/09/2013

Great stuff! Grog hilarious!

GROG posted on 02/09/2013

Glad you liked that Mad Doggers. If GROG had known Wendy going to frame the damned thing, GROG would've done a better drawing rather than what GROG crapped out in a couple of minutes in Photoshop.

GROG want to sign up for the visitor list to Dan and Wendy cave.

Looks like you're having fun playing in the mud, Wendy. Keep up the good work. Just because GROG not always comment doesn't mean GROG not checking in on progress.

GROG posted on 02/09/2013

Damned Tiki Central double-post.

[ Edited by: grog 2013-02-08 21:00 ]

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Philot posted on 02/09/2013

On 2013-02-08 15:40, WaikikianMoeKele wrote:
Wahines sliced in half & then their arms sliced off! Are you sure this isn't DAN's handiwork?
(I know he likes severed heads, but this is getting ridiculous.) :)
At least you put them back together again.
Wendy can rebuild them, she can make them better than they were...

Could there be a Bride of Frankenstein wahinie coming at some point? stay tuned... (?)

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/09/2013


Your posts and updates always make me smile! I can see that you, Dan & Mike are having a great time. That picture of you & Mike at dinner is a great one. And framing GROG's sketch with the picture on the back was such a great idea. Love the sketch GROG! Great idea, Wendy.

Mike's a lucky guy getting to experience your now famous hospitality!

And the wahine arm surgery looks good. No one would ever know they weren't originally sculpted like that! Amazing!

hang10tiki posted on 02/09/2013

looks like all had fun
love the chopped up lil ladies
good 1 GROG


danlovestikis posted on 02/09/2013

WaikikianMoeKele thank you for rewarding me for the most recent show episode.


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dartharnie posted on 02/09/2013

Bride of Frankenstein Bob and wahinie combo?!?!?...hmmm

Start wish list #4, please, Wendy.

And OMG i love your house!

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TikiAno posted on 02/09/2013

Wendy, looks like a great visit. Great to see three of my fave TCers together whooping it up. And it's good to see yet someone else (MDM) teasing up w/ those cookies... :)

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WestADad posted on 02/09/2013

Those cookies look awesome! Now I'm hungry.

Thanks for sharing more fun pictures.

GROG posted on 02/10/2013

Oh great. Now GROG gotta go buy cookies.

Look what you did.

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Professor G posted on 02/10/2013

And how do we make the happiest thread on TC even happier? We throw a bit of MadDog Madness into the mix. That's a house full of art and aloha and it's great to see.

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/10/2013

Now me want cookies!

And a visit to the Wendy & Dan B&B!!!!!!!!!

How fun! :) And your house rocks. Although I admit to being confused about the origin of the "buzzy bedroom" if Buzzy never slept there!

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SandraDee posted on 02/10/2013

3 of my favorite people..ok 4 if you included Buzzy :)

So glad Mike was able to spend some time with you all

(but I am still jealous!)

hang10tiki posted on 02/10/2013

The MDM wall

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tigertail777 posted on 02/10/2013

You know, Mike's smile is so wide I sometimes wonder if its photoshopped in.

Cookies look delicious and are probably not gluten free so I must kill the temptation.

You thread is always a fun ride of creativity with the Wendy and Dan show. :)

MadDogMike posted on 02/10/2013

Dan & Wendy, thank you so much for your hospitality ~ you are both THE BEST!!! What a perfect weekend, sorry I have to leave :(
TC peeps, thank you all for the fun comments :D See ya at the next event.

danlovestikis posted on 02/10/2013

MadDogMike has left the house (at 5 AM). He is so much fun to have everyone should fight to get him to come over for a few days. He's a family member of ours (in our minds) and we cherish him.

dartharnie Severed Heads and Wish List #3 first but I really like the idea of the Bride of Frankenstein. What's the wahine combo?
Thank you, we have an around the world house but mainly tiki.

TikiAno I could take photos of him all day long. He's a great sport.

WestADad I should let Toll House know I'm advertising for them.

GROG I'm going to frame the drawing and hang it in the newly labeled GROG and Buzzy Bedroom!

Professor G all you have to do is see him smile to be happy, you got it right.

LoriLovesTiki every year at Oasis Buzzy hands out a pin-up of himself as a "Chippin Male". Each year we framed ours and hung it as art in the guest bedroom. So we named it the Buzzy Bedroom because now there are a framed pictures of Buzzy on every wall.

SandraDee you are such a dear heart and good friend.

hang10tiki you are the best, I love it.

tigertail777 thanks tiger, when I finish here I'm going to check out your thread.

MadDogMike I hope you are all on the plane home right now and have a safe journey. Many hugs dearest friend.

Our Time With MadDogMike

He enters Dan's Tiki Jungle Room with all the bells and whistles going. It sounds like a storm with animals on the run.
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He checks out the sound system and
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the foliage.
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Tikis are everywhere including a zerostreet t-shirt on MadDog's body.
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That's a Polynesiac tiki behind him.
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A couple of blocks from our home is a creek. We took a short walk.
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Someone said to put MadDog to work, so I did!
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Now there's head number 22 in the mold.
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To end the evening MadDog and Dan gave a toast to a great visit.
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Dan, Mike and myself have enjoyed having you all with us this weekend. I hope you enjoyed the visit, we sure did. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-10 08:50 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/11/2013

Your place is AWESOME...

Looks like fun was had by all

Thanks for sharing...


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Hale Tiki posted on 02/11/2013

I like the Mike's face almost always looks like someone photoshopped it to be more exaggerated/funny. I of course, mean that in the absolute best way possible. Some of the faces you make MDM look like someone used the warp function in Photoshop.

I am always amused.

danlovestikis posted on 02/11/2013

hang10tiki any thing you see tiki related was decorated by Dan. I haven't even put one tiki treasure on a shelf. He is the master arranger.

Hale Tiki that killer smile could never come from photoshop because it comes from his soul! He presented us with one of his terrific El Tiki mugs.
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Progress Report Wish List #3

22 Severed Heads out of mold.

19TikiChef62's 3 Missionary's Downfall Women stew pot bowl is coming along just fine.

After indenting the bottom I wrapped the sides and let the bottom firm up.
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The next day I was able to carve on the bottom. Once the women are attached turning it over is risky.
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19TC62 requested that the ring have rivets around the band. I pressed them on and used a paint brush with slip to finish them off.
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I used the label scrapper to cut the top off.
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I lifted it out.
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I smoothed the top. Next step will be the ladies!
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We are missing MadDog already. He was the perfect guest. Wendy

GROG posted on 02/11/2013

On 2013-02-11 09:40, danlovestikis wrote:
and let the bottom firm up.

It's always good to have a firm bottom.

On 2013-02-11 09:40, danlovestikis wrote:
Once the women are attached turning it over is risky.

You're not kidding!

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/11/2013

Thanks for posting so many pictures! It was great living the fun MDM visit with you!!!

hang10tiki posted on 02/12/2013

22 SH molds...
I think I remember 23 or so on your wish list...

Or are the first 22 for Dan-O


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dartharnie posted on 02/12/2013

first, grog make arnie laugh!
second...matching Frankenstein's bob and wahini
third...I showed my wife the pictures of your house and all she said was, "no, don't even ask."

danlovestikis posted on 02/12/2013

GROG you are so right!

LoriLovesTiki you are welcome. I just had to share that smile.

hang10tiki #23 is in the mold waiting to be removed. I will be doing some glaze tests until I find the perfect matches. Then some will be dropped or crack. I plan to pour at least 35 and then go to work on them along with the rest of the Wish List #3.

dartharnie so many fun monsters out there. Dan keeps looking at our Asian living-room with tiki eyes. I'm like your wife, don't even think about it, Dan. GROG is always right.

Progress Report Wish List #3

After pouring Severed Head #23 we ran out of prepared slip. We got 10 more half gallons prepared.
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I sanded and sanded and did some more sanding.
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Bottom level of the kiln.
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Top level of the kiln.
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When these come our we'll see if Bela's arm stayed on or blew off again. It is fun and scary to fire up the kiln.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/12/2013

Another great looking loaded kiln...

Are u sure Dan-O is mixing slip and not cookie batter?


GROG posted on 02/12/2013

GROG also have a Dan at home who helpful around the house. Here him fix bricks that came loose in planter on side of driveway. Him not help GROG with ceramics, although he probably would if GROG ask him. Him not bake cookies, though. The bastard.

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[ Edited by: GROG 2013-02-12 09:18 ]

MadDogMike posted on 02/12/2013

I showed my wife the pictures of your house and all she said was, "no, don't even ask."

Dartharnie, I took lots of pictures to use for future "ammunition" in case I ever need it.
Wendy, it's so cool to look at the pictures of your workspaces because I can visualize where everything is now :)

hang10tiki posted on 02/12/2013

Grog- u need send your helper to Dan-O training...


danlovestikis posted on 02/13/2013

hang10tiki we have to confess that the cookies were not calorie free. Dan-O has stopped making them and we are taking long walks. Stay healthy my friends.

GROG you too. I love laying brick. I taught Dan how to put them down with a hammer and a level. We put down the brick around our backyard that you can see in our photos. Your guy is on his way to being a full fledged Dan!

MadDogMike you can picture here and I can picture the inside of your travel trailer and all the fun tiki additions.

hang10tiki or to the grocery store for Toll House batter.

Progress Report Wish List #3

Top shelf unloaded into the backyard.
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Bottom shelf, nothing exploded this time.
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Dan blows off the dust before I scrub each piece.
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Success. I tried but the arm will not pull off of Bela Lugosi made for dartharnie.
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Showdown over the woman but she wants to hang out with Beach bum Bob.
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The scrub a dub dub set up.
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All done scrubbing and rinsing. Now into the house to wait for glazing.
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Cleaning up leaves our backyard a swamp.
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The last piece on the Wish List is 19TikiChef62's pot with women which I hope to finish today. Photos tomorrow.

I covered a piece of cardboard with tape. I will put it on the turntable to keep the clay from sticking.
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I will attach the three Missionary's Downfall women.
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I've marked the card to show where they should be attached.
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Now its time for a walk. Thank you for taking a look at our progress. The best part is about to start. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-13 11:09 ]

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lunavideogames posted on 02/13/2013

Looking good! Nice progress. I spy some Ms Pac-Man mugs out of the kiln. :)

hang10tiki posted on 02/13/2013

A great kiln day


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dartharnie posted on 02/13/2013

Go Count! glad to hear it worked
....and I'm gonna love to see some painted ms. pac mans come out of the kiln soon. the last pac mans were very cool!

[ Edited by: dartharnie 2013-02-13 22:25 ]

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TikiAno posted on 02/14/2013

Love progress photos- as well as watching all of the steps you & Dan take for glazing the bisque fired pieces.

I also showed my wife photos of your home- I don't think I ever saw her eyes get so wide- she looked towards my "tiki corner" and said, "don't even think about it!" Coincidentally one of her best friends came over and was very impressed with said tiki corner. It was a proud moment.

That being said, even my wife was impressed with the photos of your home. She's slowly catching the tiki fever.... she just doesn't know it yet. :)

danlovestikis posted on 02/14/2013

lunavideogames you spied right your Mrs. Pac Man mug has survived the bisque.

dartharnie It's also my favorite part when mugs are coming out of the kiln glazed.

TikiAno I'm always happy to hear that someone likes my photos. I like to post them for everyone too.

Progress Report Wish List #3

Severed Head #24 will come out of the mold today. I wasn't going to start on this project until I'd finished the Wish List. I can't quite believe that I've gotten this far before then. I didn't let it slow down the Wish List by much, I just added to my work day.

19TikiChef62 your bowl has been constructed. Is this your vision of the bowl? I need to know if you want tapa carved on the lip, top or bottom?

When putting these women onto the pot I have to keep in mind how I will be able to get a brush behind them to glaze. Also when attaching no air bubbles can be trapped.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d1592.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=891988ddaa2853c0c6bd31bab9bf53b3

I use sticky slip as glue and once in place I add more and sculpt again to make the hair look better against the pot.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d156f.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8a3c9cde9d74ff5cc0e4e3ca0428dcec

This is the original sculpt style with both arms up.
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This one was modified to have both arms down and one hand holding a sea shell.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d14fc.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=723454d6cfff83c67e253fd18cc87526

This one was modified to have one arm down.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d14ec.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=9167d5b1b009f3f58f867c32de2193ef

Top view.
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Bottom view.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d14cb.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=1da62cc2d383dbf70b085f906d9d1f6d

Dan is being used for perspective on how large the bowl is.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/251/511d14b6.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d23a05e1ccd54aff329eb2370b6c80ec

Dan has many uses!



[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-02-14 08:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/14/2013

Bowl looks great, da ladies too...
Dan-O cleans up well
Like that big tiki next to Dan-O


1 Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c527a88483c8dd80750ebe463b538a97?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
19tikichef62 posted on 02/14/2013

Wendy,missionaries downfall women bowl looks great ,I would like to see the tapa on the outside top rim,really coming together the way I pictured it!!!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/3ccc2ecdcd9db03c8a791c2400782995?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Philot posted on 02/14/2013

Man, I thought I knew where you were headed there with that cannibal pot.
But seeing it come together in front of my (our) eyes, it's 50X better than I imagined.

Customizing the wahines' poses is a really nice touch.

You don't really think Dan's going to let that one leave the house, do you?

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/c44303b3b1b3acfc2213ba883c90edce?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Canvas posted on 02/15/2013

OH my! Very nice. I think it would look good as a vase...with hibiscus in it.
Or was this pot created with a purpose in mind?

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