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Trader Vic's Canton Catsup

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trptart posted on 02/16/2013

The Emeryville Trader Vic's has changed it's recipe for Canton Catsup that is served with the Cosmo Tidbit appetizer. It's now a bland mix of curry relish and some generic catsup, not at all like the original recipe that I have enjoyed for many years. Frankly it's a disappointment and not palitable.
Does anyone have the recipe?

SandraDee posted on 02/16/2013

TVs in Emeryville keeps changing A LOT of their food ingredients and its super annoying never knowing what you will get or what will be available.

Reading your update doesn't surprise me.

Wonder if Vic would be happy with the "This item makes our customers happy and they love to eat it so lets change it anyways" thought process they seem to have behind their food these days.

Sorry I cant help you with the recipe.

Tiki Kupcake posted on 02/17/2013

I'm pretty sure I have the recipe. I'll take a look through my books.

tikitonga posted on 03/02/2013

Sorry to hear this. We were there not too long ago but didn't order anything that came with that sauce. I did notice their overall menu had changed a lot though. Oh what I wouldn't give to go back to the day when they had the pork chops with mashed potatoes and pineapple chutney. I AM glad they still have the peanut butter & honey spread for their bread and crackers though. I always forget about it after I leave, but when I'm there I always promise myself that I'm going to make some.

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