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Help Identify, What Is This, Is This A? Thread

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/16/2013

Aha! That can happen, that's why it is indeed safer to quote so people know what you are referring to. :)

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 01/16/2013

On 2013-01-15 20:46, bigbrotiki wrote:
But I have seen that style before somewhere, just can't pin it down...O.A. might have an idea.

Same here. I was hoping you'd remember more for me. thanks


JONPAUL posted on 01/17/2013

There are quite a few very similar examples at Trader Dick's in Sparks. I believe they are thought to have been created by Eli Hedley.

I documented more of them HERE.

ErichTroudt posted on 01/17/2013

Some nice people I deal with have this tiki. They have had it for over 25 years. They bought it in the Covina area. No other history on it. It's a solid piece of lava, weighs a ton, a appears to be carved with power tools... Maybe a grinder or the like...

It brings up so many questions... Who carved it? Why didn't they finish it? Was it supposed to be finished? Why did the carver pick a "cartoonish" style face?

I've been looking at tiki stuff for close to 20 years and its got me stumped. I probably won't end up with it unless they come way down on the price....

Here's a few more angles of it...

[ Edited by: Bora Boris 2013-01-16 19:20 ]

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 01/18/2013

Not mine...but trying to I.D. for a friend...
Was in the Sacramento Coral Reef....

Any ideas who the carver might have been?


Jungle Trader posted on 01/23/2013

John, email an image to Bob and Leroy. They IDed mine as Ed Crissman.

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 01/23/2013

On 2013-01-23 08:57, Jungle Trader wrote:
John, email an image to Bob and Leroy. They IDed mine as Ed Crissman.

Thanks Vic...that's a good Idea...

Aquatic Safarinaut posted on 01/25/2013

On 2013-01-18 11:39, Aquatic Safarinaut wrote:
Not mine...but trying to I.D. for a friend...
Was in the Sacramento Coral Reef....

Any ideas who the carver might have been?


Got this from Bob at OA...

Aloha John:
The large tiki with hands folded over his chest is a nice tiki. Looks like it is carved from solid palmwood. In the 1960's we had 6 carvers working for us on an acre of palm logs. One order called for 35 tikis up to 7' tall. This tiki has some features like Ed Crissman used to use.
He worked for OA for 20 years. However the eyes are different and the depth of carving is different. The hands and small belly are features that Milan Guanko used, but not the upper half. Lots of carvers in Northern California in the 60's and 70's could have carved it.

Usually we know many carvers styles, however we are at a loss to name a carver Sorry we could not be of more help to you John.

GatorRob posted on 02/09/2013

Ed Crissman carved the many poles in the Mai-Kai if I am not mistaken. Lots of other classic carvings too... including some at Trader Vic's in Atlanta.

Coffee Pirate posted on 02/16/2013

Here's a fiberglass Tiki, about 3 feet, that I found in a junk store in Salem, OR. The guy who owned it, bought it from a guy, who bought it from a guy, who bought it from a woman, who had it in her garden. This pic is upright on my computer, but when I post him here, he follows the Beach Bum credo and lays down. :drink: Anybody got any ideas? I'm 100% that this isn't a native Tiki, due to the size I doubt it was created for home decoration (could be wrong about that). I know this wasn't part of The Thatch, Aliba, or Jasmine Tree. Well, as much as my rum fogged memory remembers anyway. I never had the chance to visit any of the other older Tiki spots in the Salem/PDX area so I personally, don't know if he graced any of those spots or not. Right now we are calling him Kumonawahnazombee.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 02/16/2013

On 2013-02-16 12:53, Coffee Pirate wrote:

These were from Target about five years ago.

Coffee Pirate posted on 02/17/2013

Thanks, for the info. Maybe I should shop Target more often. Do they regularly stock Tiki stuff?

SuperEight posted on 02/17/2013

It was in the garden section of Target.

tikijackalope posted on 02/17/2013

There were two models: the one you found and one that was all black and had a different face. Be careful, they're resin, not fiberglass, and they're thin enough to break if not handled with that in mind.

Mr. NoNaMe posted on 02/17/2013

On 2013-02-16 22:06, Coffee Pirate wrote:
Thanks, for the info. Maybe I should shop Target more often. Do they regularly stock Tiki stuff?

They do NOT regularly stock tiki stuff. They typically only sell tiki merch during tiki season. They, the major retailer, thinks that tiki hibernates like Santa, Cupid and the Easter Bunny.

Coffee Pirate posted on 02/18/2013

Thanks for the tips. I'll probably just stick to repainting him and weatherproofing. He's not too fragile though. We took him on a PDX pub crawl. So, Target sells Tiki stuff every summer ? (I guess that is suppose to be Tiki season.)

Psycho Tiki D posted on 02/20/2013

On 2013-01-18 11:39, Aquatic Safarinaut wrote:
Not mine...but trying to I.D. for a friend...
Was in the Sacramento Coral Reef....

Any ideas who the carver might have been?


Posted this over in the velvet thread:

http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=3129&forum=5&vpost=668059&hilite=coral reef


Dagg posted on 02/23/2013

about 18" tall and pretty light.

Mahalo for any help

tikijackalope posted on 02/26/2013

Coffee Pirate, here's the other Target tiki, shot about an hour ago. It's all black and actually looks better with wet snow outlining some features. Both Target tikis were the same dimensions.

On 2013-02-16 12:53, Coffee Pirate wrote:

Here's a fiberglass Tiki, about 3 feet, that I found in a junk store in Salem, OR. The guy who owned it, bought it from a guy, who bought it from a guy, who bought it from a woman, who had it in her garden. This pic is upright on my computer, but when I post him here, he follows the Beach Bum credo and lays down. :drink: Anybody got any ideas? I'm 100% that this isn't a native Tiki, due to the size I doubt it was created for home decoration (could be wrong about that). I know this wasn't part of The Thatch, Aliba, or Jasmine Tree. Well, as much as my rum fogged memory remembers anyway. I never had the chance to visit any of the other older Tiki spots in the Salem/PDX area so I personally, don't know if he graced any of those spots or not. Right now we are calling him Kumonawahnazombee.


[ Edited by: tikijackalope 2013-02-26 05:56 ]

Tattoo posted on 02/27/2013

Okay...need a little help identifying this mug:

The only marking on it is the "A" on the bottom.

It is a rather goofy Tiki mug with its Native American looking skirt and sort of Lego Man hands. Can't find it on Ooga Mooga and no idea where it might have come from. Maybe someone has seen that same marking on another mug. Looks new-ish but on the other hand it does have a lot of crazing. I really can't determine it's age but I don't think it's terribly old. It traveled from Florida if that rings a bell for anyone.

Some help would be much appreciated!

Coffee Pirate posted on 02/27/2013

On 2013-02-26 00:52, tikijackalope wrote:
Coffee Pirate, here's the other Target tiki, shot about an hour ago. It's all black and actually looks better with wet snow outlining some features. Both Target tikis were the same dimensions.

Hmm....I think I know how I am going to repaint a few Tikis. Especially the re-gifted party city tikis.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 02/27/2013

Tattoo, That is a rare mug from the annual Tiki bash
at "Caligula's Retreat" a "Gentleman's bathhouse in L.A.
dated around the late 1960s......or so I am told, Oh Myyyyyyy!

The rest of you stop playing around with that cheap ass "Target" Tiki crap! :lol:

Hale Tiki posted on 02/27/2013

Caligula's Retreat?!?!


ron-tiki posted on 02/27/2013

Aloha Tattoo,
That mug was made by island heritage.. it comes in green also..

ron-tiki posted on 02/27/2013

heres the pic.

[ Edited by: ron-tiki 2013-02-27 07:24 ]

Tattoo posted on 02/28/2013

Thanks Ron-tiki! I figured someone would know...

On 2013-02-27 06:46, ron-tiki wrote:
Aloha Tattoo,
That mug was made by island heritage.. it comes in green also..

TikiPug posted on 03/12/2013

My turn to ask "What the hell?"

I found four tiki mugs the are basically the head of the Hawaiian Village Nui Nui Tiki Mug.
Anyone ever seen these? Home project? Or did I find something rare and cool?

Vegas BABY!

[ Edited by: TikiPug 2013-03-11 18:07 ]

Dustycajun posted on 03/12/2013

Tiki Pug,

Nice find! Never seen that one before.

On a slightly different note, anybody recognize this Mystery Tiki Bar? A couple of cute gals framed by a painted Tiki and a Clam-Shell fountain.

Nice Tiki lamps and mugs.

Where, I ask, was this?


Bora Boris posted on 03/12/2013

DC, I'm gonna guess Trader Dick's in Sparks, NV?

Dustycajun posted on 03/12/2013

Bong, wrong! Good guess but I don't think Trader Dick's had a Coconut mug. The place looks somewhat "home-made".

Maybe it's the interior of this other "Mystery" Tiki restaurant bar I posted years ago from Florida!


Dustycajun posted on 03/12/2013

The more I look at it, the more I want to say it is from England. A Beachcomber perhaps? There is a big pot of tea on the table, not American style.

I have also seen painted Tiki like that in photos of the Butlins Beachcombers.


Bora Boris posted on 03/12/2013


I'm not giving up especially since you are are the one who posted the lamp that made me think it was Trader Dick's in the first place. :roll:

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/12/2013

The lamp is a good clue...

bigbrotiki posted on 03/12/2013

Those lamps here are not wooden, but ceramic, the same mold than the popular (back then) black Moai mugs

and plastic string lamps

Oceanic arts made the wooden versions

which are by the way NOT identical with the Duncan mold Moai

I have seen these black ceramic Moai-on-brass-base lamps somewhere before...but where?

And what is up with those weird rattan handle "gallows" sticking into the room?
That Tea pot looks like it has an OMC sticker on it - but it would be much to big for the regular under-mug sticker, so it can't be...

I give up! :)

Phillip Roberts posted on 03/12/2013


On 2013-03-11 20:03, Dustycajun wrote:
There is a big pot of tea on the table, not American style.

It's totally fits for a Chinese food based menu...

Dagg posted on 03/12/2013

On 2013-03-11 19:33, Dustycajun wrote:

Where, I ask, was this?


first guess is Hawaii Kai, New York (formally the Lanai)

JONPAUL posted on 03/12/2013

Those red guys are way cool!
Here's ours

as seen in the Savage Renewal: Homemade Tiki Mugs thread

bigbrotiki posted on 03/12/2013

On 2013-03-12 13:00, Dagg wrote:

On 2013-03-11 19:33, Dustycajun wrote:
Where, I ask, was this?

first guess is Hawaii Kai, New York (formally the Lanai)

Interesting! What led you to that guess: The Tiki in the b.g., the waterfall architecture, the table lamps, the furniture...?

Dagg posted on 03/12/2013

On 2013-03-12 13:46, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2013-03-12 13:00, Dagg wrote:

On 2013-03-11 19:33, Dustycajun wrote:
Where, I ask, was this?

first guess is Hawaii Kai, New York (formally the Lanai)

Interesting! What led you to that guess: The Tiki in the b.g., the waterfall architecture, the table lamps, the furniture...?

3 hours of searching this site...... Am I right?

Or Got Rum? posted on 03/12/2013

Nice pic DC...as a restaurant guy, I'm focusing on the chairs. They were something you did not change out often. OGR

bigbrotiki posted on 03/12/2013

On 2013-03-12 13:56, Dagg wrote:

On 2013-03-12 13:46, bigbrotiki wrote:

On 2013-03-12 13:00, Dagg wrote:

On 2013-03-11 19:33, Dustycajun wrote:
Where, I ask, was this?

first guess is Hawaii Kai, New York (formally the Lanai)

Interesting! What led you to that guess: The Tiki in the b.g., the waterfall architecture, the table lamps, the furniture...?

3 hours of searching this site...... Am I right?

I don't think anybody here can answer that question so far....in your 3 Hr search, you must have come up with some examples that you can clip and re-paste here, then?

Dagg posted on 03/12/2013

I don't think anybody here can answer that question so far....in your 3 Hr search, you must have come up with some examples that you can clip and re-paste here, then?

Yup, as soon as I guess it right... I have searching to do!

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 03/12/2013

While searching, if you guys come across any pictures with this lamp, let me know:

JonPaul has a picture of some Trader Dick's tikis that look just like it.
Buzzy Out!

Dagg posted on 03/12/2013

One more guess (my head is going to explode)

Is it the bar used in the movie "The Cracksman"

Hale Tiki posted on 03/13/2013

On 2013-03-12 16:59, Dagg wrote:
One more guess (my head is going to explode)

Is it the bar used in the movie "The Cracksman"

And now I have one more movie to watch...

TikiPug posted on 03/13/2013

On 2013-03-11 18:07, TikiPug wrote:
My turn to ask "What the hell?"

I found four tiki mugs the are basically the head of the Hawaiian Village Nui Nui Tiki Mug.
Anyone ever seen these? Home project? Or did I find something rare and cool?

Here is the only problem I see with this thread. There was a couple other posts right after mine and now I don't know if nobody has info on these or they got buried so fast, no one is seeing them. I am also using this post as kinda like a bump just to see if anyone has info. Thanx in advance

Dustycajun posted on 03/13/2013

Tiki Pug,

Did you look at the previous page? Jon Paul responded to your post:

On 2013-03-12 13:12, JONPAUL wrote:
Those red guys are way cool!
Here's ours

as seen in the Savage Renewal: Homemade Tiki Mugs thread


bigbrotiki posted on 03/13/2013

On 2013-03-12 16:59, Dagg wrote:
One more guess (my head is going to explode)

Is it the bar used in the movie "The Cracksman"

Sorry, but this is not a guessing game. Uninformed guessing just confuses the matter. If you have any visual evidence to support your suggestions, post them WITH the proposal and name them. British Tiki did not have any of the items on that table. Where in the film did you see anything that looks like that setting? The whole movie was shot on a set in England.

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