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Tiki Bong and Als Excellent Adventure

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Alnshely posted on 08/24/2002

Tiki Bong came down last weekend and we went on the Oceanside Tiki Hunt.

Oceanside, Land of mystery and adventure.

Our first stop "Momalani's Island Traditions"
1906 Oceanside Blvd O-side CA 92054
A very cool Hawaiian Shop with much Aloha.
David and Perlina run it and I'm trying to get their Daughter
and her pals to Hula at the Tiki Farm Pre Party at my place.
A very cool Family

TC's own, Gecko, carved these beautiful Tikis. Good Job. Bra.

Crafts from the Islands

Tiki Bong in the Ukelele Room. Kevin is a song writer of tremendous talent.


Our next stop, The Mauna Loa Apartments.
Our Urban Archeology yeilded no Tikis, but,
I'm sure the were here at one time

An Urban Paradise

Squid Joes is not a Tiki Bar. It is a bar with Tikis.

The last Tiki standing at the remodel of the Sand Bar (Cat Box)
We are watching it like a hawk.

There is a little Jet Ski Marina in Carlsbad.
Snug Harbour has a hawaiian theme.

The Marinas gift shop.

The Jolly Roger.

The Jolly Monster

We went back to the Lagoon Room. Everything you see is how to make a Zombie.

Shaka Bras. ( I was so drunk)

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2002-08-24 14:23 ]

bamboo ben posted on 08/25/2002

Do you guy's ever rest!!??

GECKO posted on 08/25/2002

I know thats right Ben! those two local boys are CRAZY! I can't wait till we all meet at LaMariana, speaking of which I'm on my way to in a few minutes. Hey Al, Tell Dave and his wife Aloha for me and I can't wait to go next door for some sushi with them again. That mask that is painted was hard to get rid of because it was my girlfriends favorite! she's barely gotten over it. I can't let her see that post shhh! Great pictures though! If anyone goes to Oceanside, GO see Momilani's! Dave and his wife are full of ALOHA!

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/25/2002

Man, what a weekend that was! Besides cruising Oceanside and Carlsbad in search of Tiki, Al was the master mixer in the Lagoon Room.

We must have sampled 8 or 11 (?) drinks in the Grog Log. That last thing I remember, was Al handing me a Zombie at 2:15 am (Just take a look at the ingredients in his pictures).

I couldn't decide if we should've stopped drinking or just kept on till the Sun came up.

It took at least 2 days for my head to clear.

I strongly suggest making it to the pre-Tiki Farm Bash warmup at the Lagoon room, me and Madam Bong will be first in line!

trustar posted on 08/26/2002

Kevin & Al

Not if I get there first!! After hearing about your night of dim recollections, I've gotta have Al make me one of those Zombies. It sounds like that is all I will need to get me started off. Way off.

Countin the days


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