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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Canvas' Paintings

Pages: 1 8 replies


Here are a couple of details from a painting I'm working on (in progress).
Oil on canvas.


Looks good so far...

Good technique. I want to see more after looking at these. Wendy

Tabu posted on Fri, Feb 1, 2013 4:54 PM

Nice. Looking forward to the finished painting. Thanks for posting.


Really great, love to see how it ends up.


Here's a freaky tiki I've started work on. It's the first tiki I've painted.
Oil on canvas as usual.
I'm trying to work from life, rather than photos, so it's based on this guy who sits at my front door, and the hibiscus bush in my front yard.

The Model. He sits beautifully. Photobombed by the cat.

Hibiscus bush

[ Edited by: Canvas 2013-03-12 14:32 ]


looks good so far...


Tiki is finally finished. Gave him to a friend as a birthday present.
The camera I used was pretty crappy, so pics are a bit blurry.

lookin good

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