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tulsatv posted on 03/19/2013

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered a new Roku channel called ZoneOutTV. I sent them an email suggesting they put up videos for Tiki fans, e.g., Tahiti or stateside Tiki bars. Possibly in response to my request, there is a new one called "Mai Tai" today.

From their website http://zoneout.tv

"ZoneOutTV is an expanding series of beautiful video ambiances to enjoy, relax and decorate with. You’ll watch again and again because they're scenes you’ll never tire of. There are so many things to do with ZoneOutTV.

"Decorate with ZoneOut.
It is a wonderful change from a giant dead black rectangle and much sweeter in the background than late breaking network news!

"Party with ZoneOut.
Having people over? Pick a ZoneOut to set the mood."

bigbrotiki posted on 03/19/2013

WHERE on that site? :)

tulsatv posted on 03/19/2013

Good to be back, BigBroTiki!

"Mai Tai" isn't on their site yet, just on the Roku channel. It's an oceanside sundown scene, not sure where.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 03/19/2013

FYI "Roku" is a hardware based Internet Streaming Service
for those who don't have it, you purchase a "Roku" box
hook it up to your Internet & Television, Then you can add
hundreds of channels (Netflix,Old Movies etc.)to your streaming lineup which you can watch "On Demand"

I have it & really like it.

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