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exotic moods, the saga continues.....

Pages: 1 9 replies

mrhansell posted on 12/28/2003

I picked up THE EXOTIC MOODS OF LES BAXTER used today at Amoeba in SF today. It was only $7.95, WITHOUT DISC ONE!?!?! So here's the question...Which SF tiki scenester sold this back to Amoeba, but kept the first disc? I mean, I'm pretty happy to get disc 2 and the cover for cheap, but I'm having to live without QUIET VILLAGE and TABOO. So, who has an extra disc 1 to sell me on the cheap?....anybody?.......Hello?....Is anyone there?....

Tiki_Bong posted on 12/28/2003

Why don't you post this a third time, and maybe someone will respond.

tikifish posted on 12/28/2003

Holy cow Bong, did you wake up on the wrong side of the hammock tonight or what?

tikijackalope posted on 12/28/2003

Is there anything in the history of this record label (Capitol, I think) which suggests that they might perceive a demand and re-release it?

FLOUNDERart posted on 12/28/2003

On 2003-12-27 20:25, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Why don't you post this a third time, and maybe someone will respond.

Tiki-Bong is the best!

Mau Mau posted on 01/02/2004

I can copy you disk one. No charge, but a tiki mug in return would be a nice gift.

Kenike posted on 02/05/2006


"Exotic Moods Of Les Baxter" is posted on Planet Xtabay!!

Jawa posted on 02/23/2006

I swear I knew this would happen. I just saw this post today at work, and as soon as I got home I started downloading the first part. When I got to the second part, this site had been updated and the part 2 is gone!!! How did I know?!?!

If some kind soul has Exotic_Mods__L_B__2_of_2_.zip and would take pity on me by uploading it somehow, please let me know...


  • Jason
pappythesailor posted on 02/23/2006

Are you sure? It seems to still be there:


Jawa posted on 02/23/2006

Yeah, I think I was changing the link incorrectly based on the link I had for the first part.

As I frequently tell my wife, I work all day helping other people fix their networks, yet somehow I manage to screw up my own computers and do stupid stuff like this...lol.

Thanks pappy!

Pages: 1 9 replies