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Nice hardbound BOOK OF TIKI on ebay, available signed

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Jah Jim posted on 03/31/2013

I came across a nice original TASCHEN padded hardbound Book of Tiki and listed it yesterday on ebay with a minimum bid of only 39.00. Our good brother author Sven Kirsten has agreed to sign and personalize it if desired by the winning bidder.

The only other copy presently on ebay is listed at $570.00 (!) and is not author signed.


Thanks for your interest. Jah Jim

P.S. Please note the Tiki Ti is closed for the next two weeks for family vacation.

bigbrotiki posted on 03/31/2013

True, true. I will put a personalized dedication onto its cover page upon request of the winning bidder :)

LoriLovesTiki posted on 04/01/2013

I'm pining for a copy of TBOT but I'm sure this one will go way over what I can afford! :(

But I put it on my watch list. You never know....

Jah Jim posted on 04/01/2013

I am one of those who DO feel it is the Bible of all Tiki, but generally way better illustrated.

As an ebay buyer for 14 years, I'll share this tip: On items you REALLY care about, rather than get involved in a long and possibly heated bidding war, I ALWAYS figure out the most I want to spend on the coveted item, then add 20% to that, and bid that amount via esnipe.com with 4-6 seconds remaining. Then, if I win at any price, I'm happy, because I got the item I really wanted. If I don't win, I'm happy, because I didn't REALLY want to spend that much anyway, so happy with a win, happy with a loss, I'm happy either way! On average, my wins are still at 85% of the amount bid, but by bidding 120%, I get a few more of the crucial items.

One other tip I use, is to always ask the seller something about the item not mentioned in the listing. If they don't answer, that's a warning sign and will lower my potential bid. I have 100% positive feedback and you guys know me a bit, so that is not so much of an issue, but it's a good rule to use regularly anyway.

Be thinking of what you want Sven to inscribe in your book if you do win.

Lastly, esnipe has saved it's auction winners over Seven BILLION Dollars from the maximums that they bid!

To you ALL, THANKS FOR LOOKING and being part of a very vibrant Tiki community.

Hale Tiki posted on 04/01/2013

I always bid manually. The ubiquity of Internet access, and smartphones, has made it even easier. I signed up for the first site to offer bid sniping, but never really used it. Part of the fun/thrill is to have snipes the bid yourself. :) Sure, sometimes I lose, but it's all in good fun.

Oh, and another tip, either use esnipe, or bid at the last minute. If you bid way in advance, you're giving other bidders the opportunity to just raise the price.

Great tips, Jim. And I might just be waiting to bid on that one. I still need Tiki Modern, but my BOT has seen a LOT of love, and is a bit worse for wear.

tikiskip posted on 04/01/2013

On 2013-03-31 23:36, Jah Jim wrote:
I am one of those who DO feel it is the Bible of all Tiki, but generally way better illustrated.

That's for sure.
Still trying to find a copy on the stone tablets, you know the
one that came packaged in a burning bush.:)

The good thing about Tiki peeps the buyers I have had on eBay have not jerked me
around, or the ones off eBay for that matter.
Have had only one deadbeat on eBay in all my years of sellin.
And he was in Canada.

Maybe Tikicentral should have a deadbeat page for people to list buyers, sellers who
are not ones you want to deal with.

Not biding on this as I got this book as fast as I could when it came out.
Good luck on your sale.

-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 04/01/2013

Hey Sven, How is the second printing of BOT coming?

Big Kahuna posted on 04/01/2013

I've got 2 copies, one to read over & over again & one to save for posterity.

Jah Jim posted on 04/02/2013

For those not watching closely, it's still only $56.00, a bargain. I don't expect to end there though. Thanks!

Big Kahuna posted on 04/02/2013

I just figured out who Jah Jim is! I'm a little slow!

Jah Jim posted on 04/05/2013

Considering the high number of page views and the LARGE number of official"watchers", I can guarantee you at least 10 and more likely 15 different people will be disappointed that they aren't going to win this because they are going to bid too little and too late to raise their bids. Word to the wise. Thanks for looking and for those that do, thanks for bidding.

A sincere good luck to you all.

Jah Jim posted on 04/05/2013

I've got some GOOD NEWS.

In the event that the high bidder on my nice BOOK OF TIKI HARDBACK is LOCAL, AND is attending the Tiki Marketplace at Don the Beachcombers, TOMORROW after the auction ends in the morning, let me know immediately, and I will drive the book down to the marketplace for it to be signed by Sven and presented to you THERE saving you the postage fee and time waiting for the treasure. How does that sound??

Good luck and happy bidding. 34 watchers on the auction presently, so DON'T be disappointed by missing it.

I can be reached by email at rastafarilives@excite.com if there are any questions or if you want to arrange a specific time to meet. I would recommend between noon and 2pm for the convenience of both of us. I'll be the one with the all the dreadlocks stuffed in a hat on my head!

Jah Jim posted on 04/06/2013

Well, around 6 1/2 hours to go.

IF the auction WINNER is a Tiki Central member AND they are attending the Tiki Marketplace tomorrow, PLEASE NOTIFY ME within an HOUR of the end of the auction, by 11 am or so, so I CAN KNOW HOW YOU WANT YOUR BOOK* SIGNED* BY AUTHOR SVEN KIRSTEN and... THAT I SHOULD BRING IT TO TIKI MARKETPLACE FOR DELIVERY TO YOU.

MANY THANKS for your interest!

Blessings, Jah-Jim aka Rasta Jim from Tiki Ti

GROG posted on 04/06/2013

Tiki Marketplace is today, not tomorrow.

Jah Jim posted on 04/11/2013

Greetings all,

My last Book of Tiki to be signed by Brother Sven Kirsten sold for 153, what I think was a bargain. Of course, I can't complain, after all it was a gift for a 7 month old baby to enjoy in future years!. It's condition was accurately described as at least 8.5 out of 10.

I now have another fine padded hardback of the Book of Tiki available, ALREADY signed by Sven, dated 2013, and it's condition is easily 9.5 out of 10. Only one small corner bump, NO missing material, no writing, highlighting, no marks of any sort throughout.

Do I have any direct offers before offering it to the underbidder or ebay or listing it in it's own auction? it is seriously nicer than the last copy.

Thanks for your ongoing TIKI interest!

Jah Jim, aka Rasta Jim from the tiki Ti

Tiki Ti is still closed for one more week of vacation, but they will be there open and smiling Next Wednesday at 4pm Se you there for a Jim's special or some other fine and exotic cocktail!

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