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Storing Alcohol Outside Bar

Pages: 1 7 replies

I'm wondering what the best practice is for storage and how those with an outside tiki bar store liquor?

I am planning to build a pool side tikibar which will get hot I am sure...but would prefer to not have to move the liquor cabinet inside and back out every time I want to make a drink.

[ Edited by: jimsflies 2013-04-07 10:58 ]

You could put ice in your drinks. :)

You could get a little wine fridge and store them in there when you are not using them. You could even get one that locks. I have a little fridge for all my mixers and things.

I appreciate your reply and a fridge is a good idea I think. Ice on the drinks for sure!

However, I'm envisioning building a back bar and having the bottles on shelves behind the bar with some sort of lockable cabinet doors on the back bar that will secure and "hide" the bottles when bar is not in use. But I am concerned about "long term" storage and the effects of summer heat on them.

I think a small bar fridge might not be enough space to store everything (and don't really want anything too large taking up space).

Great topic. I've wondered about this as well. A few years back, I was tailgating for something and had a bottle of Appleton Estate that I mistakenly left in the car for like half a day. When I did get it out and poured me a glass, it was almost unbearable. And later when drinking it, it just didn't have the original taste. Does rum and other liquors "skunk" like beer does?


I store my in my bar which is outside. We get cool winters and hot summers, never had a problem.

I do keep them out of the sun, which is key.

I see you have not received a smart ass answer yet,so here goes.....
you store it at my house & it will never go bad!

In any one of my cocktails, that is! :drink:

My situation is the same as Longboards. I drilled a lot of 3/4" holes in the liquor storage compartment and my backup bottles are kept in a "Rubbermaid" garden storage shed in the shade adjacent to my bar. No problems in the 3-4 years that I've been doing this.

My outside bar is only on it's 2nd season but I currently keep my liquor in a cabinet under the bar and have a small frig for juice, etc. I haven't had any problems so far. I'm planning on building a back bar this year and want to have more on display but need to keep it secured. Currently we padlock to keep our neighbors and teenagers out, just in case.

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