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Caliente Vs. Oasis...which one should I go to?

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If I can only attend either Tiki Caliente or Tiki Oasis, but not both, which one do you guys & gals think I should attend? I can only afford one, and they are about the same distance away from me in terms of driving distance. I'd love your opinions :)

You could just search through this forum for the posts on Caliente and Oasis and see what past years have been like and decide from that

I highly doubt us telling you our opinions will help you make yours.

Caliente and Oasis are both the same sort of event except Caliente is smaller and more intimate while Oasis is 4 times the size.

Depends on what YOU are into and what sort of events YOU prefer---I personally have not been to Caliente but not because I think the event would be a bore. I just choose Oasis and enjoy the photos and stories from Caliente. Many people do the same but then many people do both or choose Caliente. Each to his/her own.

Either way you would enjoy yourself

I've been to both and will second "Sandra's" opinion. Tiki Oasis is a huge, wild, crazy party ~ pretty much anything and everything happens there. Tiki Caliente is smaller and a little better controlled. Again, depends on your personality. If you are hoping to see a train wreck (or cause one) then Tiki Oasis is the place for you (I mean that in a good way :D ). Tiki Caliente will be a bit more mellow, you will have to decide if that is good or bad. Tiki Oasis has more opportunities for more different activites such as siminars, etc. There is also a reason why it's called Tiki "Caliente", it will be considerably warmer in Palm Springs in May than in San Diego in August. Otherwise, many of the same bands will play at both and many of the same people will be at both.


Not to be crass but there is also the difference in cost.
TO $$$$$$$ vs. TC $$


I had a blast at Tiki O last year, haven't been able to go to Tiki Caliente yet. You're in SoCal, so you can always go to the other next year. My bit of advice - Go to Tiki Caliente this year. It's sooner, so you don't have to wait, and you can meet some of the people from Tiki Central, and other tikiphiles. Make some friends, enjoy yourself, and get a feel for what goes on. If you become passionate enough about it, you'll find a way to make it to Tiki Oasis, even for a day.

[ Edited by: Hale Tiki 2013-04-18 05:20 ]


Just my opinion...I like Caliente better! I like the hot weather (lots of time in the pool with a drink, listening to great music and meeting people). I always have a great time there!

Zond2 I have been going to TO for 4 years and have never found it to be pricey.

Then again I stay somewhere besides The Crowne and volunteer so I attend for free. You can spend more money at either even if you want or you can be frugal....as a whole I do agree TO is the more expensive of the 2 but if you are going on vacation you should really expect to spend what you can afford.

The consensus will be with many folks that Rory puts a lot of time and energy into Caliente just like Baby Doe and Otto put a lot of their time/energy into Oasis. The end result are 2 great events attended by many of the same people and both are lots of fun (or why would we keep going??)

As far as what MadDogMike was saying about it being a crazier time at TO...well....I have no comment to that one :wink:


Oh yeah, to add to my previous comment, you can volunteer at Tiki O to cover your admission, and maybe make a friend in the area or find a cheaper place to stay. Thanks for that reminder SandraDee!

And as much fun as I had at Tiki O, I may volunteer in coming years just to help out with all the wonderful activities there are. (The scavenger hunt was so much damn fun.)

Thanks for your opinions!
Hale Tiki, I like your suggestion to try Caliente...sooner, cheaper, maybe that makes the most sense.
Volunteering at Oasis might be fun, too! Maybe that way I can go to both :)

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