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Tonight's Ray Boylan Show

Pages: 1 3 replies

Me Myself and Moai posted on 05/01/2013

My guest tonight is the always entertaining and informative Scott
Mabbutt. Much beloved in the tiki world, Scott is
an author, photographer, man about town, expert in all things
tiki and a self confessed Disneyphile.
This promises to be a fun, fast past. Informative hour. Join us!!

Chippy posted on 05/02/2013

I was not able to listen live due to work.

Is this going to be up as a podcast anytime soon??

Joe Banks posted on 05/02/2013

Here ya go Chipster...


Chippy posted on 05/02/2013

Thanks Scott!!

You rock.

Downloading it now. I will listen to it today on my commute to and from work.

[ Edited by: Chippy 2013-05-02 10:23 ]

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