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Tiki Room Construction 101

Pages: 1 4 replies

Hearn posted on 05/01/2013


I was hoping some of the uber-talented people on this forum could help me with a few specific construction techniques/tips for my ongoing Tiki Room construction (The Tomandrea Lounge 2):

  1. Whats the best method for applying sea grass squares (to be used as a ceiling) to an mdf backing panel? Ive tried spray adhesive and staple gun with poor results.

  2. Whats the best method for connecting 2" diameter bamboo poles (to be used in a grid as a low ceiling hanging) I was thinking concealing screws and then binding with rope at the intersections....

  3. Whats the best method for cutting Bac Bac Mat? Scissors or blade knife?

Thanks Y'all!

[ Edited by: Hearn 2013-05-01 05:08 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 05/03/2013

I'm no expert, I'm sure some who are will chime in but I cut my bricabrac/palm weave with sharp scissors. I think your idea for the ceiling grid is spot on.

I eould have suggested spray adhesive and a staple gun for the ceilings so no help on that. Sorry.

Good luck, have fun and post pictures!

Monkeyman posted on 05/03/2013
  1. Whats the best method for applying sea grass squares (to be used as a ceiling) to an mdf backing panel? Ive tried spray adhesive and staple gun with poor results.

Sea Grass Squares are heavy and generally need a much stronger adhesive to glue up. Try Liquid Nails. Glue up the panels on the floor if you can and then install the entire panel after the liquid nails has dried/cured.

  1. Whats the best method for connecting 2" diameter bamboo poles (to be used in a grid as a low ceiling hanging) I was thinking concealing screws and then binding with rope at the intersections....

What I did with my room is attached a series of distressed 1x2's in a purpendicular pattern to the roof beams in my cieling. That way I could always find something to screw them too.

Once the 1x2's were attached to the room beams then I could attach the 2" bamboo at any interval I wanted because I had the 1x2's running purpendicular to the Bamboo.
I drilled 1" wide holes in the 2" bamboo and used lag screws to attach them. Then I used rope to wrap the joint and cover the hole.

  1. Whats the best method for cutting Bac Bac Mat? Scissors or blade knife?

I have a pair of heavy duty shop shears that make cutting the matting really easy. I usually will run painters tape along the back side of my cut so that after I cut it, it doesnt fray and start to unravel.

[ Edited by: Monkeyman 2013-05-03 09:41 ]

Hearn posted on 05/03/2013

Thanks Monkeyman!

The Liquid nails sound like a great idea!

I'll post some pics soon to show progress (you'll see some Monkeyman Frames prominently featured!)

Hale Tiki posted on 05/04/2013

Monkeyman that center panel is amazing.

Pages: 1 4 replies