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Looking for tiki/hula screensavers, icons, and wallpaper!

Pages: 1 6 replies

chefgrey2 posted on 08/26/2002

I'm trying to do a webpage, and I admire all of yours...I'm just wondering where you guys get all your great graphics. Thanks for the help! Grey

Doctor Z posted on 08/26/2002

Both of these pages have some familiar "faces" to use as wallpaper, but i've been wondering about the screen saver myself...

http://www.hugemagazine.com/mac/desktiki.html (sabu and i are particularly fond of the paul marshalls)


Doctor Z
Mix-maestro of the Castaway Lounge,
Redondo Beach, CA

[ Edited by: Doctor Z on 2002-08-26 09:31 ]

colly posted on 08/29/2002

hey: i know palm trees arent necessarily tiki, but i found this great site with tons of wallpapers.


i was thinking of doing a hawaiian theme for my webpage, if you know of any fonts that look generally hawaiian or tiki please let me know. thanks!

Trader Woody posted on 08/29/2002

There are a number of screensavers that just use photos that you supply. They do little slide shows with effects and can look pretty decent if you stock them up with Tiki pictures you've taken yourself or 'borrowed' off the web. (eBay can be a good source...hint hint). I use MyPhotosNow which can handle most common picture types. Lord knows how I got hold of it, though!

Trader Woody

kingslod posted on 08/29/2002

On 2002-08-26 09:28, Doctor Z wrote:
Both of these pages have some familiar "faces" to use as wallpaper, but i've been wondering about the screen saver myself...
Doctor Z

Thanks for the nod! Huge Magazine also has a couple of desktop pics as well:

We have a collection of icons, but we're still working on some tiki icons. System 9 or System X? Decisions, decisions.


christiki295 posted on 06/06/2009

Does anyone have a recommendation for a Screensaver emphasizing Hawaii, preferably with considerable Tiki, like the Place of Refuge?

Do I need to worry about a virus from a random one of the net?

Hilander posted on 06/06/2009

On 2009-06-05 23:05, christiki295 wrote:
Do I need to worry about a virus from a random one of the net?

Absolutely you should be cautious about "off the net" stuff, find a reputable source like CNET.com since they try to ensure everything is clean

Screensaver programs (ie build your own)

Hawaii screensavers (prebuilt)

Pages: 1 6 replies