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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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cy posted on Sun, Apr 14, 2013 4:43 PM

Almost done with these two. Added yellow highlights and teak oil to "La Tsunami"

Also added another coat of red and clear to "Maka Puke"

A good steel woolin' to tone him down a notch will have him complete for the Hale Pele event here in Portland next month. In the background is an old pal of mine "Croquet Ray"

[ Edited by: cy 2013-04-14 16:48 ]


WOW ! some great stuff there cy......are you vending at TiKi Caliente this year?

"Croquet Ray" ~ the tiki with Victorian sensibilities :lol: Love it!

No rules!
Just right.

cy posted on Mon, Apr 15, 2013 8:21 AM

Thanks Skoo, I am looking forward to Caliente and hope to see you there. Also trying to get into Oasis, should know soon. MDM, he may look all sophisticated but he swings a mean mallet, and Will I would be dangerous if I had a lesson or two about the rules of carving. Thanks for the comments, time to start a new batch.


There are rules?

Excellent stuff CY!




I don't know why, but I seem to always forget to look at the carving threads. I just went through your whole thread from where I last left off and am picking up brain matter off the floor. DAMN CY. Such incredible stuff! A lot of your work reminds me of Basil Wolverton, but in real life 3D! In fact the way you name your tikis it reminds me of those "ugly cards" from the 60's which both Basil and Wally Wood worked on.

From your shot of Mt Hood in one of your older pics it looks like you are pretty darn close to my neck of the woods in Sandy.

Thanks for talking about the Hale Pale event I did not know about it, I will have to try and make it there I have yet to get to any kind of tiki event so it would be my first. I would love to see your mind blowing work in person. :)

And "Croquet Ray" made me quite literally laugh out loud. Too awesome.

[ Edited by: tigertail777 2013-04-21 06:22 ]

cy posted on Sun, Apr 21, 2013 4:47 PM

McTiki and pjc I always check the status of your progress, which impresses and inspires so thanks for the comments! TigerTail I have been following your thread and know that a space that is comfy to create in is essential. Electricity good!
Tiki Caliente is nearing and I want to bring new work that did not attend last year's event so completing older projects is in order.
Finished "Orin" mostly detailing on the shade.

"Maka Puke" got a final coat of clear marine varnish.

Also dyed the red rope in the base but it turned out pink. So be it as I'm burned out on this one.

I added a little depth to "Barry" by adding whitewash to his eyes and teeth and painting/wiping ebony stain in the deeper portions.

Thanks to TikiSkip for adding much needed color and mood to our "Mana Cave!"

[ Edited by: cy 2013-04-21 19:52 ]

[ Edited by: cy 2013-04-21 20:00 ]

Every thing looks so nice &
I really like the lamp in the woods pic.
Surrealistic, cool man.


Glad you like Cy.
Love the lamp shade!
Great stuff.

amate posted on Mon, Apr 22, 2013 4:41 PM

On 2013-04-22 04:04, Will carve wrote:
Surrealistic, cool man.

Ah, yes...the world as seen from the PNW. Loving every bit of it!


Luv that lampshade! Super cool!

cy posted on Sun, Apr 28, 2013 5:05 PM

Thanks Will and amate, I get the word surrealistic a lot so it must be true. TS & BT I plan on doing more lamp shades as it's fun and easy. I just layered Sharpie markers on. I have been finishing projects to take to the Hale Pele show here May 11 and then the Caliente event the following weekend. "Dick" is done.

He lights up.

Also close with "La Tsunami"

Here is the base.


the detailing on the lampshade is a great touch!

Rock n Rollin CY
Lookin good


cy posted on Sat, May 4, 2013 9:28 PM

Here is the team that is going with me to the Hale Pele event next Saturday.

I think tikis look best at dusk.

You've got a wild imagination. Love your tiki style.


There are going to be some lucky people
next week with a rare opportunity to cop
some one of a kind highly saute after amazingly
original Cy stuff.
Wish I was there.

amate posted on Mon, May 6, 2013 6:10 AM

Those photos make me want to carve something...gotta go!

McTiki posted on Mon, May 6, 2013 7:19 AM

Most awesome collection of creativity.

Very unique designs and the finishes are stellar.


cy posted on Mon, May 6, 2013 8:21 AM

Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate the kind words. I get a bit anxious in the days leading up to these kind of events so your comments give me that extra boost of confidence. The week after Hale Pele I head to Palm Springs for Caliente, then Tiki Kon here in Portland come July and in August the grand-daddy of West Coast shows Tiki Oasis. Should be fun!


Fantastic!!! great looking tikis

You're gonna have to restock after the first show. I can see your booth at Oasis now - Hi I'm CY, and I used to have a bunch of cool carvings.

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2013-05-06 10:16 ]

I've been watching but I just noticed I hadn't been writing. I guess that's what awestruck means. Double wow! Make that triple and quadruple wow. Wendy

cy posted on Tue, May 7, 2013 8:07 AM

Thanks mucho tikibad, Aloha that's funny, but I can live with a situation like that, and Wendy I do the same thing, look but not write. See you and Dan next week.

[ Edited by: cy 2013-05-07 08:08 ]

On 2013-05-06 10:14, AlohaStation wrote:
You're gonna have to restock after the first show. I can see your booth at Oasis now - Hi I'm CY, and I used to have a bunch of cool carvings.

Thats exactly what I was thinking. After you sell out at Hale Pele, I hope you still come down and visit us at Tiki Caliente even if you don't have any carvings to sell!

That 'dusk' group shot is awesome...
good luck on saturday Cy, I think these guys are right, you'll be travelling light on the way home!


thanks cy. I found the perfect spot for this guy

good seeing you at TiKi Caliente . I never asked you the name of this guy. I've been calling him TiKiville Slugger

cy posted on Wed, May 22, 2013 7:06 PM

Wow skoo, you actually made that look good! It was my pleasure to get to know you better this year and it pumps me when a carver I admire buys a piece. His name is of course "Louis". Here are a few shots from Tiki Caliente, which was too much fun.
I hit this fire which was almost out as I crossed over the grapevine.

The weather was a gorgeous, breezy mid 90's for most of the week. I returned to 40s and heavy rain that hasn't stopped.

500 people showed up, 499 of them are drunk in this pic.

[ Edited by: cy 2013-05-22 20:52 ]

Tiki caliente looks great , maybe I'll make it one day .

cy posted on Sun, Jun 2, 2013 4:13 PM

I had a fantastic time at Caliente Watango and it would be worth your while to attend! I took a month off carving but am glad to get back at it. I cut a great looking piece of cedar that had rotten away in the middle but maintained a nice outer shell.
Here is where we started.

He has a nice backside.

I took elements from Tiki Skips' sign because I liked the way the float looked and also the backlit crown section.

All lit up.

Many thanks to MadDog for the beautiful eucalyptus that he brought to me at Tiki Caliente!

[ Edited by: cy 2013-06-02 16:25 ]

Did you say "All Lit Up"? :lol:

Looks good Cy, huge improvement from a rotten log.


great design.....and looks even better all lit up!


Nice one Cy.
So is this guy called Float eater?
-==--==--==--==-Google "Tiki bar lights" To find TIKISKIP-==--==--==--==-


cy posted on Mon, Jun 3, 2013 8:00 AM

MadDog my feeling is that everyone that is at home at 3 in the afternoon on Sunday is lit so I'd be a fool not to join them! Thanks skoo and Tiki Skip he has no name yet but float eater isn't bad.

cy posted on Sun, Jun 16, 2013 3:59 PM

I've been making progress on "Makemake". He is named after the god of fertility that the early inhabitants of Easter Island used for motivation in a racing competition down steep volcanic slopes, into shark infested waters to a rock island. There they would nab an egg from the nesting terns and try to be the first back to the village with it unbroken.

You can see the egg carefully tucked under his left hand or wing.

They were known as bird men so I wanted to give him a beak nose and also added a rock carving found on the island to the bottom part.

I used this red Tikiskip light from my bar to carve out the proper size but I ordered a blue one from him today as it will look more oceany.

The top portion will have one of those cheesy looking bulbs that change color.

This is a really great new design. See you in a few weeks, Wendy

Very cool new piece, Cy! I love all the research and story you put into it. Makemake is going to look awesome. :)

Great log.
Good story.
Convenient hole thru it.
Pile of detail, too.
As Tom would say "good start".

very unique style as always,very nice!

cy posted on Mon, Jun 17, 2013 3:06 PM

Wendy I can't believe Tiki Kon is almost here already, Tigertail it was good seeing you, appreciate you checking in, Will the hole through the middle makes the piece and Rio thanks freund!


Lookin good Cy!
Started your float it will be a tad bit larger than the red one you have.
Like maybe 1 inch larger tops.

Makemake looks great Cy - always thinking outside of the box! So you climb down sharp rock cliffs, swim across shark infested waters, collect the first sooty tern egg of the season, swim back across shark infested waters, climb up sharp rock cliffs, and present the egg to the elders. And what do you win for this feat of courage? Rights to all the island's virgins? No, you get to grow out your fingernails, live in seclusion for a year, and have all the tern squabs you can eat ~ no thanks :lol:


dude, your lamp stuff has me thinkin' up all kinds of nutty stuff....

cy posted on Wed, Jun 19, 2013 7:59 AM

Thanks Skip, pretty sure anything bigger won't fit as I am at the limit and can't carve any deeper. Maybe you can use as thin a netting around it as possible, but if I can't squeeze it in I will keep the red and put the blue in the bar instead. MadDog I have been thinking the same thing and would have just been a spectator at this event. (Someone has to stay around the village and protect the women) Jeff glad I could give you a little inspiration as you have to me. Really like the black pieces you got going and am thinking about doing one myself.


Have never seen a blue globe that size.
I can do one that same size in green.

cy posted on Wed, Jun 19, 2013 10:02 AM

Yes the green would be fine Skip, thanks.

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