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Glassware! The exciting, unusual & freely available...

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Hi guys

I can admit it, I love glassware :) I just counted & I have 20 different types!

Tiki mugs are great but Id say regular clear glasses are the unsung heroes of tropical drinks - Hurricanes, Coupes, Martini, etc etc

There's such a lot of variety, they are readily available, you can see the drink ... it's another bit of fun really!

Id love to share pics & find out what glasses you like to serve because 'it just suits' :)

Here are some pics:

Left to right starting at the back = Champagne flute, Margarita, Martini, Coupe, Wine glass, straight Highball, Midball (?), small Brandy snifter, straight Tumbler, Glencairn glass, caballito, mini fish bowl

Left to right starting at the back = 15oz straight jam jar, 24oz wine glass, 13oz hurricane glass, 24oz skull, 15oz tiki face goblet, 7oz coffee glass, 11oz straight jam jar, my rum sipping glass

I use the jars for drinks that you shake but don't strain e.g. fog cutters in the big one, mai tais in the smaller ones. I also use them to teach people to make their own sours!

The big wine glass & big skull are huge - I usually use them when I think 'I like that so much Ill have a double'. Hmmm, double Missionarys Downfall......

I use the coffee glasses for Three Dots, it just seems right - but it goes really quick so I make doubles in a highball instead :)

I make blended drinks in the tiki face goblet.

In the absence of an 'official' rum sipping glass I very happy with the IKEA'Ivrig' wine glass - its a cross between a brandy snifter & Glencairn glass, to its widest point it takes a 2.5oz pour

My favourite glass is probably my rum sipping glass - what's yours?

what the-- no beer glass? in the UK?!?

My 1rst luv is tiki mugs. Barware and glasses are a close second. I'm particully fond of double old fashions for my beloved Mai Tai's. I have a bunch but if one catches my eye ( thrift stores,yard sales,etc.) and it feels good in my drinking hand, it's going home with me.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2013-06-17 22:34 ]


no beer glass? in the UK?!?

I know! I drink beer out of bottles at home but Im thinking tankards could be good fun.

They tend to be crystal for the nice ones, which makes them expensive.


nui 'umi 'umi:
My 1rst luv is tiki mugs. Barware and glasses are a close second...

if it feels good in my drinking hand, it's going home with me

I think that's it - tiki mugs are hard to come by in the UK (you don't know how lucky you are) but glasses aren't.

Nice green glasses Tiki Dave, I think I like to be able to see the drink tho :)

Anyone got any suggestions / pics?

On 2013-06-18 05:11, AdOrAdam wrote:

tiki mugs are hard to come by in the UK

Not as rare as they used to be, you have Cheeky Tiki and Fireworks Studio knocking out mugs, plus several tiki farm mug re-sellers on ebay so your not even having to pay import tax anymore. Also being in the UK you have a better chance of picking up the rare Arte4 Spanish Tiki mugs that the US collector rarely gets a sniff at.

It is the quality of finds that make UK Tiki mug hunting worth the effort. Sure a US collector might find an arm load of Dynasty Wholesale Moai mugs but see finding a Don the Beachcomber short neck for 50p at a carbbot sale now that's a find you can brag about for years.


He's right. Cheeky Tiki mugs are some of the best modern production mugs out there. I tried to order some, but when my order got up to $600 with shipping, I relented.


Yes, you can get tiki mugs in the UK. Shops on the high street are rare, some bars stock them - mail order & ebay work fine :)

I have several Cheeky Tiki ones, they are comparable quality to my Tiki Farm ones - I recommend them. Im undecided about Fireworks Studio mugs but there is one I fancy.

Here's a link for what I've picked up in the last few months are carboot sales etc:


Please help identify the ceramics if you can.

What you find in the UK is really interesting, Ill check out the Arte4 ones you mention (Ive not heard of them).

But I thought it'd be nice to shine a light on glassware :)

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-06-18 09:21 ]

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