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Got 30 seconds to vote in the Orchestrotica's new-album poll?

Pages: 1 6 replies


Hey TC ohana,

Mr. Ho's Orchestrotica needs 30 seconds of your time to vote in our poll at http://orchestrotica.com/?ref=tc6-17 . (It’s on the left side, but also mobile-enabled).

As some of you from our mailing list may know, we’re beginning to record our quartet’s 2nd album (+vinyl!) in our Exotica for Modern Living series. In fact, this Saturday, we’re going into the studio and we’ll be sharing photos and more from that session. To help finish the album, we will soon be announcing a PledgeMusic campaign to help raise funds to make this recording. Part of setting up that campaign is choosing donation levels and the accompanying gifts -- and what better way to do that than to ask our fans what they want?

So what the heck do you want in exchange for helping us out? Please take the poll and tell us ("Other" responses encouraged too). Vote now and help us create a successful PledgeMusic campaign: http://orchestrotica.com/?ref=tc6-17

Mr. Ho and the band


did it already brian. some signed vinyl or that vinyl test pressing sound delicious- but i wanted to know, would ms noriko be willing to do a 1 on 1 private vibraphone workshop with me? :)


Very funny socksoff - actually, Noriko isn't really playing with us anymore as she got really busy and I believe moved back to japan too. (boo!) We've had a new guy who is great (Shane Shanahan) playing with us, but havent had time to update our press photos yet! :wink:

thanks for the reply mr. ho. i'm really looking forward to your next record. in the mean time- i heard summer in japan can be quite lovely...

p.s. signed vinyl or a bag of goodies. i'm not half as smart as the chaps who are here to compliment a 1-1 lesson with you (even though i'd love that too)

best of wishes sir




Hale: thanks. Socksoff, you don't need to be advanced or whatever to take a lesson - i take lessons when i can myself, and work with people i consider "teachers" whether they know it or not. The first step to improving your craft is being open to knowing you don't even know what you don't know....and that there is always more to learn.

Mr. Ho

Great idea Brian. This kind of feedback is good.

Good luck and hopefully I'll be spinning that new vinyl LP soon!

Cheers and Mahalo,

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