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Hawaiian/Tiki segment on Extreme Homes next Sunday

Pages: 1 6 replies

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 08/27/2002

Whilst lounging & watching tv in my hung over state last night, I saw a preview for Extreme Homes on HGTV next Sunday @ 8:30.
They are doing a segment on a crazy hawaiian tiki inspired pad which looked quite sexy. I glimpsed a bamboo bar & some tiki stuff, but it was brief. I dont know if it is a rerun or not, but I've never seen it. Could that pad belong to one of us?

[ Edited by: bigbadtikidaddy on 2002-08-26 19:48 ]

emmceedee11 posted on 08/27/2002

I remember a few months back they ran an episode about a couple in Chicago who had decorated their loft with their collection of Polynesia. I'm not sure if it is the same one, but even so, a repeat of that episode wouldn't be all that bad. Is it airing at 8:30 pacific or eastern time?


thebaxdog posted on 08/27/2002

I was not hung over,it was Chicago
And is there any other time than Pacific time?
But yes it would be 8:30 Pac. time.
But could be be different in your time zone?

chefgrey2 posted on 08/27/2002

Yep...my post last week "These guys have the right idea!" Was about this house I think...it was in Illinois outside Chicago...and I found the pics and story on the HGTV website...search under Hawaiian and you'll see pictures...or was the search under tiki? they also show you how to convert an old dresser into a polynesian dresser with a little bit of lauhala and split bamboo Grey

chefgrey2 posted on 08/27/2002

But I noticed one of you said a loft, so I could be wrong....If it is not one of us...we gotta get this guy to join TC Grey

TikiHula posted on 08/27/2002

From looking at the HGTV web site, it looks like this is a new episode, not a rerun of the other tiki house in the midwest (which is a VERY cool place by the way!) It just calls the segment the Tiki Trinket House, so let's all watch and see what their pad looks like!

thejab posted on 08/27/2002

I saw that Chicago loft episode but I think this Sunday's show is different.

Has anyone seen this episode (not on this Sunday)?:
I haven't seen it. The great thing about it is that they have been decorating in polynesian since 1968!

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