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Latest Appleton estate mug

Pages: 1 7 replies

Watango productions posted on 06/19/2013

Just wondering if anyone out there would like to do a trade , I'm after the Doug Horne Tiki Caliente mug and are offering the latest Appleton estate rum in return .
Cheers Campbell

Cargo Cult Leader posted on 06/27/2013

I have an extra, and I do like the design though I'm not sure I want to trade for that per se

I don't suppose you know where to find one of these?

Figured I'd ask since it was also Australian. I would trade a TC5 for a Mixxit hands down

Loki-Tiki posted on 06/27/2013

On 2013-06-18 18:18, Watango productions wrote:
Just wondering if anyone out there would like to do a trade , I'm after the Doug Horne Tiki Caliente mug and are offering the latest Appleton estate rum in return.

Which Tiki Caliente year are you looking for? Doug has been the designer for all four.

Watango productions posted on 06/28/2013

Cargo Cult Leader- A friend of mine has one which was given to him by someone that attended the course but thats the only one I've ever seen .

Loki-Tiki- Tiki Caliente 5 . Cheers

Cargo Cult Leader posted on 07/07/2013

What about this one, Captain Seamus by Appleton? Do you have one of these maybe?


Watango productions posted on 07/07/2013

Cargo cult leader- I just so happen to have a spare one of these .

Watango productions posted on 07/07/2013

Sorry wrong photo

I have a spare of the black version on the right .

Cargo Cult Leader posted on 07/09/2013

Cool cool. I'll try and pull out my TC mug and take a pic

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