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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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RevBambooBen posted on 01/02/2004

Any of you out there in Hoity Toity Land into dirt? This month is Anaheim Stadium's Dirt month. 1/3 Supercross! 1/10 Grand slam of Motor Sports! 1/17 Supercross! 1/24 Monster Truck Jam!!!

I can't help but love this since my boys are of the age to enjoy the mayham of arena motorsports! It's a blast to be a kid again too!(reality rips!!!)

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/02/2004

Dammit Ben, you've fooled me again! I thought this post was about an old Stooges song. My brother-in-law is very into Motocross, Supercross, etc. He's even teaching his teenage daughter to ride (she got a bike & leathers for her birthday). We should get together. He's up that way about every weekend to trade at the Rose Bowl swap. I like all things fast and loud!

Klas posted on 01/02/2004

I like the WRC (World Rally Championship) :)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/03/2004

I guess there is a Central everything on the net!


RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2004

Grand Slam of Motor Sports is tomorrow!! That would be

saturday, Saturday, SATURDAY!!!!

I'm taking my little Boo's, Bonzai & Tiki Man and Mr. C'Al is filling in for Mrs. B. We're gonna try to get C'Al to jump the wall and "rodeo ride Big Foot!!!" Look for us on the JUMBOTRON!!!!! We'll be sitting next to the dude with the bone in his hair!!!!

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/10/2004

I was a moto-X'r back in the day and I got the scar tissue to prove it!

(of course when I lived in the desert, that's all the fun there was...)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2004

I was a moto-X'r back in the day and I got the scar tissue to prove it!

I thought you said "THAT SCAR" was from your gymnastics/ribbon dance accident?

Tiki_Bong posted on 01/10/2004

Ben my punk-bruddah!

Are you interested in a crawl on February 28 (leap year tiki crawl day!); your shop my band, all fun!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2004

On 2004-01-09 22:55, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Ben my punk-bruddah!

Are you interested in a crawl on February 28 (leap year tiki crawl day!); your shop my band, all fun!


thebaxdog posted on 01/10/2004

Hey BenZ,
We didn't ask what your wearing?
Nothin like pamperin yourself?

GO GRAVEDIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RevBambooBen posted on 01/10/2004

On 2004-01-09 23:13, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2004-01-09 22:55, Tiki_Bong wrote:
Ben my punk-bruddah!

Are you interested in a crawl on February 28 (leap year tiki crawl day!); your shop my band, all fun!


I knew we had something to do that day. Sorry no can do. It's opening day for my 5 year old's T-Ball. We'll be up at 5:30a.m., then off to pancake breakfest, then T-ball, then watch the other games, then work the store all day. We'll be fried!! I'll be lucky if I can even go on the crawl.

Has it already been a year?

RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2004

Tonight's Grand Slam of Motor Sports update. Total Carnage and Destruction. Lost count on how many monster trucks got ripped appart! Must have been at least a million in repairs. We ran into the Trustars in the pits. Very cool. Grave Digggggggggger! Why was the bull there??

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