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Trader Vic In London England article

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TIKIWAGON posted on 07/31/2013

I just found this old magazine(time and Tide) dated 5-11 September 1968 at my in laws house whilst clearing out some stuff and it has an article on Trader Vic's visit to his Bar in London England. Thought it might be of interest as the London location is still going strong but it is now shut for a while whilst "remodelling" which is worrying!We went up a few weeks ago just before so hope they don't change much

TropicDrinkBoy posted on 08/01/2013

Interesting. The article isn't legible on my phone but maybe it will be on my PC, or maybe I can find it on Google books.

TikiWagon, do you know when the London location opened? I work with a few fellows (remotely) from our London office and I always encourage them to patronize the London location. I've enjoyed introducing them to Trader Vic's at both Northern California locations.

Looking forward to see what they're doing to the London location, since it is one of the classics. If it is anything like the Emeryville remodel I think you will like it.

bigbadtikidaddy posted on 08/01/2013

Wagon- sent you a pm

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