Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food
Frankie's Fink Bomb
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I had the honor of chilling out at Frankie's in Las Vegas a year or so ago and got hooked on the Fink Bomb. Imagine..a tasty frosty libation made with Stroh! I thought that rum was only used for degreasing enfgines. I would like to recreate the Fink since I have a bottle of Stroh and all of my engines are nice and clean. Anybody have a recipe? Thanks! Lee |
My copy of the new Frankie's Tiki Room cocktail recipe book came in on Saturday, but I've had company and my bar has been busy. I will look tonight and see if the Fink Bomb is listed in the book. If it is, then you'll have an easy way to get the real recipe. I have spent less than 10 minutes with the book so far, there are lots of GREAT photos, and they have published a number of their recipes from their drink menu. I'm going to post a brief review and my impressions of the book later, in another thread, here on TC. If it is in there, I'll definitely mix it and see how it comes out. I love trying recommendations. |
Good news - the Fink Bomb is in the book on page 57. Only four ingredients, very easy to make (no stirring or shaking) and it sounds tasty. "Liquid Vacation - 77 Refreshing Tropical Drinks" |
Update to this thread: The proper Fink Bomb is to be made with a float of Stroh 80 rum. I found that some states do not currently allow import or sale of rums over 151 proof. Internet mail order may be the only option in that case. Since the Stroh 80 is 160 proof, by law it may not be sold here in Florida. So I have a new quest! I have recently picked up a bottle of Stroh 60 and I do enjoy sipping it. Having never had an Austrian rum before, this was quite a surprise to me. I was also surprised to see how many other threads have messages about how "horrible" the Stroh 80 rum is, and even a comment that it's "only 2% real rum" -- which I think is not true at all. The negative comments are very intriguing to me because it seems to be a favorite rum in the Frankie's Tiki Room repertoire where it appears in numerous cocktail recipes. Obviously I must acquire a bottle and test it myself. I have not named my new home bar yet, but I am mulling around some ideas. Since I have a few "specialty" things in my liquor inventory - shhhh, it's a secret - I'm considering a name like "The Contraband Bar." Acquiring a bottle of Stroh 80 would add to that mysterious and clandestine underground aspect of my home bar. I also think that name would play well alongside some of the mid-century issues with contraband and the military and the various countries they visited, and also tie in a bit with the speakeasies and prohibition era things. Except my stuff won't kill ya. Kinda fun, huh? |
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