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Living Tikis

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Alnshely posted on 05/31/2005

There has been a few mentions of living tikis on this board, here are some pictures of some living tikis in Carlsbad. I believe the carver is a guy named Tiki Tom.

The above pictures were taken at the Ocean Palms Hotel in Carlsbad. These Tikis are about 7-10 months old

These Tikis are at the Jet Ski Harbour in Carlsbad, they are over 3-4 years old.

[ Edited by: Alnshely on 2005-05-31 11:41 ]

procinema29 posted on 05/31/2005

Wow. Those are amazing looking. Is this a new thing people are doing?

Tikiwahine posted on 05/31/2005

That is realy, really cool. When my 5 palms reach that size I'm going to have to fly in a carver!

Swanky posted on 05/31/2005

When I visited Wayne Coombs before HUkilau last year, he was talking about the tikis carved at the dealership story and how it does not kill a tree to carve it. He said he could take us to trees that were living that had been carved years ago. Wayne's been doing it a while.

procinema29 posted on 05/31/2005

It is almost like tribal scarring, but for trees...I imagine the tree does not enjoy the experience, but as the latter photos demonstrate, the trees heal and bark over, eventually...they can be trained to heal and bark, I guess you could say...

procinema29 posted on 05/31/2005

You know, it's the strangest thing....the strangest, strangest thing...I have looked at all of those photos, and in some of them, there appear to be tears flowing out of the eyes...tree-sap tears...are the trees trying to tell us something?

Biotron2000 posted on 05/31/2005

Looks like tears of joy.

roadkutter posted on 05/31/2005

They look great, what I don't get is why aren't the tress dieing? In Australia they use to ringbark trees to kill them... they probably still use this method today.

Maybe the Palm is different???

freddiefreelance posted on 06/01/2005

If you look at the old trees in the pictures above the bark is still on them, but not on the new ones. Trees transfer water & nutrients through the xylem, the tissue just below the bark, and they'll die if it's cut all the way around. If there isn't a strip of bark running up ther back of the trees where we can't see it they should die, and where the bark's been removed the tree will be susceptable to bug & fungal infections.

But on the other hand, palm trees aren't trees at all but giant grass stalks. The xylem of grass isn't under it's bark but runs through it's center, so if the palm tree doesn't succumb to disease or infestation it might survive being debarked. Are there any horticulturalists or arborists on TC who might know the answer to this?

MachTiki posted on 06/01/2005

Mahalo for the pics Al. If you don't mind, I added them to the post about Ocean Palms Beach Resort, Carlsbad, CA in "Locating Tiki. Great photos!!!

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Is anyone else in the tiki world carving living trees haven't heard much about them since people were talking about my work at the ocean palms resort in carlsbad in 2004-2005 era. My name is anthony and i hsve been carving in carlsbad and north county since 1999

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Aren't you the same fellow, who got kicked out of the "Tiki Farm Bash"
some years ago?

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

No i have never been to a tiki farm bash possibly tiki tom i try to keep a good name and only do good things thanks

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Why did the person get kicked out of the tiki bash?

Bay Park Buzzy posted on 08/02/2013

On 2013-08-01 22:56, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Aren't you the same fellow, who got kicked out of the "Tiki Farm Bash"
some years ago?

There were two. One was San Diego's own "Tiki Dan". I haven't seen him in over a year. I've been looking for him. I hear he's a "wanted" man for a past TO transgressions.... If you see him at Oasis, turn him in to the authorities!

Here he is getting kicked out of Tiki Oasis a few years ago

I think that's the year someone saw him steal some décor off of a room balcony, and walk over to the vending area and sell it to someone else right off. He set up his unpaid for vending area on the sidewalk in front of the café as well.

On 2013-08-02 08:15, Tikimanocean wrote:
Why did the person get kicked out of the tiki bash?

So it's Tikiyaki Orchestra's debut show, and Tiki Dan lies his way into the event, sets up his unauthorized vending booth stage right, and then starts "working" on his tikis as the band takes the stage...

He's also been banned for life from every tiki store in the county at least 3-4 times for stealing stuff.

If you see him, run!

The other one was the SD county tiki carver knucklehead: "Tiki Daddy" from Oceanside. He got kicked out at another bash for being drunk and maybe starting a fight? He's the one who made the local news a few years ago for carving on live trees on city property.

Buzzy Out!

[ Edited by: Bay Park Buzzy 2013-08-02 11:44 ]

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Thanks Buzzy, that is whom I was referring too.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Tikimanocean, I looked at your gallery and you have the exact same style as "Tiki Tom"
from those early photos in the beginning of this thread, enough so, I would say your the same guy.


Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

On 2013-08-02 12:58, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Tikimanocean, I looked at your gallery and you have the exact same style as "Tiki Tom"
from those early photos in the beginning of this thread, enough so, I would say your the same guy.


Sorry you are incorrect tiki tom started carving after me in carlsbad and then he showed tiki bill in oceanside i have been carving longer than either one im sorry you think i am him would you like me to post my picture

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Man i am getting a bad wrap so far being accussed of getting kicked out of tiki bash which was prob tiki daddy another person who followed me after tom and bill im sorry ive made over 500 tikis in the county my own style have never been to any functions i really admire everybodys work on this site and thought i would join but maybe i am not welcomed here i am just an artist my name is anthony senvisky and i grew up in carlsbad and i was definitely one of the first around here if not the first to carve a living tree the first one in escondido off nordahl road in 2000

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Thanks for clearing that up for me i haven't done any bad business ever

[ Edited by: Tikimanocean 2013-08-02 13:22 ]

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

I also carved the palms at the ocean palms beach resort
But i did not carve those canarys at the carlsbad lagoon that was tiki tom
If you look at the two different locations mine are completey different and i believe much cleaner looking

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Is tiki tom even on this site anymore or still carving?

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Good to know, I was not accusing, just asking
it is amazing how the two of you share the same style?
looks like you guys are influenced by Wayne Coombs.

Hakalugi posted on 08/02/2013

I think ATP is getting confused. The Tikis at the beginning of this thread (the ones at the Ocean Palms) were not carved by Tiki Tom but by Tikimanocean. Al was only guessing when he said Tiki Tom.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 08/02/2013

Thanks for straighting me out Karl, that explains why
the style is the same, (Tikimanocean is the original artist pictured, not Tiki Tom)
sorry Tikimanocean for the confusion.

Tikimanocean posted on 08/02/2013

Reply thanks guys for clearing it up i really appreciate it i will stop soaking in it your right i will post more older pics when i have time! I know that tiki tom and tiki daddy were a little bit shady and i didn't want to get mixed up with them. I have never seen or heard of Wayne Coombs but i will like to see his work.

4WDtiki posted on 08/02/2013

Sorry you are incorrect tiki tom started carving after me in carlsbad and then he showed tiki bill in oceanside i have been carving longer than either one im sorry you think i am him would you like me to post my picture

Hey there Anthony!
Just for the record, Tom did not "show me how to carve'. I started in 2000, and was carving for a few years before ever meeting Tom. He did share his wood source with me, though, which was cool. I don't think he was ever on this site, maybe I'm wrong.

Everyone else, I knew both Tom and Anthony (tikimanocean) when I lived in Carlsbad, not the same guy, as already established.

Tikimanocean posted on 08/03/2013

Good deal Bill thanks for the info i used to see your tikis in fire mountain and thought they were very nice and detailed!

Tikimanocean posted on 08/03/2013

Bill tiki Tom claimed he taught you when you guys picked up the wood from me at the lagoon so you know thats the impression I was under.

pjc5150 posted on 08/15/2013

Wayne Coombs influenced?

I don't see it. at all....

Tikimanocean posted on 08/15/2013

I recently googled Wayne Coombs tikis and have seen them in two locations in the North County San Diego and I do think he had very clean work. I am very sorry for his passing and can tell he was an icon of tiki in Florida. R.I.P. and I'm sure he touched many peoples lives with his work. Everybody has to start carving by seeing some kind of tiki or book with pictures as I got my start. But my first tiki was done by hand in my parents garage and it wasn't a copy of anybodies work. Just my own thoughts and ideas. I definitely used plenty of ideas or eyes or other parts from work I had seen from the past or the present. Then I bought a chainsaw and started carving on the street in Carlsbad and people started pulling over with interest. There is only so many shapes and designs you can come up with so I think there will almost always be similarities in peoples carvings in general. Some people are flattered when others copy there work or do there own style of there idea. It happens all the time with the ancient Hawaiians style.From there I went on to creating my own designs. When people order from my books sometimes unfortunately I have to make the same designs over and over but I still enjoy carving every chance I get. I always have my eyes open for new ideas and ways to make cuts so I think we continue to learn all the time.

[ Edited by: Tikimanocean 2013-08-15 17:35 ]

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