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small wood carving from France. Short update last page

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/15/2013

Really outstanding work.

congatiki posted on 01/15/2013

Really wonderful art....looks like you have been very busy. The
surfer and wave are really cool. Great thread!

cy posted on 01/16/2013

All your work is packed with life and character laojia, and the prints are also outstanding!

McTiki posted on 01/16/2013

You are incredibly talented Jerome!

Thank you for sharing!


pjc5150 posted on 01/16/2013


that Marquesian piece is OFF THE CHAIN!!!

excellent work Jerome....

Lake Surfer posted on 01/16/2013

Awesome update Jerome! All kinds of variety and all very traditional museum quality work! A U'u marquesan war club is still on my list of things to do... To date I think you, tikimecula and basement kahuna are the only ones to complete one, and yours is top notch! Love following your progress! The lino cuts are great, I have not done one of those since high school! Might have to give it a try again! Hope you have a great 2013, and keep carving!

bagauda posted on 01/16/2013

j'aime beaucoup les gravures le reste aussi

hiltiki posted on 01/18/2013

It is always a pleasure coming here and watching your work.

amate posted on 01/18/2013

Lots of cool things...particularly like the traditional stuff.

laojia posted on 02/25/2013

Hello Tiki Central! Thank you so much to all for visiting this thread!

Thank's Atomic tiki Punk!

Hey Conga! Glad you stop here! Thank you!

Also thank you Cy... Linoprint are very funny to do, especially when the work shop is too cold for carving! :roll:

Thank's Mc Tiki & Jeff! See Ya on fb... :wink:

Thank you so much Dave! On the same step that T-mec and BK... Wow! I'm blushing :blush: This U'u was really cool to carve and think I've never drawn much for one carving...I wait your's! I'm sure you can make a beautiful marquesan war club!

Merci Bagauda, j'suis toujours impressionné par ce que tu fais...

Thank you too Hiltiki!

Thank's Amate!

Some quick news, 19th january was the first birthday of "Le Tiki Lounge". The only tiki bar of Paris. For the occasion, the tribe moved for a short exhibition, live carving and some Mai Tai...

Dirty Monkey & benella

Benella & I

Hard time!

Later around the bar:

The collaborative piece finished:

Our exhibition corner:

( Thank's to Sian for the pictures!)

Baï tiki was among us!

A very cool find during this party:

Chocolate tiki by Armelle: http://chocolat-lafabrique.com/ Nice & delicious!!!

News from the workshop: a tiki shifter knob carved from ash with a burger top knot, logo of the car club of the owner http://www.thegormandizers.fr/

The cheese is made from deer antler, real steel gear and black séasame on the beech buns

Most trad' work, an inspired Marquesans mask

Done with stain and wax:

More to come!!!

Last new, I've finally opened an online shop on Etsy, follow the link " The Kavakava Shop" below to find it.

Have a nice day!

Cljha posted on 02/25/2013

Hi Jérôme,

Seems I missed your last update, congratulation on the U'u and I really dig your surfing tangaroa, really cool.
As for the today update, cool work, my favorite piece being the Marquesan mask.
One small question, which wood did you use for the U'u?
Keep up the good work :wink:

Be Water

[ Edited by: Cljha 2013-02-25 08:09 ]

amate posted on 02/25/2013

I always look forward to your updates. So many cool things to look at.

pjc5150 posted on 02/25/2013

nice Marq!

For the Love of Tiki posted on 02/25/2013

Very cool work. I like it.

RIOTURBAN posted on 02/26/2013

man, amazing stuff your carving! Big respect !!!

Watango productions posted on 02/27/2013

Great stuff ! Really dig the Marq mask as well as the little guy whose head is poke'n up in the Exhibit shot,looks like a sweet little bar
you guys have got there too!

Benzart posted on 03/24/2013

LOVE that Marq mask Jerome, Excellent design and detail.

tikimecula posted on 06/18/2013

On 2013-01-15 03:25, laojia wrote:

U'u marquesan war club:

Also build a stand:

Very Nice! And I love the stand too. I still owe someone one of these, planning on doing mine out of Black Walnut if I can find the right piece of wood?

amate posted on 06/18/2013

I don't know how I missed that club...that's about as cool as it gets! Simply outstanding work.

GROG posted on 06/18/2013

Good stuff. GROG like.

GROG posted on 06/18/2013

Good stuff. GROG like.

RIOTURBAN posted on 06/18/2013

very cool stuff!!!

Watango productions posted on 06/19/2013

Marq club looks awesome !

hiltiki posted on 06/19/2013

Most excellent.

laojia posted on 06/24/2013

Hi Tiki Central! Here another summer update from France:

Thank you for kind word Christophe, U'u warclub is made from a large méranti plank.

Also thank you Amate, Jeff, ForTheLoveOfTiki, Rioturban, Watango, Hiltiki & Grog! Thank's guy's!... :D

Hey Sensei Carver! Glad you like. This Marq mask is inspired from a painting seen on the net. He will soon decorate the studio of my fav tattoo artist!

Glad you're back T-mec! Thank's for reposting the Marq'club and thank's for your comment! Much appreciated from you. An U'u club carved by you will be awesome for sure, and in a piece of black walnut! Wow! You must find that! Can't wait to see your new works...

Some news from the workshop:

One classic tiki made from pine:

Another, larger in spalted beech:

Some Witco style carving:

Witkodama. Three mask look like tree spirit in Miyazaki's movie "Princess Mononoké"

A pair of Squared Moai

A trad design inspired by a Kanaki door frame:

carved from walnut

And my last linoprint:

:right: made especially for the next Tiki Tribe exhibition next weekend:

Shifter knob made from beech for the buns, pine for the meat, plexiglass cheese, real gear and Corian wings.

More info on this car show here: http://www.crybaby2013.com/

for this occasion I will install an A-frame above our tiki bar on the meeting site.
The work in progress:

First cut...


To be continued..

Have a nice day!


Creative Chimp posted on 06/24/2013

great stuff as always jerome.....cant wait to see those beams finished.

amate posted on 06/24/2013

Good to see your thread updated. I find it uncanny how we both like the same kind of things. I started a "Cubist Moai" several months ago but got side tracked. Not sure if I stole the idea or not. I just pulled it out to look at two days ago so I guess I'll go ahead and finish it up. I also have several photos in my morgue file in the style of that Kanaki door frame. Great stuff so keep at it!

laojia posted on 07/05/2013

Hello fellows Tiki carver!

Hey Amate! Great minds always meet ... It seems that also we tiki carvers! :roll: Can't wait to see a squared or cubist Moai by you. And the kanaki art was awesome and too disregarded by the tikiphiles

( From the book "Vision d'Océanie" by Vincent Bounoure)

Thank you John Creative Chimp! Here quick news for the beams on the post above:

The tiki bar that I've built for the gormandizers car show!

I've add some stuff:

More under the marquee on left...

And the party in full swing!

For this occasion we have edited a new issue of Hey Tiki!

And some button badges

It was a weekend of pure madness. Nice cars, nice guys, good friends, some rum...
And now back to the workshop, a small Ku knife work:

Thank's for looking!
Have a nice day!


GROG posted on 07/06/2013

Very nice. GROG like.

Atomic Mess posted on 07/08/2013

Formidable as usual Jerome!

Hale Tiki posted on 07/08/2013

Nice A-frame!

Karloz_g posted on 08/25/2013

Jérôme, comme toujours "awesome" stuff!

Tucson Tiki posted on 08/26/2013

I love anything that combines hotrods and tiki's in one post. Nice job.

laojia posted on 09/26/2013

Just need taking time to post on TC...

-Feed back:

Laojia like when GROG like.

Thank you Atomic Mess!

Also Thank you Hale Tiki. This A-frame will be revisited and improved for the next event.

Dank u Karloz!!!

Thank's Tucson Tiki! Hot rod culture it's a part of Tiki culture and mainly a period overlap ...

-Workshop update:

First, a classic Tiki carved from willow:

The can to pringles inside is a sounding speakers for iphone... Commissionned work.

Then, two Pa Kahawai pendants, inspired from maori trolling lure:

Made from matai, paua and bone. Avalaible today on my Etsy shop

A Tiki Bob:

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It's a classy cool carving... But I think it's better with Ta Moko:

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Also Willow and ebony for the eyes.

And finally, some fun with schrunken Head carved from birch

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Rough carving...

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With sewing and hair...

As are natural hair,I've had to teach them a hairstyle:

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First trying... Nope...

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Other solution... Blah... :x

Finally, natural hairstyle it's should be fine:

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Under glass bell, basis made from beech

In the light of the day
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(difficult to take decent pictures with the glass bell...)

That's all folks!
Thank's for looking!
Have a nice day!


cy posted on 09/26/2013

Superb as usual Jerome, the shrunken heads and lures are fantastic!

[ Edited by: cy 2013-09-26 14:57 ]

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psychodevil posted on 09/27/2013

rhaaa et puis dans les sous verres ils rendent super bien! :)

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 09/27/2013

I LOVE those shrunken heads.

Benzart posted on 11/04/2013

WOW, Awesome shrunken Heads Jerome but I think I LOVE that Moko-Bob the best, Incredible work there.

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Clarita posted on 11/04/2013

You are soo productive Jerome! I feel ashamed of myself haha.
and you are getting better and better and better and better, stop it now! hahaha
no no don't, please, keep up the great work!

laojia posted on 01/12/2014

Aloha Tiki Central !A new year started and already lot of new projects and perspectives what I'll try to share here.

First thing, feed back for my last post:

Thank you Cy!

Merci Psycho Laurent Devil!!!

Thank you too Simon! Much appreciated!

Thank's Sensei Carver, Ta Moko Tiki Bob is already landing in his new family. I'm very happy of the result and little bit sad he left so fast... That's life! :P

Thank you so much Clarita!! I can't stop, a voice from Rapa nui talk me into my sleep and says "You must carve something today!" I can't stop , I can't stop!!! :roll:

Then, some works since september:

Some comisionned pendants:

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Marquesan style Hei Matau

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Close up...

A couple of Koru
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Bone and pink ivory

And an ebony Toki:
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A Sépik inspired figure:
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The bearded ancestor
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close up

Janus marquisan tiki, carved in the handle of an Opinel folding knive.
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Already sold...

And finally a long-term work: Rarotonga god staff
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Carved from basswood
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Home made metal basis
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Close up
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And glamour shot pic!

Also some funny stuff:

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Wooden bowler, eyes in corian, paua and ebony, pipe in thuja burl and ebony...
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... For a new customized McPhail shifterknob.

Last thing, best wishes for everyone:
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Thank's for looking!
Have a nice day!


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Will carve posted on 01/12/2014

Inspiring Jérôme.
And the bar moves even farther.

cy posted on 01/12/2014

Yes, exceptional carvings laojia, the Rarotonga and Sepik are beautiful works of art!

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AlohaStation posted on 01/13/2014

I heard you were coming to Hukilau?? If you get here I'm sure we can find you place to sleep under someone's workbench.

amate posted on 01/13/2014

Superior craftsmanship on all of it. I really love the bearded one!

Cljha posted on 01/27/2014

Salut Jérôme,

Bon, comme dab....excellent, ça commence à devenir difficile de laisser un commentaire différent :wink:
Moi qui n'aime que très moyennement les tiki Bob, là, je dois dire que tu m'as bluffé, je les verrais plus de la même façon.
Pour les Pa Kahawai, ça fait un moment que je veux en faire et les tiens m'ont rappelé qu'il serait temps, par contre j'ai une petite question technique, qu'as tu utilisé pour l'attache de l'os sur l'ensemble bois-paua, du polyester? (je sais qu'à l'origine ils utilisaient du tendon, mais bon, je le sens pas trop de le coup du tendon)
Encore bravo

laojia posted on 09/09/2014

Aloha Tiki Central!
Finally a new post from France. This year was very very busy...
Thank you all for reply and nice word, always appreciated! Tom Aloha station, I'll come sleep under a workbench another year. I promise! :roll:

In the first days of january, I've been commissioned to working for the french artist Hervé Di Rosa
I've carved two tiki in walnut made from his drawings for be exposed the Musée du Quai Branly. Big pressure!!! :o

the first one, tall 3,6 ft:
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The both two:
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Finished following the instruction of the artist:
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And finally in the museum for six weeks last spring:
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Then the season continued with the preparation of exhibitions this summer. In Geneva for Tiki Sailor & Hula

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I've sent some pieces:

A Pakahawai pendant, a shrunken head (show last post), a bone Hei tiki with paua inlay under a glass bell:
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and a larger piece called "the Sacred heart of Tangaroa":
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Carved from alder, resin heart carved by Absurd Toys

And the exhibition Off for Tiki Pop:

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for this, I've few pièce in the spirit of Sven's exhibition

The Witcodama panel:
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And a serie of framed masks in different style made in the same plank of wood
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A large Moai carved from walnut:
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Among other carving from the Tribe:
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And a folding Tiki Bar made for the opening:
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Many people came to the opening and we were very proud to have the author of Tiki Pop among us:
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(picture by Tim Keenan)

Also proud and happy to be represented with Pogany Tiki in the last showcase of Tiki Pop in museum of Quai Branly with so many artists (Shag, Derek Yaniger, Hakai, Benzart, Ken Ruzic...) that I admire and who have inspired me:
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Two weeks later, I returned to the museum for a luau evening around Tiki Pop. Program for me: live Tiki Carving while my friend Jimmy Virani was mixing Exotica Music:

Laojia at work
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Jimmy Virani posing with a fan:
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And few hours later, not finished but well started:
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Despite the busy winter and spring, I finished a few other pieces:

A tiny Tangaroa for the birthday of my daughter:
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Carved from Birch and waxed

Some Opinel folding knife:

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Koi knife (non tiki commisioned work...)
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Tiki Bob
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A last for the road, a commissioned PNG inspired for a customer who has changed his mind on the way ... :evil: Now on sale at auction:

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Thanks for looking!
Have a nice day!


The Kavakava Shop

[ Edited by: laojia 2015-03-03 04:25 ]

cy posted on 09/09/2014

Wow, what a feast for the eyes laojia, incredible art! (You should have told Herve to shove it on his choice of color though)

laojia posted on 09/12/2014

Thank you for nice word Cy! Much appreciated. :)

About the colors on these two "tiki" for Hervé Di Rosa, it was he who decided the finishing. At first he wanted very, very dark. Then he chose the color for the small one, very present in all his work,I just traded for leaving natural color of the wood parts ... This walnut was so beautiful!!!


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