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Tiki/Polynesian Pop/Bachelor Pad Podcasts!

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SPYrateRadio posted on 08/29/2013

Please make sure to support these fantastic Polynesian Pop podcasts and subscribe to them!

-Cocktail Nation: http://thecocktailnation.wordpress.com/
-Exotic Tiki Island http://www.exotictikiisland.com/
-Zen Tiki Lounge http://www.zentikilounge.com/
-The Quiet Village http://www.digitiki.com/podcast.htm
-Buddies Lounge http://buddieslounge.podomatic.com/
-Bachelor Pad Radio http://www.javasbachelorpad.com/radio.html

Are there any that I'm missing? PLEASE let me know!

Mikus Mingus posted on 08/30/2013

Thanks a lot this lot of info.
I gonna have the pleasure to check everything!


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