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Tikimentary DVD and Poster

Pages: 1 3 replies

mymotiki posted on 09/03/2013

Hi, If you want to buy a great DVD and Poster or just one of the items you can purchase them from the facebook website. The poster is a Shag design. The Tikimentary DVD is of course about Tikis. The DVD and the Poster each cost 20 dollars each. The products come from Brazil. Shipping is 10 dollars. The tikimentary is done by Duda Leite. Tell him you saw this info on Tiki Central.


TikiTie posted on 09/04/2013

Has anybody seen this DVD yet? Thoughts?

TikiTie posted on 09/04/2013

Has anybody seen this DVD yet? Thoughts?

sneakyjack posted on 09/05/2013

go for it..

its fun

you may recognize a few peeps in it..

Pages: 1 3 replies