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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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hang10tiki posted on 09/14/2013

Looks like a fun day

MadDogMike posted on 09/14/2013

:lol: thanks Jon :lol:
My brother had an idea several years ago to grow a beard like the guys from ZZ Top. Even though he doesn't play guitar, he thought if they ever needed a replacement he would be a shoe-in. His theory was that it would take less him for him to learn 3 power cords than for a guitar player to grow a beard :D

Wendy, looks like you had a great trip. The mugs look very impressive stacked all over the house, congrats on anti-procrastination and on getting them all sold.

danlovestikis posted on 09/14/2013

hang10tiki you have such great skills. I love to hear Dan laugh and you got that reaction. Is that ATP in the glass case? GROG needs to get well fast so he can see that he's always on our minds. Thank you so much.


This is a restful time right now. The crawl mugs are done and I haven't opened up the next wish list. I've saved up a few photos to share here. Conversions or enhancements of Bob's or any other of my molded tikis show what I can do for you on the next wish list.

Here is Bamboo Bob so far.

I picked out these colors for the background, leaves and stalks.

First I painted the whole thing 3 times with the green.

Next I used a wet paper towel and removed glaze from the stalks leaving the green in the crevices.

Then I painted the stalks with the yellow brown and the leaves with another layer of the green.

I always save Bob's face for last. Three layers of white and black.

This one is set aside while I work on others.

Thanks again hang10tiki, you brightened our day with smiles, Wendy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/14/2013

So someone finally got their wish of having my head in a glass case....... :lol:
well at least it's not in a box (Subliminal movie reference)

dartharnie posted on 09/15/2013

This is a restful time right now. The crawl mugs are done and I haven't opened up the next wish list.

this sounds suspiciously like you are taking a VERY well deserved break! Your exhaustive hard work is amazing!

dartharnie posted on 09/15/2013

"This is a restful time right now. The crawl mugs are done and I haven't opened up the next wish list."

Sounds suspiciously like you are taking a VERY well deserved break! Your exhaustive hard work is amazing!

[ Edited by: dartharnie 2013-09-14 21:42 ]

TikiAno posted on 09/15/2013

Hmmm... why haven't I seen that "Luau Time" album cover before.... love both of those, enjoy Dan!

Wendy, rest while you can, though I'm sure, knowing you, it won't last very long. Thanks for the hard work in building the Sac Mug Army.... look forward to seeing Bamboo Bob fired....

hang10tiki posted on 09/15/2013

MadDog- I couldn't grow the beard or play the guitar..
ATP in the house (I mean case) :)
And Dan-0, I have never seen that album either. The real one! :)
Have a great day you guys


WaikikianMoeKele posted on 09/15/2013

Thanks so much for the "rear view" pics! I do enjoy them!

I finally got my computer back with a new hard drive so I've been kind of hit & miss getting to TC
So I just saw them for the first time. Such 'bootiliciousness'!


danlovestikis posted on 09/15/2013

Atomic Tiki Punk too funny.

dartharnie and I'm cleaning out closets. I have to find space for myself someplace.

dartharnie thank you.

TikiAno Dan loves records as much as tikis. One day our floor will cave in and they'll find us buried by both. Fining is the fun part.

hang10tiki Dan's on a walk, I'll have to tell him the album is special.

WaikikianMoeKele those bottoms are like worry stones you just relax while rubbing them!


CONFESSION: I can't bare to skip posting for a day. I just love reading all your comments. So I try to make enough things that if I take a day off I can still find photos to post. That's what I'm doing now. A while back I posted the Big Maori mug with the weird interior. Then yesterday Bamboo Bob. Those both came from this set of Bobs that I did a while back when I'd just started bisque firing the crawl mugs.

So while I take time to clean house from top to bottom (but Dan has to dust all his tikis) I'm posting these Bob's that I'd held back for this time. One by one they'll show up and when I run out of photos to post it means I have to get back to work!

Bisque fire.

Washing off the dust.



Drying on the table with the first set of crawl mugs.

The Big Maori Mug is on the right.

Thank you all so much for your visits. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 09/15/2013

Ohhhhhh, Bob table....

Hale Tiki posted on 09/15/2013

On 2013-09-14 12:37, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
So someone finally got their wish of having my head in a glass case....... :lol:
well at least it's not in a box (Subliminal movie reference)


Hale Tiki posted on 09/15/2013

You've made so many mugs, for so many people's collections, it's so wonderful. I can't wait to see what else in in store in the next year!!!

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/15/2013

On 2013-09-14 12:37, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
So someone finally got their wish of having my head in a glass case....... :lol:
well at least it's not in a box (Subliminal movie reference)

Maybe it could be put in a glass jar filled with alcohol and displayed at Tiki events, viewed for a small fee, like they did to Juaquin Murrieta?

Seeing as it would be ATP's head, we'll make a FORTUNE!! :lol:

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/15/2013


The crawl mug looks awesome (as usual), myself having done some very repetitive tasks in the past, I know you're happy to get back to doing your wish list items to break up the monotony. :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/15/2013

I feel the love!

Bruddah Bear posted on 09/15/2013

The controversy around whether or not it actually was Juaquin's head, due to his wife claiming it wasn't and the distortion of the features resulting from the decapitation then immersing in brandy, may make it possible to use Steve Cooper's head instead of your's. Magic Tiki could ID it. :D

danlovestikis posted on 09/16/2013

hang10tiki they just sit there waiting to be brought to life.

Hale Tiki WHAT'S IN THE BOX? WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOXXX!?!? I doooooooooooon't know.

Hale Tiki me too. Wish lists are the designs of the people and I'm just their instrument to make it happen. I had fun doing that for you.

Bruddah Bear his wife Jungle Ginger may want to keep him as is.

Bruddah Bear that is true. That's why I've turned down doing event mugs. The Sacramento Crawl is the only one I love to do and there are lot of artists who want to do all the other events so I've felt no pressure to say yes. I have felt honored to be asked but making up to 300 rather than these 50 takes too much of the year.

Atomic Tiki Punk and that's a good thing.

Bruddah Bear you must work in a hospital. This is the kind of talk we had over lunch.


It's time for another Tiki Bob to come forth.

This is Intoxicated Bob.

His eyes are wide because he is trying to get his balance.

His lines are wavy but only in his mind. If you see wavy lines you better put down that glass.


I'm working on a project for lunavideogames. Two more wedding mugs. I sure hope I can pull off these mugs because they are strange. I've already made the first mistake but it was caught in time so I'll fix it.

Here's the start up.

I've poured some of my mugs that I'll convert to his design.

Mug 1 is a conversion of these characters into a hula girl and a tiki man. I'll need a lot more instruction before this one starts.

Mug 2 is this face on the front of a crawl mug

and this Ween sea creature on the back.

Out of the mold. I did both sizes of Bob's until I know which works best. The left over will convert to something fun.

Some had runs of slip on the inside so I used a wet sponge to clean them up.

The crawl mug had this lettering which isn't appropriate for the wedding mugs.

I removed it.
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I better get to work. There is always something waiting. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-16 10:18 ]

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lunavideogames posted on 09/16/2013

Lookin good! My friends will love them.

hang10tiki posted on 09/16/2013

Another fun step by wedding step
Luna I assume they are not on TC or the surprise is out.

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lunavideogames posted on 09/16/2013

Hope not :)

No I don't think they check this site. If they do, oh well.

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AdOrAdam posted on 09/16/2013

Hi Wendy & Dan - Ive been enjoying this thread for a while, the 'steps' are great :)

I was surprised to see some of your items on ebay:


Edit: I shouldn't forget Dan!

[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2013-09-16 14:30 ]

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Big Kahuna posted on 09/16/2013

Intoxicated Bob should have a lampshade lid!

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gabbahey posted on 09/17/2013

Ween mug!!!!

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lunavideogames posted on 09/17/2013

That's right. The first ever Ween tiki mug!?!

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 09/17/2013

And a Drusilla & Spike from "Angel" & "Buffy" mug!

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lunavideogames posted on 09/17/2013

Yeah I don't watch that show but I bet lots of people will like it.

danlovestikis posted on 09/17/2013

lunavideogames terrific. I think I know what you want for the figures. Do you have a favorite tiki face for the man?

hang10tiki good thought but if they were for me watching the step by steps initiated by lunavideogames would be really fun.

lunavideogames if you want me to hold the photos back I can do that. The best project I've ever worked on has been held back for a couple of years now. One day I'll be released to share it. The design was by BaconSM, that's all I can say.

AdOrAdam hi Adam, it is fun for me to see my work go up on eBay. I don't like to do sales. I sell my work to Mahalo Tiki and he does all the work to make a small profit on his end. When I open the Wish Lists people can order straight from me. When I open it I first announce it on the header for this thread. I open it for a few days and then I work for months to complete all the requests. I don't often do deadline work because I want to keep this fun for Dan and I. I work hard until I complete the orders.

Thank you for watching, that's what makes my day. I love reading the comments. Thank you for the link. I had fun seeing the prices in pounds. Welcome to my thread, I hope you'll post again.


Dan works for tikis. When I do my own Bob versions he gets to take what he wants and then the rest are for sale.

Big Kahuna he should have a lampshade. Dan's already run off with him. I'll ask if he wants that made. Good Idea.

gabbahey yep, I get asked to do the strangest things. That's what makes this fun.

lunavideogames I wonder too.

Atomic Tiki Punk but as a hula girl and a tiki man.

lunavideogames I've never seen the show but your idea will be easier.


A while back I made a Rum Barrel Bob and when it was finished Dan took it. I decided to make another one and to call it Tiki Rum Bob. The first one had a brown face so this one has a white one.

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After the bisque fire I choose these glazes for the body.
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I outlined all the parts and painted the bolts too.
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Next I used a metal glaze and ran it close to the bolts. 3 layers for each color.
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I let this dry before proceeding.
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All done and ready to fire.
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I put all of lunavideogames instructions together on one sheet and then I printed the photos he'd sent.
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I started with the Ween mug by filling in the face of the crawl tiki.
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I smothered him.
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I started at one side and tried to form the spikes to match the photo.
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When I finished for the day I sent photos to lunar and he "pointed" out that one spike was missing.
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I've barely begun and I'd made a major error. So back to work!

Thanks for the visit, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-17 14:51 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2013-09-17 15:34 ]

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lunavideogames posted on 09/17/2013

Yeah I have heard of the "secret project" that you are working on. I don't know what it is, but my detective skills have given me an idea :) BaconSM and I are now friends from the Ms Pacman mug you made for us. Your mugs are bringing people together!

Please do keep the step by step pictures up. I don't think that they will see them, but it is not big deal if they do. I will send you an email about the information that you need from me.

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GROG posted on 09/18/2013

Yay! I can drink out of my mug from Wendy now. I earned my zipper!

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lunavideogames posted on 09/18/2013

Grog is back!!!!!!

Glad you are doing well buddy! You look so young without that beard, are you old enough to drink out of that mug?

I saw one of your Bob Shots sell on eBay last week for $45 shipped! You will have to hike up the price on those guys.

Welcome back!

hang10tiki posted on 09/18/2013

Grog is lookin good
I thought he would have asked for an "S" scar

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The mugs look Kool
Looking forward to the Album cover art swap

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Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2013-09-18 08:01 ]

danlovestikis posted on 09/18/2013

What? GROG they only gave you one zipper? I guess I did a few too many on the mug. I agree that without the beard you look like a kid. I'm so happy it's over and you are on the way to hugging all the tiki girls again instead of all the nurses. I'm looking forward to seeing you again, better than ever.

hang10tiki I love that Album cover. Thank you.


Working on lunavideogames Ween mug I had to correct my mistake and add another spike. I started at the right side checking how the spikes matched the photo until I found where I went off. Then I cut off one side of a spike and added it to the other side.
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When I had made room I added the missing spike.
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Now the spikes match much better. When I carve them out they will match even more. I also adjusted the shape of the face to match. It's a bit of a warped face.
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Side view.
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Next I started on the back with the Ween creature.
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I used very sticky clay. The whole time I have to use care not to introduce an air pocket or it will explode in the kiln.
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This creature has more legs and parts than I can add but I did as many as I could.
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Pretty much done here. Fuzzy photos.
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I started preparing a Bob for the second mug for lunavideogames. I cut off his nose.
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I filled in the face with gooey clay. I let this firm up and then I'll add more.
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This is a fun project. I hope you all enjoy watching this take shape. Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 09/18/2013

Wendy, looking great! Should we start calling you Weendy? Okay, sorry, couldn't resist. Luna, good looking projects, the recipients are going to be excited- and lucky, to be receiving these pieces.

I agree, Grog's nurses might be celebrating w/o him there anymore... :) Though hopefully they're celebrating drinking out of a few of Grog's mugs (and, for you, Grog, possibly arguing over who gets to use which mug???)

Hang10, love the Superman scar idea- and killer job on modding the album cover I posted!

TikiAno posted on 09/18/2013

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2013-09-18 11:30 ]

hang10tiki posted on 09/19/2013

Lookin good

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DooWop posted on 09/19/2013

That Ween creature sculpt is so impressive! Fantastic work as always, Wendy!

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Slacks Ferret posted on 09/19/2013

Hey! I love Ween! I love Tiki! Looks great! Make molds!!

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lunavideogames posted on 09/19/2013

Popular mugs. It looks like a lot of people are checking out your thread Wendy. Cool! I am excited to see these progress.

danlovestikis posted on 09/19/2013

TikiAno Dan and my dad always call me Weendy and all I can say is OH NO. We were in a record shop today so I looked up the Ween and saw they are a rock and roll group from Quebec. I get to learn so much when I take on these project.

hang10tiki I really really love being on an album cover with Dan and MadDogMike.

DooWop thank you. I live for these comments. I'm such a ham.

Slacks Ferret I think if I make more the copy write police will come and get me. Glad you like it.

lunavideogames I like being challenged and this may have been the hardest yet. Well the Jaguars holding the bowl with the Temple of the Jaguar in the center was super hard. I don't think any project could beat that one. So I'll just say this was the hardest in awhile.

zerostreet thank you so much for the wonderful moai head mug. I was happy to give you advice on ceramics so receiving this thank you mug was over the top nice of you. Dan will find a special place for it to be displayed. I'll answer questions for you forever because this was a lifetime gift. Wendy and Dan
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It's so much bigger than I thought.
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Back to the Ween for lunavideogames.

I had the shape right so now it was time to start carving out the face.
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I finished the chin and started on the spikes.
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After the bottoms of the spikes were pointed I did the top of the head with eyes.
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Now it was time to cut off the top.
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Ah much better.
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I tweaked the creature some more making the highest fish up bigger.
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Close up.
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Now its back to work. Do I say that too often? Yep. Cheers, Weendy

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lunavideogames posted on 09/19/2013

Actually Ween is from Philly I think. They have an album called Quebec though :) They started in the 90s and were two guys, not really brothers but they called each other brothers. Gene and Dean Ween. They were never a mainstream band, but they had a huge following. I used to go to 3 or 4 of their shows per tour, and my friend that the mug is for would come with me. I saw them 50+ times live and I think every one of their shows were sold out. Some fun places I have seen them are, the Minnesota Zoo, Stubbs in Austin, the Joint in Vegas on Halloween, at the Wiltern in LA, just to name a few. Actually my wife and I played Stay Forever as our first dance at our wedding. Our wedding DJ knew one of the roadies, so in Anaheim they actually played Stay Forever and dedicated it to us.

Sadly Ween broke up last year. Hopefully they will get back together again. Gene went to rehab a few years back and then went kinda crazy and ended the band without consulting the other members. Sobriety is a hell of a drug :)

I really like the Mollusk on the back of the mug. It looks awesome, you did an amazing job! The Boognish face is turning out really well too. You are a true pro. I think Ween would be flattered and not upset about the mug. They would likely have you make more for them :)

[ Edited by: lunavideogames 2013-09-19 16:53 ]

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zerostreet posted on 09/20/2013

Wendy! I know you're always happy to help, so glad you like the mug!

danlovestikis posted on 09/20/2013

lunavideogames wow there are so many new words to learn for this mug. Boognish for the face, Ween for the group and Mollusk for the sea creature. I'm glad you cleared up the Quebec as the name of the album rather than where they came from too. Glad you like it all.

zerostreet anytime, just let me know. I'm especially happy we got a red one. He has a great face.


I think I have finished the sculpting of the lunavideogames Ween mug. I still need to put his friends names and wedding date on the bottom. I won't do that until it has dried more. I don't want to dent any of the outside. It will not look it's best until it is dried and sanded. Drying has to be super slow so that none of these additions crack.

Next I needed to finish the mouth and eyes. I counted eleven bars and I cut strips of paper in the right size. I was hopeful that it would work out. I dipped the strips in water so they would stick better.
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I lined them up trying to match the photo and it worked out just right. I was so happy.
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Then I used this tool to carve out the clay between the strips.
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I removed the strips and fine tuned the carving.
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Water and a paint brush is the best sander at this stage. I cleaned it up.
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He really suited this mug shape well especially since the top has been removed and cleaned up.
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The eyes are done too.
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Four images that show the whole mug.
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Now I'll start on the Buffy mug. I'm more on my own with this one so I hope I get it right.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Wendy

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LoriLovesTiki posted on 09/20/2013

The ween and mollusk mugs are probably the strangest things I've seen in a while but oh my your skills are AMAZING! I am completely in awe of your skills!

Can't wait to see more!

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
cy posted on 09/20/2013

Love Ween and your mug is a 10 Wendy. Fantastic!

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ZeroTiki posted on 09/20/2013



TikiAno posted on 09/20/2013

Wendy, looking great. I just picked up (a week ago) the same carving tool and it's changed my life. Now I just have to get a quarter as good as you are at carving. :)

Thanks for posting!

B Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5ce256db052ec2794b36100793feff5e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Benzart posted on 09/21/2013

On 2013-09-17 17:01, GROG wrote:
Yay! I can drink out of my mug from Wendy now. I earned my zipper!

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Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/51fadd72.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=08594686e563228576b451bd11541529Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5038/51fadd69.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=2ef506a229134c3960bad1c765e602dc
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WOW, Didn't know you had to go through this, my doc has been saying I needed a double bypass for the past 2 years but refused to do it. Finally went to a different hospital where the doc there did it with stents and no zipper. I feel great after and hope you feel just as good.
They Can't keep a good Cave Man down!

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