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STENTIKI IN NEW YORK 1/18/04 - 1/21/04

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stentiki posted on 11/29/2003


I've just finalized my plans for my trip to the Northeast in January. I'll be coming back over the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday weekend to New York, January 18-21.

I'm looking forward to meeting up with the "usual suspects" (and maybe some others) in NY/NJ.

I'll be in The City from Sunday through Wednesday, so I hope the Fishermen will be playing their usual gig at Otto's on that Monday.

Look forward to seeing you all again.


STEN :wink:

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2004-01-05 14:28 ]

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2004-01-08 17:33 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 12/02/2003

if things aren't too hectic here at the homestead, you're welcome to come down (we're about a 45 min drive south of nyc). also, i'll probably be able to slip up to the city for drinks. i still haven't seen the fisherman play, so maybe we can meet up for that.

tikigreg posted on 12/02/2003

Hey stentiki,
You planning to be coming through CT? If so, let me know and we can grab a drink and maybe some dinner.


stentiki posted on 12/03/2003

Tiki Chris,

Perhaps you guys can find out if the Fishermen are playing that Monday at Otto's or we can make our way to another Tiki establishment. Either way, I should be finished with work by about 8:00 pm. Unfortunately, I won't have a car. Do the trains run out your way? Perhaps Inky, Manic, and Shalom Aloha wanna carpool to Jersey again?

Aloha, Tikigreg!

Not coming to CT this time but perhaps we can pursuade you and your lovely wife to meet us at Ottos?!?

Lemmie know!


STEN :wink:

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-12-02 21:16 ]

tastysp posted on 12/03/2003

hey guys
steve from Otto's here
Fisherman will be playing on that Mon. the 19th at 9pm or so.

Tiki Chris posted on 12/03/2003

On 2003-12-03 10:30, tastysp wrote:
Fisherman will be playing on that Mon. the 19th at 9pm or so.

Thanks Steve. I'm game for meeting up at Otto's to see Fisherman.

STEN et al - Check back w/ me later about coming down. The Missus & I can't get too wild on 'school nights.' But if things aren't too hectic, we'd love to have you & other TCers over for something light.

We live a couple of miles from a train station & would be glad to pick anybody up. The ride from NYC takes about an hour & 15 minutes & costs about $15 round trip.

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-03 10:56 ]

liabungalo posted on 12/03/2003

You should try to swing across the Jersey border and visit Chan's Dragon Inn in Ridgefield. My personal favorite tiki land.


stentiki posted on 12/03/2003

On 2003-12-03 10:54, Tiki Chris wrote:

I'm game for meeting up at Otto's to see Fisherman.

STEN et al - Check back w/ me later about coming down. The Missus & I can't get too wild on 'school nights.' But if things aren't too hectic, we'd love to have you & other TCers over for something light.

We live a couple of miles from a train station & would be glad to pick anybody up. The ride from NYC takes about an hour & 15 minutes & costs about $15 round trip.

I hear ya, Chris. I can't get too wild on a school night either. I'd love to see your new digs. I'll keep you posted.

I'm definitely down with the Fishermen at Otto's on that Monday night(thanks for the info, Steve)!

Hey Liabungalo,

Great suggestion! I actually made the trek to Chan's in Ridgefield last January with Inky, Manic, Shalom Aloha. Awesome place! I think I saw Tony Soprano hangin' out at the bar. :wink:

Looking forward to January.

Inky and Manic where are you?


STEN :wink:

[ Edited by: stentiki on 2003-12-03 12:44 ]

Tiki Chris posted on 12/18/2003

Hey Sten,

Things won’t be as hectic during the time you’re here as I had previously thought. In fact, Sunday won’t be a “school night” for us at all b/c Monday’s MLK Day.

If you would like to visit one night while you’re in the area, Em & I would love to have you over for a home cooked meal & some drinks. However, I’d still like to see the Fisherman on Monday night. Sunday’s ideal but Tuesday or Wednesday are doable. Let me know if you still want to come & what evening is best for you.

This invitation is extended to any/all TCers that may be able to come but PLEASE RSVP!

Tiki Chris

stentiki posted on 12/19/2003

Mahalo, Tiki Chris and Emi for your hospitality!

I may have interviews scheduled until 8:00 pm in the city on Sunday night, so that may be a little late. I'll double check my schedule and let you know for sure. I'd love to see your new Tiki Pad.

I'll try to talk Inky and Manic into going out there if they're up to it.

If Sunday doesn't work out then perhaps Tuesday (I'll be done by 6:00 pm).

Tiki Chris posted on 12/19/2003

sunday or tuesday would be fine. inky & manic are definitely welcome too. the other mysterious tcers in the nj/ny area are certainly welcome too: donhonyc, tikihead, anybody else?

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-12-19 13:14 ]

stentiki posted on 12/20/2003

Hey Chris,

I just checked my schedule for Sunday night and I am booked solid into the evening.

Perhaps Tuesday would be better. I could probably catch the train and be out there by 8:00 pm (perhaps earlier if I don't have scheduled interviews).

I know it's a school night, but I'll be leaving on the first plane back to The OC the next day, so nuthin too wild.

I'll keep you posted.

Monday night at Otto's for sure on January 19, 2004.

It will be a great way to celebrate Rapa Nui Year!

manic cat posted on 12/23/2003

I have Otto's on the 19th on my calendar. cool. that's definately a "go".
I'm not sure about Tuesday. I don't have my dance practice schedule yet. But, if I am free that night, I would love a Tiki Crawl to Tiki Chris and Em's.


Tiki Chris posted on 12/23/2003

Well, you're certainly welcome. And if you can't make it that Tuesday, well, then some other time.

See ya later,

Tiki Chris posted on 12/23/2003

btw, if ya brown bag it, you can drink on njt trains!

inkylouise posted on 12/27/2003

my laptop died 1 mo ago and i finnaly got re-connected....cant wait for nore tiki fuhn next month...any body want to do a preparty at the ink-pad monday night before fisherman???

manic cat posted on 12/29/2003

depends--I might be coming straight from dance practice. I don't have my schedule yet. ps Thanks so much for the Christmas Card!!

stentiki posted on 01/05/2004

Hey Inks,

I'm in for the pre Fishermen party at the Ink Pad. Mahalo for offering!

Just back from the Caribbean. I don't have to tell you how much fun we had, so I'll wait til I see you all in a couple 'o weeks.

Happy New Year!

stentiki posted on 01/09/2004

Okay kids,

Here my updated time schedule:

Sunday, January 18 after 8:00 pm - Open

Monday, January 19 after 6:00 pm
Ink Pad & Fishermen at Otto's Shrunken Head

Tuesday, January 20 after 6:00 pm
Train to Jersey to visit Tiki Chris & Emi

Inky, what time shall we meet at the Ink Pad?

Chris, is Tuesday still okay with you & Emi? If so, what time? (we can work out the details when I see you on Monday).

Looking forward to it!

inkylouise posted on 01/09/2004

The InkPad will be open from 7pm-til Otto's. Fisherman doesnt start til 10ish so that gives us plenty of time for meow-tais and pupu's.

Who else will be joining? If you need info, email me a personal message.

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/11/2004

Hey Sten! You freezin your arsse off?? It was 80 back home today!!! Ha! HA! Say Aloha to the East Coast Polar Bear Tiki Freaks for us!

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daddyrollingstone posted on 01/12/2004

too bad your coming in on sunday. we're hitting chan's dragon on saturday. we went to lee's last night and had an awesome time. we stayed 6pm to midnight.

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tikidrummer posted on 01/12/2004


I'm glad to see that Monday's at Otto's for The Fisherman is on your calendars... It's certainly on mine!! I'll see you guys down there on the 19th!! We'll try to have something special planned for all you sinners...


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Tiki Chris posted on 01/12/2004

INKY - I'm pretty sure that I'll be up for a venture to the Ink Pad pre-Otto's.

Let me check w/ the Missus & she what she's got cookin'. I'll get back to you by the end of the week.

STEN - Tuesday will be fine. I'll get back to you about times, etc.

ANYBODY ELSE - Any other TCers are certainly welcome on Tuesday (the 20th). Just please let us know a few days in advance so we'll be ready for you!

Looking forward to the fun ahead,

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manic cat posted on 01/13/2004

I'm in!!
let's see:
Monday--I gotta meet y'all at Otto's (I have dance practice 9-10:30) so I'll be a little bit late. But, if I don't have enough steam to make it up there, don't fear! i'll be on that train to tiki Chris's and Em's.

Sunday--I gonna steam a bit at the turkish and russian baths. Arty, wanna come too?
This ain't no LA spa!

m c

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stentiki posted on 01/13/2004

Yo Inky! I'll be there. Just remember to stay off your laptop so I can call you when your doorman doesn't let me in! :wink:

Rev - I'm still here, man. This past weekend we were at drinking mimosas on the patio at The Longboard. I'm won't be freezin' till Thursday in Beantown.

Hey Rollingstone & Tdrummer, you gotta check out the Fishermen at Otto's on Monday if you can. We would be "pleased to meet you."

Chris - I'm in for Tuesday. Anyone else wanna "brown bag" it on the NJ Transit with me?!?

Manic - Always wanted to try to a Turkish bath but I chickened out in Istanbul. I might be up for that. What time you goin?

This is gonna be fun!

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inkylouise posted on 01/13/2004

It is my doorman's job to protect me from "freakie deakies" such as yourself!

PS. TDrummer IS Fisherman, or at least one third of Fisherman!

Chris-I'm glad we'll see you at the InkPad too...Send me a personal message and I'll send you a address.

b.Ben-for your information it was really f*%&^ cold here over the weekend; I froze my coconuts off! I almost had to set the thatch on my bar a-flame just to stay warm...how I long for the OC.

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2004

Rev - I'm still here, man. This past weekend we were at drinking mimosas on the patio at The Longboard. I'm won't be freezin' till Thursday in Beantown.

man. my calender/mental, is all jacked up!

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RevBambooBen posted on 01/13/2004

b.Ben-for your information it was really f*%&^ cold here over the weekend; I froze my coconuts off! I almost had to set the thatch on my bar a-flame just to stay warm...how I long for the OC.

Jet Blue??? (and, the blue flu!!) 5 hours to freedom, man!!

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stentiki posted on 01/13/2004

On 2004-01-12 20:52, inkylouise wrote:
PS. TDrummer IS Fisherman, or at least one third of Fisherman!

b.Ben-for your information it was really f*%&^ cold here over the weekend; I froze my coconuts off!

Oh yeah, isn't that the dude we met last time??? Sorry T-Drummer, I owe you a drink, man!

Freezing coconuts doesn't sound fun to me, especially when I'm walkin to the Ink Pad! Tell your doorman that the Kohuna's coming!!!

BTW - If yous need to reach me, I'll be at the Waldorf Astoria 212-355-3000. Howz dat for Hoiti Toiti! :wink:

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manic cat posted on 01/14/2004

Count me in for riding the train to South Jersey!
T C:
what can I bring to help aid in the festivities?
ie booze, snacks, mixers???

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Tiki Chris posted on 01/14/2004

South Jersey? Don't get Uncle Arty lost!

Anyway, as far as what to bring ...

For starters we'll have Kahiki brand pu-pus & pleny o' other snacky things.

As for the main course, you kids are in luck b/c Tiki Emi is going to make her very yummy shoyu chicken!

Depending upon what's fresh & available, we may also have poisson cru (a new one Emi's itchin' to create) or salmon lomi (one of her best dishes)!

We'll cook rice or some sort of starchy staple too.

The main course will be followed by a light salad.

For dessert we're planning to have haupia & probably fresh fruit.

So, I think we're set w/ the food. However, if there's anything you can think of to compliment the above, feel free to bring it along. Or, if you're not a fan of haupia, you're welcome to bring another dessert.

As far as drinky-drinks go, I'll mix a few mai tais. Also, we'll have plenty of wine & digestives. But I'd never discourage anyone from bringing more booze!

See you soon!


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stentiki posted on 01/14/2004

Tiki Chris & Emi,

Wow! Sounds like one hell of a party!!! Your hospitality is beyond the beyonds!

Manic, glad to hear you'll be riding the rails with me. Hope others will join as well.

I leave for Boston tomorrow. Just checked the temperature..."4 degrees, but it feels like -15!" That's what it said!!! Yikes!

But it looks like it will be in the 20's by the time I get to New York. Shorts weather! :wink:

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daddyrollingstone posted on 01/15/2004

we would love to tag along monday and tuesday but im working nights for the next couple of weeks. i dont get out till 12:30am. too bad

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manic cat posted on 01/17/2004

Next time Daddy!
we love seeing new faces so stay in touch!
Manic cat

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stentiki posted on 01/18/2004

Hey Big Apple Ohana,

Just finished my last interview and i'm heading out into the cold Boston night. Actually, it warmed up to the 30's today (from 0 on Thurs!) so it feels pretty warm. Cant wait for Nyc!
i may go check out the Tiki Room here...I've heard bad things but gotsa see for myself.

ISee yous Monday for The Fishermen! Forgive te bad typing< i"m using one of those stupi web tvs

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tikidrummer posted on 01/19/2004

Oh yeah, isn't that the dude we met last time??? Sorry T-Drummer, I owe you a drink, man!

It's OK Sten... Otto's usually makes sure I've got my 'sauce.' I appreciate the offer, though; see you guys on Monday...


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tiki.head posted on 01/19/2004

As usual, I am missing another local get together because I am somewhere else, namely in New Hampshire this week. Have a Mai Tai for me...

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Tiki Chris posted on 01/20/2004

hey. last night was fun.

inky: thanks for yummy drinks & pupus & for the hospitality!

sten: thanks for the mug!

manic: check yr private messages for directions here.

tikidrummer: great music! sorry i had to leave so early.

tiki.head: next time :)

take care,

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-01-20 05:12 ]

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manic cat posted on 01/21/2004

thanks y'all!! it was fun.
(and sorry LA folks for raggin' on you on Tiki Shout)
eastcoast rulz!

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stentiki posted on 01/22/2004


I'm back in sunny So Cal but just wanted to let you know what a great time I had with the NY/NJ crew!

Inky - As always, your potent potions are very tasty and take me to the land of exotica! Manic and I thought up a name for your new drink when we were on the train --"Russell's Banana." Thanks again for hosting us at the Ink Pad. Your Aloha spirit is legendary.

Tiki Chris - Many mahalos for your hospitality last night. Your chicken rocks! And you have a beautiful and very cool Tiki/Brady home. Thanks for the mai tais and the memories. It was great seeing Emi too. I hope we can spend more time with you all next time.

Manic Cat - You are a BAD KITTY, teasing the west coast TCer's like that! You crazy! It was fun riding the rails with you. Thanks for hangin with your favorite Uncle. :wink:

Otto's Shrunken Head - And of course, the Fishermen were awesome on Monday night at Otto's. Steve has added many recent improvements and that place just keeps getting better and better. Good talking with you Steve! Always a good time! Also good chatting with members of the Fishermen. Can't wait to see you here in Cali. Here are a few pix for your Tiki scrap book.

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Close up of Crazy Al's Tiki. Steve from Otto's rigged his speakers in them.

Until next time...

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