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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Johnny Sens

Pages: 1 7 replies

tikifish posted on 10/27/2003

What is the general concensus on Johnny Sens mugs? What is the deal there? From what I gather from previous posts, back in the 60's he ripped off other more popular designs, then Kokomo found the molds and started selling repros. Right? I found a johnny Sens mug but it's not particularily attractive. However if it is valuable I would like to know.

SilverLine posted on 05/01/2011

Here's a thread that seems to have died with the first post. How sad. I was searching for info on Johnny Sens and thought this would surly be the place to find something.

What is known of Johnny Sens? When and how did he get involved in Tiki/ceramics? Did/does he have an art background or was he just "there"? How did he get this "reputation" for forgeries? I haven't found any biographical info anywhere so far.

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/01/2011

When I saw this thread I thought "oh good, tikifish is posting again!" ...


ron-tiki posted on 05/01/2011

i think johnny sens came from new orleans..

Zinctiki posted on 06/05/2011

All I know is I like this particular design and glaze. I also liked 1965. So I bought this thing for probably way too much.


SilverLine posted on 06/06/2011

Now that's one I've not seen before. I wonder if he had a catalog of designs?

Zinctiki posted on 06/06/2011

At least one person has this guy on Mooga. I don't know anything about Sens, though.


ukutiki posted on 10/13/2013

Pages: 1 7 replies