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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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hiltiki posted on 09/21/2013

Love Orville, and love all your "stacked" pieces. Hopefully I will be able to see it in person one of these days.

cy posted on 09/22/2013

Don't think I haven't thought about that H10, but this bamboo does not spread, it just clumps and so remains out of my reach. hiltiki hope you journey to either Tiki Caliente or Oasis 14 for a live view. I decided to band the design around the top of this heavy cedar stump like a cartoon strip rather than stack.

It will have birds, fish, insects, and mammals.

Also worked this driftwood from the Oregon coast.

Maddog I am enamored with the way the eucalyptus carves and look forward to doing more.

It is for my son and he will add a turkey feather head dress and beard.

pjc5150 posted on 09/23/2013

wow,... that wood is gorgeous...

MadDogMike posted on 09/23/2013

It polished up really nice. That driftwood is beautiful too.


keep up the awesome work

tikiskip posted on 10/09/2013

Been wanting to post this for some time now after I saw this here....
"You're the guy that stacks stuff"
That over simplifies what you do really, in fact to me it looks like you go
out of your way to do varied styles of tiki carving.
Lamps, clock like, bats, oars, Groups of tiki masks and more.
You even paint.
I would say that the whole staking tiki thing is a small part of what you do.

Oh yeah I forgot that you do really cool signage as well.
Keep up the good work Cy!!

TheBigT posted on 10/09/2013

Wow, Cy, the oar is crazy awesome!!

cy posted on 10/13/2013

Thanks pjc and MadDog, I like the eucalyptus a lot and started a few new ones. I've never encountered a stranger wood to work on, with bends, knots, splits, twists, and hardness that's hard to beat. Appreciate you checking in Marcus and Big T! Thanks so much TikiSkip, I like to mix it up to avoid boredom and drawing and painting helps my carving and vice-versa. I took Buzzy's comment as a compliment and also a keen observation that made me look back a bit, rather than charge ahead towards the next one. I realize that I like to stack things to tell a story, a bit more totem than tiki. Here is an update.
My son added the turkey feathers and beard to finish "Tom"

The last few weekends have been spent on "Monk". (because he's holy)

It is a piece of fir from my neighbor.

A little work along the way on this cedar stump.

Here is the euc I told you about.

[ Edited by: cy 2013-10-13 18:03 ]

amate posted on 10/14/2013

The monk is very creative and 3D ... Who's the bodyguard?

hang10tiki posted on 10/14/2013

Always fun to watch the mind of the cy-clone think up these Krazy ideas the ya bring em to life
Awesome bruddah


Will carve posted on 10/14/2013

It takes a long time to digest all this.
Ill get back to ya.

MadDogMike posted on 10/14/2013

Cy when I first saw "Tom" just now I thought it was a stingray fresh from the sea :lol: Turned out great, I'll bet your son is proud to display it. Funny how the title for a piece can influence your perception of it ~ when I see "Monk" I think he looks very tranquil.

PS - I rocked the green Frog Island t-shirt at LEGOLAND yesterday. They may call you soon for a Lego tiki :D

When you hurry through life, you just get to the end faster.
Pirate Ship Tree House

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2013-10-14 16:06 ]

AlohaStation posted on 10/14/2013

Will's head is about to explode. He's using all of his fingers and toes trying to figure out how much "extra credit" he's gonna give you.

cy posted on 10/15/2013

amate that's "Lookout Lou". I wanted him to look sentry-like when I made him for my daughter back in 2005. He's been guarding my place for the last few years till she gets back from her internship in Florida this December. Thanks H10! Take your time Will. MDM you are right the color of the feathers are sort of blue-grey like a ray and it was cool to have my sonny- boy excited about it. Believe it or not I sketched out a lego tiki years back but haven't got around to building it yet. Aloha I've been trying to take out as much wood as I can on this one and still have it structurally solid. Cha-Ching.

cy posted on 10/15/2013

[ Edited by: cy 2013-10-15 08:10 ]

cy posted on 10/21/2013

I took some more wood out of "Monk". For some reason he always reminds to keep me tool sharp.

This is as close to a sunset I get 'round here, a beautiful October day in the 60s.

hang10tiki posted on 10/21/2013

Strong work in CY-ber-space

amate posted on 10/22/2013

Looks like the monk is on a fast. :P
Carve deep...carve thin...
No fear.

Will carve posted on 10/22/2013

The Monk is melting.
That was some kind of log you started with.
I don't get many around here like that.
I bet you could have mulched most of the forest
you showed us in that last pic with what you
cut off.
Fir, does it crush & break instead of cut if your
chisels are dull?

cy posted on 10/22/2013

Thanks my Las Vegas amigo. Very good amate, but I have been giving him a steady diet of CHAINSAW. Will you are right I made a bunch of mulch out of that log, first taking two big slabs front and back with my biggest saw. The fir is rather fibrous and will chunk off if your tools are not sharp, but does not splinter like the cedar does. For some reason the chain on the saw makes a really cool sound when taking off and smoothing material from the fir. It's also stronger than cedar, not as brittle.

cy posted on 11/11/2013

Forgive me Hawaiian tiki gods, "Lonnie" just happened. He is being built from walnut, the best wood by far that I have ever used.

Still a ways to go.

The second best wood I have hacked on is this piece of mahogany, a gift from AlohaStation. Still waiting for a 7 foot chunk.

I used a trick from Will carve to enhance the features of "Orville", I brushed a mixture of varnish with black and brown dye into the deep portions of this carving, then wiped away the high spots.

Also made a Rube Goldberg type contraption from left over copper pipe and connectors to display it.

This piece of bass wood will be the top piece for a yet to be determined larger chunk.

Also added a bit of tallness to "Monk" by cutting more base out.

pjc5150 posted on 11/11/2013

man, you keep cuttin' em thinner & thinner..


skootiki posted on 11/11/2013

Lonnie's lookin' good!

Will carve posted on 11/11/2013

And yet, another overload.

Professor G posted on 11/12/2013

Your stuff is tough to describe. I can't even explain to myself what it is I dig about it, but I can't stop digging it.

cy posted on 11/12/2013

Danger is my business Jeff. Thanks Skoo and Will, I admire you guys and grab motivation from your comments. Professor my style is hard to pinpoint even for me but glad you like. You would have a blast hanging out when I vend and watching and listening to the people's reactions. .A lot of picture taking, head scratching, omgs, and most with a confused, slightly scared smile on their faces. Priceless.

cy posted on 11/12/2013

[ Edited by: cy 2013-11-12 10:56 ]

hang10tiki posted on 11/13/2013

Is that a traditional Hawaiian Tiki I see?
Awesome stuff going on over at Frog Island


tigertail777 posted on 11/13/2013

Cy your tiki name puns are hilarious. Your thanksgiving tiki turkey made me laugh! Great work on it all as always!

MadDogMike posted on 11/13/2013

Wow, you've been up to good again! The oar/paddle turned out great and I love the stand, that will develop a nice patina. I notice some 'shrooms behind Lonnie. Remember that there are old mushroom hunters and bold mushroom hunters, but there are no old, bold mushroom hunters :D

cy posted on 11/14/2013

No worries Jon, I have a few twists and turns in plan to unintentionally ruin a beautiful, traditional Hawaiian design. Since Lono is god of peace, fertility and music I think he would understand. Glad you get it tigertail7s, I've been keeping up with your Egyptian project with great interest. Good eye Mike, and you may be right- I am getting a bit long in the tooth to be rupin' around on all fours in the middle of the night, siftin' through the cow dung for dem psychedelic delights. Here is another shot.

About three years ago I sold a few tikis to a couple that shipped them to the Philippines for their bed and breakfast. I contacted the Tiki Beach Resort in Davao to find out that they are south of the devastation and graciously sent back pictures.
"Legba" has a voodoo theme.

"Mehevi" is based on the Don Tiki album's idol.

hang10tiki posted on 11/14/2013

CY-deways no longer :)

amate posted on 11/15/2013

Lonnie is looking good. Traditional with a Cy twist.
I just started on a piece of mahogany as well. So far, I'm really enjoying it.

Atomic Mess posted on 11/20/2013

too much awesomeness here to single anything out, but it's always worth looking in...

danlovestikis posted on 11/23/2013

You've been working hard and turning out some great tikis. I've started counting the days until Tiki Kon. See you there, Wendy

cy posted on 12/01/2013

Amate I must confess that after some careful detective work on my part the particular said piece of wood from Aloha was actually walnut rather than mahogany. (It said "walnut" in black sharpie on the back.) Thanks AM, and I am looking forward to the Tiki Kon event as well DLT. Here is some progress on "Lonnie"

danlovestikis posted on 12/06/2013

Whatever the wood it sure responded well to your chisel. Wendy

pjc5150 posted on 12/06/2013


I think I feel the cold rising from the ground! LOL!!!

that is bitchen brother....

tikiskip posted on 12/06/2013

I like the face in the middle.
Looks like a barrel, call him barrel head.
Good carvin Cy!

cy posted on 12/08/2013

Thanks for checking in Wendy, skip there was too much beautiful carving wood left in that area to just leave alone, so the thought of making it a cool rum barrel did cross my mind. No pjc, hell has not frozen over quite yet, but Frog Island did today.

I used some kind of soft pine- wood from my barn to finish this album cover swap piece, but I swear a piece of wet chip board would have carved up as well as this shit did.

[ Edited by: cy 2013-12-08 13:52 ]

Will carve posted on 12/08/2013

Who couldn't like a Tiki with a happy belly.
I was thinking about how frosty it must be getting up there.
I guess I don't expect to see much from most carvers north of
Palm Beach.

hang10tiki posted on 12/12/2013

Man dat looks cold
Bundle up n grab some kinda plug in tool to carve
(And warm up)
Love the art swap piece



pjc5150 posted on 12/12/2013

damn it WILL!!!

I live north of palm beach! Lol...

pjc5150 posted on 12/12/2013

and Cy, I swear bro, your thread is in my "TOP 5" faves..

there is so much fun shit going on here it's just crazy... LOVE the album cover thingy.... that is AWESOME and I think I'm gonna have to make something similar here... the crappy florida version... lol...

Eventually I'm doin' a couch surf from Seattle to San Diego, and I'm definitely makin' a stop at frog island..

cy posted on 12/12/2013

Thanks Will and H10, I have a nice heated room downstairs that is now scattered with walnut chips, but I should get outside this weekend as it is warming to the 35-40 range. Pjc, thanks man, I know my style isn't for everyone, but I try and make this thread amusing to look at. Like Tiki Central, Frog Island is open 24 hours to visitors and hope you make your way to Oregon. Best weather months are August-October.

danlovestikis posted on 12/21/2013

Cy that photo is beautiful. I love Oregon and most of my family lives there. Is that water frozen? Wendy

hiltiki posted on 12/21/2013

What happens to all the frogs when it freezes? Love your carvings, keep them coming.

cy posted on 12/22/2013

Wendy and Dan in the near twenty years I have lived here the pond has not frozen as solid as it did a few short weeks ago. I wanted to put a tiki on it to photograph but it warmed quickly and now we are back to more moderate conditions. A good question hiltiki, they hibernate during the winter months and reappear in the spring. I will post the cool looking clear pods that they lay their eggs in come spring. Happy Holidays to all my tiki pals, here is an update.
This piece of walnut is almost ready for a clear coat.

For stability purposes I added a fir base. I will fill the gouged out section with beach sand so he will feel more comfy.

Also did a bit on this fir log.

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