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New Tiki Bar opening this weekend Oct 18th/19th

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bigbrotiki posted on 10/16/2013

I just KNOW there is tons of people here that would love to go to a Tiki Bar opening in....REGENSBURG, Germany ! :wink:


Nevertheless, this is an auspicious occasion, because it marks the return to active Tiki duty by no other than the beloved Tiki carver and artiste Kai Sarnes, also know as HaiKai, a true Tiki talent equal to the best carvers out on the American stage. Here is one of the two giganto Tikis Kai carved for TIKI BEAT, plus his mug design and menu cover:

Be there or ...stay in America! :D

AceExplorer posted on 10/17/2013

Very cool. Wishing everyone at the new Tiki Beat "Alles gute, vielen glueck, und eine recht schoene zeit!"

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 10/17/2013

Thanks for the invite, we are on the next plane & staying with you ,Sven
see ya in 18 hours :lol:

bigbrotiki posted on 10/20/2013

Kai did a fine job carving the two giganto bar Tikis flanking the bar at Tiki Beat:

He also painted the restroom stairs:

...and designed the menu:

...for which I got to write the intro :) :

finky099 posted on 10/21/2013

Very kool! Awesome looking tiki carvings and the menu and mug design look fantastic. Don't know when I'll be anywhere near Regensberg, but if and when I do, Tiki Beat will be on my list!

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