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Coco Joes -VS- Hip MORE new pics!!

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GECKO posted on 01/13/2004

Aloha ohana,

Being we have all da experts here, will you please jump in!!

Whats up with these 2 companys? ORRRRR, is HIP a part of Coco Joes? they resemble each other a lot ya.
If this subject is already covered in Tiki Quest sorry but I haven't stoped druling ova da pics yet so I'll get to da reading laterz.

If you get da kine that might not be in Dukes book or even if they are, I was just hoping to see some collections. I know it's a pain uploading pics but eh "swhy hod" ("dats too bad" in pigon). I hate it to. but heres a couple of mine.

anyways just wanted to see if you braddahz and sisstahz are HIP to collecting CoCo Joes.......dats my weak punch line.

I jus wen picked these up ova da weekend. I haven't seen this style in Tiki Quest. No year is stamped on....for my beer drinkerz, no born on date!

the bottom is made to look like wood

da base has 64 on da first tiki, 62 on da 2nd and nothing on da 3rd tiki??? know what that means?

4 of my original coco joe molds from 1968.

more pics to come later.

Live Aloha

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-13 00:20 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-13 00:21 ]

[ Edited by: GECKO on 2004-02-02 14:34 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-04-22 01:51 ]

Trader Woody posted on 01/13/2004


From what I understand, Hip was indeed a part of Coco Joes. I'd love to elaborate, but that's about all I know about the subject!

Very cool molds, by the way.

Trader Woody

boutiki posted on 01/13/2004

I have never seen or heard any evidence that HIP was part of Coco Joes. But that does not mean that it could not have been the case. I believe that Coco Joes was the first to make the "Lava" souviner Tikis. I think they began in the mid '60s. I think that HIP Tikis were being produced in the '70s. I think there is a rather distinct difference in the style, and a subtle difference in the manufacture between Coco Joes and HIP.

HIP stands for Hawaiian Island Products, and they also made a line of figurative gift statues of little kids. Sorta' like the Berry "I love you this much" figures, only scarier. They were a really poopy color brown and the ones I've seen were lightweight. They were hollow like Berry statues, but were not filled with sand.

Gecko, I've got peices that combine the Lava and Hapa wood (I think that's a great look) but I've never seen the ones you have there. Very cool! It looks like they added the Hapa wood base to their standard Tiki giving it a nice contrast with the color and texture.

Most of our Coco Joes are in Tiki Quest but I'll scan that Coco Joes catalogue and post it soon.

emspace posted on 01/13/2004

Gecko, those are AWESOME! I've never seen lava/hapawood combo before, now I have something new to chase after! These 3 look like other Joes versions of Kane, Ku, and Kanaloa that I have, but that Hapawood base kills me! :)

I've always wondered about HIP/Joe too, I figured they were in direct competition. sure looks like their approach and their artists were different.

You have MOLDS! that makes you the HIPpest Joes collector around (okay, that was my weak pun). Keep teh pics coming!


8FT Tiki posted on 01/13/2004

Great find Gecko my boy! Is it possible that since no one else as yet has claimed to own any like these that you may have some prototypes that were not ever produced in mass quantities???? Love 'em!

GECKO posted on 01/13/2004

8FT Tiki, You really think so? that would be nice! Does anyone else here own some like these? Now you got me curious.

Boutiki, if you get a chance, put your hapa would combo on to so I can see which ones it is that I don't have.

Emspace, I'm no where near what some collectors here have in quantity! i just have a few good ones that make my collection seem good.

TW, thanks for what ya know. Dosen't seem like a whole lot know about the 2 dats why i ask.

a friend of mine has a bad ass panel from coco joes I'll post later.

GECKO posted on 01/13/2004

Actually I herd from another collector that Aquarj on TC has a sweet collection?

aquarj posted on 01/13/2004

Actually I herd from another collector that Aquarj on TC has a sweet collection?

Thanks Gecko. Depending on who looks at them, the collection is either sweet or sour.

I've never seen those tikis you showed, at least not with the hapawood bases. I probably would've pooped my pants at the opportunity to go to the sale where those molds were available. I think I have tikis made from molds like the two you showed. If I'm thinking of the right one, the Kane one is usually made with "Alii Gold", which is dark brown - not hapawood and not lava. One of their oddball materials. They also made some from sand.

I'm almost positive that HIP and Cocojoes aren't the same. Especially since there are a few other brands that made the same kind of stuff. But I bet HIP and CJs are related somehow - my little pet theory is that HIP was like Arthur Lyman and Cocojoes was like Martin Denny, if you get the idea. Like some guy started out working with Cocojoes and then later quit and started HIP to make the same kind of stuff.

Wanted to post some pics a while back, on the "Cocojoes melting" thread, because there are examples of that bending problem in ALL the brands, not just CJs or HIP. I'll get to that...


GECKO posted on 01/14/2004

Dats da best answer I've herd from that question. The Arthur Lymann, Martin Denny thing sounds about right.

Now I'm glad I picked those new ones up with the hapawood bottoms. I knew I had something when I never seen ones li'dat.

Mahaloz for da responce.

Trader Woody posted on 01/14/2004

Hmmm, I was told a while back that Hip WAS part of Coco Joes, but I can't re-check my source. I assumed that they came out with HIP to appeal to the younger rat-fink inspired crowd because the normal Coco Joes stuff was mainly being bought by old-fart vacationers.

Perhaps there's a way of checking a list of businesses in Hawaii in the 70's?

Trader Woody

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/14/2004

On 2004-01-14 01:42, Trader Woody wrote:

Perhaps there's a way of checking a list of businesses in Hawaii in the 70's?

Trader Woody

channel the spirit of jack lord?

boutiki posted on 01/14/2004

Boutiki, if you get a chance, put your hapa would combo on to so I can see which ones it is that I don't have.

Here is the photo of the Tiki with the Hapa wood base. Another piece with the Lava/Hapa is the ashtray on page182 of T.Q.

Did you get the three Tikis from your neighbor who went to the liquidation sale? I imagine that at that sale, there were some very cool and rare prototypes and odities. It would have been so cool to have been there!

Aquarj is right on about the Kane being made of Ali Gold, that's the only way I've ever seen it. It's in T.Q. on page 167, middle row, left. The other mold you show is for the Tiki on the top right of page 170. You need to find the Tikis that were made from those molds so you can display them side by side.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 01/14/2004

Gecko, I think you should use the molds to make tiki icecubes for your next luau (provided it wouldn't damage the molds or make the ice taste funny), or maybe use them to shape butter or pate.

Unga Bunga posted on 01/14/2004

Hi Gecko,
Here is an interesting page on how the HIP process is applied. I wonder if the word HIP (that was actually a molding process term) was just turned into the name of a company or Coco Joe's placed the word HIP on their items to identify the process manufacturing of the item(?)(Japan).


Here are some HIP Presses:

A Tiki Cheers To You

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-01-14 13:34 ]

suicide_sam posted on 01/15/2004

my very first Tiki was a Kanaloa by Coco Joe, since then I have gotten lots of other Coco Joe's goodies inculding ash trays and napkin holders but I have never heard of HIP. Thats what I love about this stuff there's always something undiscovered to learn about.

GECKO posted on 01/15/2004

Sweet Daddy Tiki, thats a suuuuupa idea but can you put water in a rubber mold without messing up the mold?

Duke, I've neva seen that one. Dats a nice wun to. Now I'm curious on how many different versions are in hapawood/lava.

eh tanks Unga for that link. very interesting!

Trader Woody...old farts vs new farts? I personally like the old farts because I think coco joes had a bigger selection of line items and have seen come Coco stuff that I want more than HIP. but thats just me

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 01/15/2004

My collection (Coco Joe's unless noted):

"Hapa-Wood" Monstera Leaf dishes:

Ashtrays (the hula girl is HIP):

Misc. (bottle opener is HIP):

Tikis (both are HIP):

More tikis (2nd from right is HIP)

Figure on the left is "Leialoha" by Frank Schirman ("Made in Hawaii with exotic black coral from the deep tropical seas of Hawaiian Islands"):

ones i have bought recently are here: https://tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=1099&forum=5&start=465

-Sweet Daddy T.
Because crap doesn't buy itself.

[ Edited by: Sweet Daddy Tiki 2008-09-17 23:06 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 01/15/2004

SDT, nice collection you have there. On the last photo, the female bust on the left made of black coral - is the lei on her painted? I like that effect.

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 01/15/2004

On 2004-01-15 08:13, PolynesianPop wrote:
On the last photo, the female bust on the left made of black coral - is the lei on her painted? I like that effect.

Yes, the lei and her hair are both painted white -- all the Schirmans I have seen have this effect. And I'm sure the black coral is "black coral" the way the Joes and HIPs are "lava" or "wood".

bigbrotiki posted on 01/15/2004

Very interesting threat. What WAS the "trick" (process) they used to be able to call it "Made with Lava" and "Hapa (mixed) Wood". A huge vat of black (or brown) plastic that they ceremoniously sprinkled some ground up Lava into, or sawdust? Gecko, you're there, find some of the original owners and ask them.

The output of Coco Joe's, HIP and smaller Tourist Tiki manufacturers was so vast that I only touched on it in the BOT. At the time of writing the BOT the stuff was still lining the shelves of all the tourist shops in Hawaii, and I felt that most of the Tikis at the time were not very unique (not ALL, a few are quite whacky, especially the older, 60s and 70s ones).
But the utensils they put out, ashtrays, napkin holders, lighters, and the wall hangings ARE really cool. I especially like it when they created this lava texture, like in the incense burner on page 170 of Tiki Quest, and the wallhangings on page 175. And when the Wahines are shapely...

Randy definitely has one of the best collections I've seen.

GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

Bradda Bigbrotiki said,
"Gecko, you're there, find some of the original owners and ask them"

Eh dats what I got you fo! I spent my hard ern money for your book of Tiki because you spent your hard earned time searching da kine! I'm not good at looking up stuff li'dat anyway. for example, I have been meening to look up Don Beach's Wife here on da islands to talk story and I havent figured out how to start! Sooooo, I won't do any betta looking for Coco Joes peopo.

Nice collection SDT. I like the thing you have your letter in!

Pau Hana!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/16/2004

On 2004-01-15 16:34, GECKO wrote:

I spent my hard ern money for your book of Tiki because you spent your hard earned time searching da kine!

No no no no nooo, I spent my time on the BOT so it would breed all these little urban archeologists who weasle around and sniff up more pieces to the puzzle of Polynesian Pop, and judging by the fine work some TCers are doing, it worked.
By owning the BOT and being a member on TC, you are a Tiki AGENT and are bound by your duty to find and reveal the TRUTH about Tiki in your area.

Well, whittling away on some wood is an acceptable Tiki Agent activity too, I guess...

emspace posted on 01/16/2004

Here's my Joes and similar stuff:

Some HIPs in there, as well as a couple of those touristy museum replica jobs. Got "lava" (old and new style), Hapawood, and my latest is the little Olivine Ku. Olivine is resin mixed with green sand which comes I think must have from one little beach on the Big Island, check it out at http://www.volcanogallery.com/Places-GreenSand.htm . The last pic shows stuff on another shelf, including petroglyph ashtray (here's a hint about what to put in 'em instead of butts: those little white shells from the Islands, Gecko, please remind me what they're called?), cig lighter (thanx SDT!), and "hitchhiking foot" ashtray.

Always on the lookout for more, but I think I'll take a break to pay for my Grand Membership ASAP!


GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

"Well, whittling away on some wood is an acceptable Tiki Agent activity too, I guess... "

HAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAAAA! Funny man you! Ailie says Aloha, I sed "Don't say Aloha to him!"

Bigbro it's like this,
TC is like a Home Depot for Tikiz, everybody here has there own departments that they are good at but if they are not around to help a customer (new TC members) da rest of us will try to help da customer out ya. If we don't know we call up da Boss on da walki talki (Bigbrotiki) and ask him fo'da info.
SOOOOOOO, dem braddahs like Sabu are doing just fine in that info dept! If you need me I'll be in da wood whittling dept! Security to isle 6 (Polypop special agent). Clean up on 7...let's get da new guy to do it!

Emspace, Nice collection my friend. Mahaloz for sharing. Is that Maori wun up front a cocojoes to?

emspace posted on 01/16/2004

On 2004-01-15 17:36, GECKO wrote:
Emspace, Nice collection my friend. Mahaloz for sharing. Is that Maori wun up front a cocojoes to?

Mahalo Gecko, that plaque is real Maori, it's teak with mother of pearl eyes.

Now, you've gotta tell me what those little white shells are called!

:), em.

GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

Da shells look like wat i wear around my neck. Puka shells! Puka meaning hole in Hawaiian. looks like you wen picked dem up off da beach? because they are loose in that cocojoes Waka (Fighting canoe) looking thing.

GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

I love dem coco joes pics of your guys collections. Those are sweet! I cannot wait till da weekend so I can hit da Kamehameha swap meet so I can find more! Like Duke said, these things still sell pretty cheap because I tink they are not as sought after as mugs, carvings and tiki wat'evas. I think you should buy these now though while they are cheap!!

emspace posted on 01/16/2004

On 2004-01-15 23:20, GECKO wrote:
Da shells look like wat i wear around my neck. Puka shells! Puka meaning hole in Hawaiian. looks like you wen picked dem up off da beach? because they are loose in that cocojoes Waka (Fighting canoe) looking thing.

Yep, I picked these up off Kailua Beach. The canoe thing is an awesome ashtray with petroglyphs inside. It's a later version of one in Tiki Quest (pg. 182) from the 60s. My folks had one that my auntie from Kailua sent over. She sent us lots and lots of HIPs and Joes over the years, they all ended up in garage sales or whatever long before I (re)caught the Tiki bug. Live and learn!

:), em.

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/16/2004

I have said over and over these things are true sleepers and it's just a matter of time...Here's my little menagerie...Lava on the left, Hapa on the right. Strangely enough, I like my hula wahines the best..NOOO disrespect for the big KING K, though, either! :) Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b4df34b3127cce86c911eaca2f0000001610

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/36fbcb7f1765330adc86c9ee1a535f75?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sabina posted on 01/16/2004

A couple of not so great photos of most (not all) of mine-

The majority are Coco Joes, there's a little HIP, and some that are unmarked other than model numbers.

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a couple of closers-

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[ Edited by: Sabina on 2004-01-16 18:00 ]

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/36fbcb7f1765330adc86c9ee1a535f75?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Sabina posted on 01/16/2004

Also, to point out just a couple of other oddities, I'm surprised no one else had mentioned the labels some Coco Joe's still have- like this for example-

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Some of mine still have their labels and/or stickers, but others are missing.

Also- here's a set I've assembled-

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Secondly, my version of this-

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seems to be an unusual casting, perhaps promotional, as instead of the usual "Hawaii" text, mine says "Bearings KAMAN Bearings","Made in Hawaii HIP Original c75", which you can see in these-

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=127&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sevenpleasures.org%2Falbums%2Falbum01%2F2004_01_15_210.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=d5c3e6355fae448228225d6e246c0e38


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Anyone have the faintest clue what Kaman bearings refers to?

Then there's this- my treasure- no maker's mark but wow, what a ...Tiki...

With Warrior cloth-
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and without-
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These last two strike me as 'unusal' perhaps the 'hapa' and 'lava' equivilants to 'most unusual mug'.

[ Edited by: Sabina on 2004-01-16 18:11 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 01/16/2004

On 2004-01-15 23:27, GECKO wrote:
Like Duke said, these things still sell pretty cheap because I tink they are not as sought after as mugs, carvings and tiki wat'evas.

Personally, I think they're cheap because they are still rather common. It wasn't that long ago that you could walk into any ABC store in Oahu and see shelves full of these. Every other street vendor in International Market Place seemed to sell them too. I bought a duffle bag full (over the course of a week) in Waikiki as recently as 5 years ago from ABC store. These were popular tourist souvenirs and much more abundant than vintage mugs are now.

GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

Nice pics BK and Sabina. Yes BK, sleepers! I like the tall lava Tiki wun you have in da middle. Sabina you have a nice collection yourself.

PP, brah These are still sold at ABC stores among other tourist traps to this day. I dont buy those though! I'm refering to da wuns from da 60's and 70's. I agree wit'cha cuz, these are more abundunt than mugs, etc. I just tink peopo as BK sed are "Sleeping" on these.

kewl to see more from other collectors!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/16/2004

Sabina, I am sorry to say, but none of your pix are showing on my TC page, they're just little red x's. I have no pic posting ability so I don't know why.
Hanford, can that be fixed, or would she have to do it all over again?

boutiki posted on 01/16/2004

Here is that Coco Joe's catalogue. It was used, so there are some things crossed out and some pages have been cut. But it still gives a good idea of what is out there. Some of the designs I've never even come across, so I guess they were not as popular and are now pretty rare. I'm guessing this catalogue dates from the 1970 since there is a lot of Alii Gold pieces and some of the earlier designs are absent.

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[ Edited by: boutiki on 2004-01-16 16:10 ]

PolynesianPop posted on 01/16/2004

On 2004-01-16 09:29, GECKO wrote:
Yes BK, sleepers! I just tink peopo as BK sed are "Sleeping" on these.

Yeah, you guys are right. I've noticed that too. But hey, I'm not complaining! Another sleeper I noticed is old records. I always find old Hawaiian or Exotica records when I go thrifting (a lot of Hapa Haole). Nobody seems to care about those around here.

PolynesianPop posted on 01/16/2004

BTW Duke - thanks for posting pics of that catalog! I have an old Orchids of Hawaii catalog that I've been meaning to post thats got all the old mugs pictured (similar to the layout of that catalog). Unfortunately, its still packed somewhere. Once I find it, I'll put it up.

emspace posted on 01/16/2004

Woohoo, thanx for the catalog pics Duke! They're keepers for sure.

I haven't had my coffee yet, but...I seem to have more of something than BK. I'd better check back again after two large strong javas! :)

Sabine, I don't see your pics at all. Did you take 'em down already? I also had my browser pop up an MSN Users login window...WTF?

I am lovin' this thread!!!

aloha, em.

GECKO posted on 01/16/2004

boutiki, Auuuurighhhht! sweet looking catalog. Eh, I'm glad they crossed out da Gold Alii! whoa dem suckas were a ugly color.

How'd or where did you get the catalog?

PP, ya records are another sleeper. Even if the music sucks but it has a great cover I'll buy it. I'de love to see that catalog you have. Actually If anyone has a old catalog to anything tiki would be cool to sift look at on TC. Have like a thread of Tiki Catalogs of everything tiki....

I gotta go ova to my friends and get a pic of some of his stuff. He has choke molds! Maybe today.....wait my Lakers play the Sacremento Queens today so maybe manyana.

Em, you might be da one of few on TC that has something more than BK! some guys get all da girls and kelw things!

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Sabina posted on 01/17/2004

Ok :)

Radical rejiggering- can everyone see the pix now?

(Thanks go to Mike if you can- he's my technical department!)

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Slacks Ferret posted on 01/17/2004


I can see 'em now! Thanks!

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Phillip Roberts posted on 01/17/2004

[ Edited by: filslash 2008-09-10 13:43 ]

aquarj posted on 01/19/2004

That was really great to see the catalog! Also nice to see some of the unusual ones that other people have, like Sabina's one with the dingaling. Here's some pics of some of the more unusual ones I've got, or just some of my favorites. First some hula stuff...

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These two are unusual, and I think the one on the left is one of the only ones I've seen where they give her a little nipple. Auwee!

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The two on the left aren't so rare, but they're some of my favorites, even though I don't normally go for "the guys." The two on the right are unmarked - never figured out who made them.

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Here's a bunch of different materials - some white resin, "olivine","alii gold", sand, and who-knows-what. That sand one looks like a rarotonga tiki in Battlestar Galactica clothes.

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Similar styles, different makers.

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Far left is the heaviest one I've ever come across.

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More big and small.

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Old CocoJoes on the left, new made-in-China Chiefly on the right.

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Check out these tikis made by HIP. Then look at this next picture...

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This is from a Hawaiian photo book. The picture is captioned as being outside a gift shop in Waiahole, Oahu. Judging from these tikis, maybe it was a HIP gift shop??? Judging from the kid's attire, probably early 80s?

Some more various unusual tikis...

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Guy in the middle has a little dingdong - that's the God of Money, and not too rare. No idea who made the one on the far right.

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Some tall tall tikis. Far right is an odd one - it's CocoJoes, but it clinks like ceramic, and it's chipped like ceramic too.

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The prize for weirdest off-brand tiki. Linguini arms, uneven boobs, and bowlegged like a cowboy.

Lastly, check out this postcard. It was on ebay and I didn't win it, but saved the image. Wouldn't THAT have been fun to see!

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[ Edited by: aquarj on 2004-01-18 19:33 ]

GECKO posted on 01/19/2004

Daaaaaam! nice collectiona Aqua! I have never seen the hula girl with the tiki behind it(your first pic). I like that a lot. I also love the post card. Is that pic took on Oahu? never seen that.

Eh Fil, is there anything you don't know! tanks for that info my friend! Give me a call bro, I got a new mug i want you to see.

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2004

Randiiiie, c'mon, show the girl in the clam shell, that's my fave! From different angles, pleeeease....

emspace posted on 01/19/2004

WICKED collection aquarj!

:), em.

aquarj posted on 01/20/2004

Thanks for the comments! I wish it was easy to show all of them. Hey, anyone wanna do a book with me?

Hey Sven, as for your request, I took some pics tonite. The cool thing about the CocoJoes type stuff is that when you look at it up close, you realize how exquisite some of it really is. Same goes for many of the tikis, but this girl-in-a-shell is pretty amazing.

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Two more special angles, especially for Sven...

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bigbrotiki posted on 01/20/2004

Yep! That is how I remember it! Gosh, it sure is a pretty....(gulp)...thing...err...the clam shell...yah...nice detail...uhum

As I said, there ARE some pieces they did that stand out!

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