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Tiki Central / General Tiki

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Pages: 1 3 replies

T.I.K.I posted on 11/22/2013


New member here. My name is Buck. I have perused this site many times over the last few years while tracking the progress of the build of a friends Tiki bar.

I was recently in a deep, slightly intoxicated discussion about how awesome Tiki bars are and I decided that we need to make one on the roof of our business. I remembered this site and I am hoping to get some ideas/advice on my project.

Nice to meet you,


bamalamalu posted on 11/24/2013

Aloha! Sounds like a business I'd want to work for.

Trailerpark Tiki posted on 11/24/2013

Welcome to TC!

RevBambooBen posted on 11/24/2013

Aloha BuckTiki!!!

Pages: 1 3 replies