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August Holland had a third tiki print!

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Cultjam posted on 01/14/2004

Out of curiousity, I emailed Judith Holland to see what info she had about the "Pearl of Wisdom" and "Treasure Within" prints and to see if she'd print them again.

How surprised I was that she responded:

I am sorry it has taken me so long to write back. I have been out of the
country and am just getting over jet lag.
I am sorry to say that it would be VERY expensive to reprint "The Pearl". I
checked it out in 2001 when others asked. It would cost me $1000. to get 10
prints in the new giclee printing and $5000. for 500 prints like the ones
to which you refer. On top of that it would cost more just to have the
company look for the file copy print. In order for it to be worth my while
I would have to double the price and be assured of selling what I have
I thought it to be an expensive venture in 2001 and it may have gone up by
I am curios about "The Treasure Within". I haven't heard that title for
many years. Refresh me. I don't think I even have a copy of that one.
Best regards,
Judith Holland

So I sent her the picture of Treasure Within that was posted here.

Lisa ,
Thank you.
I didn't know that this was the title of this one. I thought it was "The
Fire god". Did I tell you that there was a third one called "Drums in the
Night". It had a green background.
i have talked to my friends that own the gallery that holds most of
August's paintings and they are with me in that I shouldn't print anymore.
Thanks again,

Does anyone know or have a picture of this print?

Feelin Zombified posted on 01/14/2004

Nice work!
Too bad she couldn't send you a pic of "Drums". I'm still looking for "Treasure/Fire", now I guess I'm looking for an unknown green print that may or may not have a drum in it as well.

It doesn't sound like she's interested, but maybe someone like Tikifarm could schmooze her into a licensing deal. I'd love to have a matched set. But none of this limited edition-can't-afford-it-anyway-$$$ stuff.


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2004-01-14 06:28 ]

Formikahini posted on 01/15/2004

Hey, Lika Lika- Nice detective work!

But wait - Rats! Now there's something ELSE I want but can't have!!!!!!

Traderpup posted on 01/15/2004

Has anyone seen the 3rd print? I wanna see!

Or is this an elaborate hoax to humble those of us that are lucky enough to own the 2 familiar ones? I'm gonna freak until I get my hands on that third one....!

fatuhiva posted on 01/15/2004

hey can somebody post a pic of print #2 "fire god"

id like to see a detailed shot for once :)

Cultjam posted on 01/16/2004

Feelin' Zombified wrote:
"maybe someone like Tikifarm could schmooze her into a licensing deal."

My thoughts exactly! Holden?

Here's the pic of "Treasure Within" / "Fire God" that Al posted in another thread.

You gotta wonder though, it the third print really exists, wouldn't BK have a stack of them already?

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/16/2004

Just the Pearl Of Wisdom...I guess the only one the furniture stores around here stocked in the day!

midnite posted on 09/23/2004

I am guesing this is the third Holland print:


I saw this and that it might be, did some digging, and figured it had to be the third one. Drums, is it? Hope the link works, someone should get a capture of the pic. It's been a long time since I used this BBcode or I'd do it myself.

Ebay #3749264106 Sorry, it ends in just a day. There's till time for all interested in Holland' stuff.


Cool Manchu posted on 09/23/2004

hello Midnight,

That would have to be the elusive 3rd August Holland print. Its nice to see what it finally looks like.

Good hunting!


Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 09/23/2004

I think you're right, Midnight.

I've saved the photos so that we can enjoy them long after the auction closes:

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kctiki posted on 04/01/2006

I found a picture of August Holland's Drums of the Night print on the augustholland.com website - since the one from before is gone, here it is again.

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[ Edited by: kctiki 2006-03-31 19:11 ]

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Moki posted on 04/01/2006

KC...you gonna try painting this one?? I'd love to see your take on it.
Good work digging up the picture.

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kctiki posted on 04/02/2006

Ah - if I could depict otherworldly realms like August Holland I'd be immortal. As it is I can only aspire.

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Blowfish posted on 04/05/2006

Great series of prints...

For the record I talked with the company that still owns the image of the Pearls of Wisdom. They were willing to reproduce that image as a smaller reprint... nice paper, etc... but I thought it was a bit pricey at what would be about $50- each print. Especially since they still pop up in thrift stores and online.

If there is enough interest here I can pick up that conversation with them again.

K Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/a64857dcf8975daf5de2dfcf630b715d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
kctiki posted on 04/06/2006

Thanks for the info Blowfish. I'd happily pay $50 for a brand new one with the colors all crisp & fresh.

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Hot Lava posted on 04/06/2006

I second that.

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Mashuka posted on 04/06/2006

Me too!

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tikijackalope posted on 04/06/2006

I wouldn't pay $50 for Pearl, as I already have it; but, do they own the other prints? I'd go $50 for the Drums of Night or maybe the other one.

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Mashuka posted on 04/06/2006

Sorry, I meant Drums of the Night.

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Blowfish posted on 04/06/2006

OK, for those that might be interested I will re-contact the print maker guy and get more info and nail down the price... then start a new thread to find out how many are interested so I can make a group order.

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SallyandJay posted on 04/06/2006

I would also be interested in purchasing the print.

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hodadhank posted on 04/06/2006

On 2006-04-06 08:48, Blowfish wrote:
OK, for those that might be interested I will re-contact the print maker guy and get more info and nail down the price... then start a new thread to find out how many are interested so I can make a group order.

Awesome!!! Count me in, Blowfish!!!!!!!!!!

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congatiki posted on 04/07/2006

I would also be interested in the "Drums" print...also...I have a spare poster of "Power
Within" that I would be willing to trade for something...it is not framed and not the
"textured" print like Pearl of Wisdom...but it is probably 60-70s era...large...and
really nice.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/6145ad28c3f4c231a8ab388b65d9399d?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hodadhank posted on 04/08/2006

I PM'd you about a trade Conga...

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Kailuageoff posted on 04/08/2006

I have an original framed Pearl of Wisdom, but would be interested in the other two as prints. Great discovery and follow through.

fatuhiva posted on 04/13/2006

Sitting amongst the clutter of my as-of-yet-still-unfinished tiki room:

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Kailuageoff posted on 04/15/2006

Very nice. I love the frame too. Mine has a simple brown wood frame, but it still has the Sears sticker on it with a price of $10. Come visit us in Orlando sometime!

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Queen Kamehameha posted on 04/22/2006

Hi would be interested in either of the 3 rare ones. I only have the pearl's picture. If anyone is interested in selling, trading, please email me at exny1@aol.com, thanks


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BettyBleu posted on 04/25/2006

I'd pay the $50 too...happily.

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TabooDan posted on 04/25/2006

Count me in for any of these prints re-done and made available! They are done very well and are truely great pieces! I can probably count six others right now that would also be interested in my area! Let the printing begin!!!

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Tiki Lee's posted on 06/07/2009

HEY, Look what my wife found at a friend's house the other day....!

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O.k., so I borrowed that photo from another post, but she really did find one of the ever-elusive August Holland "Fire God" prints at a friend's house...
and he GAVE IT TO HER!

Man, I Love My Wife!

The Big debate now is "is the figure Male Or Female"? Classic Maori art is almost always typically Male, but consider these factoids:
1)Long Hair
2)Stylized boobs
3)Opening what suspiciously looks like "Pandora's Box"
4) Mr. Holland, being an American, was open to "Artistic Licence" and might have thought that he'd change tradition up a bit.

The debate is now OPEN FOR DISCUSSION!

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Paipo posted on 06/07/2009

Full facial moko (tattoo) = male, and the stylised boobs are just the shoulders in the usual place for this type of figure. I don't think this is a wahine, although he has certainly taken a few liberties with him(?)! Mostly by just using parallel lines where there would be intricate surface patterns...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5041/4a2b9518.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=54e27e47f542ff7eeed7a5e703357107
Wahine & Tane

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White Devil posted on 10/28/2013

I am sorry to say that it would be VERY expensive to reprint "The Pearl". I
checked it out in 2001 when others asked. It would cost me $1000. to get 10
prints in the new giclee printing and $5000. for 500 prints like the ones
to which you refer. On top of that it would cost more just to have the
company look for the file copy print. In order for it to be worth my while
I would have to double the price and be assured of selling what I have

i have talked to my friends that own the gallery that holds most of
August's paintings and they are with me in that I shouldn't print anymore.
Thanks again,

Now that we're about to be thirteen years beyond 2001, I think it's time we reevaluated the needless rarity of the August Holland tiki images. Many classic-era tiki menu images & paintings are readily available as on-demand canvas & paper prints through companies like this...


Even if copyright is still an issue where Holland's art is concerned, there's absolutely no reason (it seems to me) that someone can't be making money while satisfying a great designer's/collector's market for the rarities. If copyright is NOT a consideration, then can we have a lucky owner make his/her print available for high-rez scanning & reproduction?

For those of you unfamiliar with the art in question, you've probably encountered this image before...

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This is the most common, and remains available even now on Etsy, eBay and can be found in antique shops across the U.S.
These, on the other hand, are wickedly rare and in high demand by both tikiphiles and Mid-Century Modern vintage collectors...

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/10844/526e7402.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=fdad057e0acfdbcfcedebda50a258e02
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Given the state of computerized printing technology and the dearth of contemporary tiki fine art, I believe it's high time that we get these excellent artifacts back into the marketplace.

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[ Edited by ericlussier on 2022-10-02 17:06:49 ]

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