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Hawaii Five-O 2.0

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tikiskip posted on 05/08/2013

Kelly Hu is the actress that provides the voice for the character of Stacy Hirano from Phineas and Ferb (and one of her cousins). Hu was crowned Miss Teen USA in 1985,

Yeah they need more scenes of Hawaii.
That's one of the things I like about the Rockford files
often they are in some old cheesy steak house.
Was great to see rick from Magnum PI on a show.
Maybe they could get Robert Blake to play a guy who kills his wife outside
of a cheesy steak joint, but then nobody would believe that.

And the new McGarrett had a new hair cut last night and was cleaned up a bit.
Maybe they read your posts.


I am reminded of the parody of Hawaii Five-O (Original Series) in Mad Magazine where they stated that they needed to slip in any reference to Hawaii they could into the dialogue. Otherwise viewers would think they are watching "Dragnet"

and the rest....
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 2
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 3
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 4
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 5
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 6

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com

bigbrotiki posted on 05/09/2013

Hah, Yeah, what a classic! This page contains two iconic pieces which I have been tracking through Tiki culture: a Maori bowl, the likes of which were already sketched by Paul Gauguin...

...and the Tami mask from the Field museum:

Lukeulele posted on 05/10/2013

Classic Mad Magazine! If only it was still like that.

On 2013-05-08 09:28, King Bushwich the 33rd wrote:
I am reminded of the parody of Hawaii Five-O (Original Series) in Mad Magazine where they stated that they needed to slip in any reference to Hawaii they could into the dialogue. Otherwise viewers would think they are watching "Dragnet"

and the rest....
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 2
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 3
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 4
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 5
Mad - Hawaii Five-O: Page 6

[->>King Bushwich 33rd on Hulu.com [ Edited by: KING BUSHWICH THE 33RD 2013-05-08 11:48 ]

JackLord posted on 05/13/2013

I was fairly critical in the beginning, but the show has grown on me. It bears little resemblance to the original and it is way over the top.

But it is very entertaining. A comic book come to life.

Vrinda posted on 12/11/2013

On 2011-10-16 03:52, Bongo Bungalow wrote:
I still watch this show every week and consider it a guilty pleasure. Sure, it's predictable (chat scene in the car, chase scene, bad guys hate kids, good guys love kids) and the acting is not fantastic (every time someone takes in emotional dialogue they take a quick look away from the person before responding- every time!) but my expectations for this kind of show are low. And the original show was no masterpiece. Anyhow, it's just simple fun, a like the scenery and try to find tiki.

That's where you are wrong. The original was a masterpiece, as far as making every effort to turn out a good production goes. The cast on the original dealt with emotions better than the new cast did. They weren't phony and didn't look away from the other person before responding. No TV show in the history of television was ever perfect, but some came close. The original Hawaii Five-O was one of them.

Thortiki posted on 12/16/2013

Check out the recent Five 0 Pearl Harbor episode, Ho'onani Makuakane (Honor thy Father) you can still see it on line @ CBS. They put a lot of time & effort for a tv series into this episode! Thortiki

khan_tiki_mon posted on 12/19/2013

I was talking to the Kona beer rep at Ohana in Lake George and he told me that every time they end an episode with a Longboard that is done by the show gratis - no payment for the product placement. Just being good neighbors and supporting the locals. I thought that was nice.


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