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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

Luau Lounge - Town House KC, Kansas City, MO (bar)

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Name:Luau Lounge - Town House KC
City:Kansas City

Found this swizzle on Ebay:

It appears to be a bar in a motel. Search for Town House and Kansas City yields various results.

Found a 1962 blurb in the Kansas City Star:
A1 Lew, general manager of the Town House hotel in Kansas City, Kansas, said of their key club, the Luau lounge, in the lobby: “The members bring their own bottles which are identified by number; all we sell are setups.” Lew is a leader in the Kansas Hotel association and Chamber of Commerce campaign for a more realistic liquor law in the state. The group will propose a bill to the next Legislature to permit by-the-drink sale in hotels and restaurants, probably with food only, and subject to other limitations as to minimum size of es tablishraent.

[ Edited by: Swanky 2013-12-27 06:45 ]

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