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Call for tiki mug photos

Pages: 1 22 replies

TikiTacky posted on 07/14/2013

Sooo, I'm working on a book about tiki mugs. :wink:

It's in the beginning stages, and I'm not ready to discuss details, but I am looking for submissions of tiki mug photos to use in the book. Anyone who submits a photo that gets used will be credited in the book, and if you like, I'll also provide a link to a URL of your choosing (within limits! :o ).

I'm looking for photos of tiki mugs that you own. Here's the criteria:

  • Sharp, well-lit photos.
  • The more angles, the better!
  • Preferably at least 2000 x 1500 resolution. Any recent camera of 3MP (megapixels) or higher should be fine.
  • Photographed on a contrasting background or, if you've got an artistic flair, in a scene of your choosing.
  • Group shots are OK, but individual mugs are preferred.
  • Any information you think is relevant or interesting about the mug.

If you're interested in submitting photographs, please send them to . I'll contact you for additional details, and provide a release for their use (in which it will be stated that the photos belong to you, and you are only granting permission for them to be used for this book—I won't own your photos, and I won't use them for anything else!).

This is such a great community, and I'm always excited to see what people here have to offer in terms of collections as well as creativity. I'm very excited to see your submissions.

Thanks for your help! I promise I'll post more details as the project continues. You're also welcome to contact me at the above address or in a PM if you have any questions.

For those who are curious, I'm an experienced, published author, and I know what's involved—this isn't a pie-in-the-sky project. I'm very serious about devoting the time and energy required to carry it to completion and do it well.

Big Vic posted on 07/15/2013

Thats sounds nice! Here is the Tiki Hell mug. A special mug created for and about the room party TIKI HELL held every year at Tiki Oasis. The mug was created by Notch G. the super creative owner of Lost Tiki Island co. Working with Vic, of the North bay Rum Bums, (The crew who does the Tiki Helll party) They came up with the design. Notch took it from there! Every year the color is different and all the mugs are numbered. I put this out for consideration. Cheers!

1st edition mug!

back side.

This year's mug is being made as we speak and will be available at Tiki Oasis 13!

TikiTacky posted on 07/15/2013

Big Vic,

That's great! Can you send the photos to the email link I provided above? Posting them on Tiki Central does ...unpleasant things... to the images. :)

Kiwi Steve posted on 07/15/2013

I was going to do a nice photo of 3 color variations of that mug for Instagram... I'll send it to the email address provided, along with a ton of others. What's your deadline to get the photos?

TikiTacky posted on 07/15/2013

No deadline yet, there's plenty of work to be done. :)

Big Vic posted on 07/15/2013

On 2013-07-15 12:51, Kiwi Steve wrote:
I was going to do a nice photo of 3 color variations of that mug for Instagram... I'll send it to the email address provided, along with a ton of others. What's your deadline to get the photos?

Three colors of the Tiki Hell Mug?

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Hale Tiki posted on 07/15/2013

I'm sad I didn't get one last year when I was at Tiki O. I had a lot of fun at the Tiki Hell party.

Big Vic posted on 07/15/2013

They'll have a new version this year! Yes, come back to hell.

Kiwi Steve posted on 07/15/2013

The brown/red version, red/black version & violet prototype. The Tiki Hell room party was amazing!!!! Sorry to hijack your thread TikiTacky.

TikiTacky... As time goes on, let me know if you need a particular mug to fill a gap in your submissions. I'm going on 500 different mugs & I know a lot of people with huge collections as well...

I used to be a professional sports photographer, but I don't have much still life experience. I love this assignment!

[ Edited by: Kiwi Steve 2013-07-15 14:39 ]

TikiTacky posted on 08/08/2013

Work is progressing nicely. Lots of research, and so it takes quite a bit of time. Thanks to everyone who has submitted images and ideas! I'll be contacting more of you soon with individual requests.

Keep 'em coming!

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SandraDee posted on 08/08/2013

How is your book/publication going to differ from Jay Strongman's book?
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teaKEY posted on 08/08/2013

^ The more the merry with anything tiki. I like how you are requesting mug pictures. I'll have to send you some. I got many mugs that no one has seen. I'll buy your book for sure just like I bought the others.

TikiTacky posted on 08/08/2013

For one, it will be available without shelling out $300 for a used copy. :)

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SandraDee posted on 08/08/2013

On 2013-08-07 19:15, TikiTacky wrote:
For one, it will be available without shelling out $300 for a used copy. :)

So your book is going to be the same as Jay's but just cheaper?

Ok, thanks for the further explanation.

I agree there is always room for more tiki related books so good luck to you on your project!

[ Edited by: SandraDee 2013-08-07 22:00 ]

TikiTacky posted on 08/08/2013

I honestly can't compare the two, as I have no way of obtaining Jay's book. I'm sure they'll be similar in some ways and very different in others. The little bit of his book I've been able to find online looks very well put together.

TikiTacky posted on 12/28/2013

Just a heads up, this is still a thing. Wendy Cevola has been incredibly gracious and is helping me with a chapter on the making of a tiki mug, and many other people have volunteered photos and other info. A lot of my off-the-wall posts have been related to content, and I'm doing a tremendous amount of research. My hope is that the book will contain information that's new to many of you. I'm doing my best on fact checking, so as you can imagine it's a monumental undertaking. Much of the information out there is wrong or misleading, so I'm trying to be very thorough in checking everything I can. Cross-checking dates, trademark searches, etc.

If you have information about tiki mugs or manufacturers that you'd care to share, please feel free to contact me. Contributors will be credited in the book. Also, if you'd like to contribute photos from your collection for inclusion, that's appreciated as well. Anyone contributing photos will be credited and get a URL link of their choice in the book.

Thanks to everyone who has helped so far, I really appreciate everyone's willingness to share what they have, and for putting up with my occasionally inappropriate inquisitiveness. :)

T-shirts based on vintage tiki matchbooks: TikiTees

[ Edited by: TikiTacky 2013-12-27 17:31 ]

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lunavideogames posted on 12/28/2013

Luckily I bought that one at retail price, $35. I have seen them getting cheaper on eBay lately. I thought the last one went for like $50 so keep checking. It's s great book.

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lunavideogames posted on 01/01/2014

Oceanic Arts was selling a copy of that Tiki Mugs book for $80. I bet if you called them they would ship it too Tikitacky.

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Pele Paul posted on 01/01/2014

you should do like I do; go on ebay and right click the photos of tiki mugs for sale, its public domain

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Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/01/2014

On 2013-12-31 19:44, Pele Paul wrote:
you should do like I do; go on ebay and right click the photos of tiki mugs for sale, its public domain

That's not true, Tiki Farm, Crazy Al & other artists own the TM to those mugs, you will still need their permission
to print pictures of them.

Kiwi Steve posted on 01/01/2014

You can not publish any photos from eBay without the photographer's permission and sometimes the subject's creator's permission as well.

TikiTacky posted on 01/01/2014

Don't worry, I'm not snagging photos off eBay (although that would definitely make my life easier!). I'm asking everyone whether I have permission to use their work. For the ones that don't offer permission, I make other attempts to get images of similar mugs. Luckily most of them are available elsewhere. :)

So far most people have been very gracious. I've had a few non-responses, but only one outright "no" so far.

Kiwi Steve posted on 01/01/2014

I'm not worried about you. I'm just informing Pele Paul... Hopefully, I'll get my photos to you soon!!!!!! Cheers!!!!!

Pages: 1 22 replies