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The Straw Hut

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mike and marie posted on 11/20/2013

Thanks for sharing this, Trad'r Bill! We love the look and feel of your space. What is immediately striking is the color---all earthy brown tones and then green. It's very nice.

Some questions: what is the carving on the wall in the booth? It looks very interesting from the photos. And is the "Chow 'n Grog" sign from a restaurant? Also we have to say that we really love that coffee table. That super-laquered look is just perfect.

Pele Paul posted on 01/18/2014

LOVE LPVE LOVE YOUR PLACE!!!!! I wanna buy a bigger home just so I can have a bigger yard and bigger home bar!!!!! but im right clicking all ur pix for ideas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kalenatiki posted on 01/19/2014

Great bar! Incredible build.

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