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Daninsh Concrete :) hope it is the right place

Pages: 1 6 replies

Skipper posted on 01/19/2014

The Bucket Thing

Cool Green Gay

Hot Frogy

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/19/2014

Velkommen tilbage til Tiki Central, Skipper
Det har været et stykke tid.

Skipper posted on 01/19/2014

On 2014-01-19 04:13, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Velkommen tilbage til Tiki Central, Skipper
Det har været et stykke tid.

Tusinde tak Atomic:) har haft travlt med at skaffe værksted og lave galleri for mine figure :)

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 01/19/2014

Det har været et stykke tid,undskyld mit danske er rustent.

Skipper posted on 01/19/2014

On 2014-01-19 04:26, Atomic Tiki Punk wrote:
Det har været et stykke tid,undskyld mit danske er rustent.

Syntes nu du klare det ganske godt :) Der hvor du bor, var det et af de steder hvor der blev så koldt ? Her i det nordligeste Jylland har vi haft sne vejr i to dage non stop, vi har fået en meter sne efterhånden

MadDogMike posted on 01/19/2014

Love them Skipper, especially Rango.

I am getting ready start working on a concrete sculpture today, hope mine turns out half good as good as yours! I'm sure you have different products in Denmark but what are you using? Do you wrap the foam with some sort of mesh ? Fiber or wire? do you use a concrete with gravel in it or more like a mortar or stucco base coat with sand? Do you use any fibers in the cement? Any additives?

Thanks :)

Skipper posted on 01/20/2014

On 2014-01-19 08:11, MadDogMike wrote:
Love them Skipper, especially Rango.

I am getting ready start working on a concrete sculpture today, hope mine turns out half good as good as yours! I'm sure you have different products in Denmark but what are you using? Do you wrap the foam with some sort of mesh ? Fiber or wire? do you use a concrete with gravel in it or more like a mortar or stucco base coat with sand? Do you use any fibers in the cement? Any additives?

Thanks :)

Hi Mike
Thank you for the nice Word Well I use a product Makemake Concrete it Danish and there is no sand or stone in Try http://www.zooply.dk that's were a bye it I use Styrofoam to put the concrete on, but when we built big Things wee use metal barres whit net on.. On my page I have a lot of Pictures showing how I make it, and under foto album there is many Pictures from the first thing I build.. my site is http://www.betonfigure.dk Are you on face book?

Pages: 1 6 replies