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cy posted on 07/24/2013

She's looking beautiful Aloha and your porn pic gave me splinters from whackin my hard wood.

pjc5150 posted on 07/24/2013

I'd hit it...

tikimecula posted on 07/25/2013

Holy Crap. Going for it I see. Looks real good so far, Keep it up.

AlohaStation posted on 08/09/2013

This is my latest submission to the Cannibal art swap. Carved walnut, Cannibal Fork Pendant. This one threw me a curve by having a hidden bad spot inside the piece of wood (you can see it on the chest. When I exposed that, I didn't want to carve any deeper. The fork is sharp enough to be used as a fork.

MadDogMike posted on 08/10/2013

Been a while since I been on yout thread Tom, I missed some stuff! The upside down Hawaiian guys are great and the mermaid is gonna be awesome. The cannibal fork is fab, gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "let me pick your brain" :lol:

hang10tiki posted on 08/10/2013


pjc5150 posted on 08/11/2013

good seein' you today bro,,,

thanks or wakin' me up... lol...,.

AlohaStation posted on 10/04/2013

Here's my latest. 8'rootball - I'm done carving and have been letting it dry. Just needs to be finished. Thanks SST for the log.

[ Edited by: AlohaStation 2013-10-04 07:10 ]

hiltiki posted on 10/04/2013

Excellent rootball, love it.

cy posted on 10/04/2013

Great work Aloha, the wavy tongue is especially cool.

amate posted on 10/04/2013

You've been away too long but it looks like it's going to worth the wait!

pjc5150 posted on 10/04/2013

hell yeah bro,...

he looks killer!

Will carve posted on 10/04/2013

Let it dry???
You gotta let the smoke clear.
That thing's on fire.

MadDogMike posted on 10/04/2013

ROCK ON WIT YOR BAD SELF!!!!! I love rootball tikis and this one is exemplary

NIxxon posted on 10/08/2013

Wow. Now that is impressive. Excellent carve for sure!

AlohaStation posted on 10/24/2013

Here he is all finished.

cy posted on 10/24/2013

You sure practice what you preach Aloha, can't carve much deeper then that, looks great.

Benzart posted on 11/04/2013

Excellent work Aloha, you have outdone yourself here for sure!

AlohaStation posted on 11/12/2013

Here are a couple of quick carves in Palm. They need to dry, then I will finish them. 3-5 hours of carving on each.

For the Love of Tiki posted on 11/13/2013

Love that Root Ball Tiki… has kind of an "old school" feel to it. A big thumbs up!

pjc5150 posted on 11/13/2013

cool man... I've been makin' a lot of halfies lately myself...

tikimecula posted on 11/17/2013

That rootball is Bad A$$. I think he needs to come to Kansas. Want to work out a trade???

AlohaStation posted on 11/21/2013

Sorry the rootball is spoken for. You can visit him whenever you are in Fort Lauderdale. He now resides at Kreepy Tiki - the coolest tikibar/tattoo studio in FTL! Look for the 20' neon hula girl on Federal Highway by the FTL airport.

AlohaStation posted on 12/02/2013

I did those smaller quick carves and had the half of the log waiting. So I put the small guys to the side to dry and dove into the other half. Taking my time and trying some new things. This weekend I got a chance to sand him.

hiltiki posted on 12/02/2013

Love the long face. Just perfect.

For the Love of Tiki posted on 12/17/2013

Way cool Moai!

pjc5150 posted on 12/17/2013

very cool Tom!

AlohaStation posted on 12/24/2013

Merry Christmas to everyone out there. I hope that you keep your chisels sharp, paintbrushes clean, kilns fired, or whatever it takes to keep creating tiki. Happy New Year and remember to keep posting.

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KAHAKA posted on 12/24/2013

Merry Christmas Aloha Station... That new Moai is really, really neat!

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congatiki posted on 12/24/2013

Merry Christmas Aloha-Station and everyone....and....really nice big Moai.

pjc5150 posted on 12/25/2013

merry christmas Tom...

you guys have been having so much fun with all those big logs I'm kinda feelin' a trip south comin' on...

AlohaStation posted on 01/12/2014

OK so Will Carve inspired me. After checking out his latest, I went home and chopped off a dead palm frond off a tree in my front yard. The branch was dead and hanging, but still full of water. The ones Will is using are very dry and shriveled - I will use a older one next time. The one I used was very soft and wet. My daughter wanted to have a beach party for her friends, so I brought along a distraction and whittled the frond while enjoying a beautiful day at the beach. 83 degree air and 78 degree water - I love SFL in the winter! I carved a little too deep in some areas, because it was so easy to cut. I was feeding the wood chips to sea gulls that were hounding us for food. They didn't eat them, but watching them fight over them was entertaining. The tiki is starting to warp as it dries - I'm gonna screw it to a board to keep it straight.

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Will carve posted on 01/12/2014

I told you.
The master of mini.
He does this off the seat of his pants folks.

cy posted on 01/12/2014

Unreal Tom, great work!

amate posted on 01/13/2014

Sounds like a perfect day for the beach and carving. I'm liking the results.

hiltiki posted on 01/14/2014

I like it too.

AlohaStation posted on 01/17/2014

Carved Palm Frond #2. OK not tiki, but close.

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TheBigT posted on 01/20/2014

You guys with the palm fronds are killing me. Those are awesome!

Benzart posted on 01/21/2014

Nice frond carves guys, 'bout time you tried some. What palms are you using? I like the Foxtail palm best.

AlohaStation posted on 01/21/2014

I apologize Benz, when you were carving these I thought to myself that it was your skill that made the fronds look so good - that why I never tried one. The first one I did was a green Chinese Fan Palm (too wet), the second was one that Will gave me (just right), the one I'm doing now is another from the Chinese Palm (only this one is dry). I have several Foxtail Palms in my yard and will give them a try when they drop a frond. Here's the latest.
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pjc5150 posted on 01/21/2014

these fronds are killer!

Benzart posted on 01/28/2014

Definitely an Underused and overlooked media, I want to try some Coconut palm fronds of Size, might be fun.Really glad you and Will finally took the plunge.

AlohaStation posted on 01/28/2014

I've looked at the Coconut fronds and I'm not convinced. Will has a Royal frond that looks very promising. The issue is when they dry out - some split, some shrivel into nothing, and some become very rigid. I have a Foxtail that is about to shed a large frond - I'm looking forward to trying one of those. I also want to try a Royal. The palm fronds have re-ignited my desire to whittle with my hook blade and Xacto. They are soft enough to be fun, hold good detail and are overly abundant around SFL.

AlohaStation posted on 01/31/2014

OK - so I'm hooked! The fronds are too much fun and the more you do the better you get. Some are better than others - I'm doing some experimenting with different species of palm (I have Foxtail, Coconut, Bismark, Royal, Triple-leaf, curly Q...). There are so many different types of palms in SFL its difficult to name the species. My latest came from WillCarve - he seems to have figured out a good source.

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cy posted on 01/31/2014

Excellent work as always Aloha!

AlohaStation posted on 02/14/2014

Continuing with the palm fronds. I carved this while watching the Olympics.
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AlohaStation posted on 02/14/2014

Here's #4 finished
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zerostreet posted on 02/14/2014

Awesome stuff Tom!

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