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17 Best Tiki Bars in America - according to Thrillist 1/19/2014

Pages: 1 9 replies

Hakalugi posted on 01/23/2014
JOHN-O posted on 01/23/2014

And before anyone starts complaining about what's omitted, I admit there are 4 places in the article that I never heard of, and 2 that I had completely forgotten about. And who knew that the Volcano House served Tropicals ?? !!

I learned something !! :)

RevBambooBen posted on 01/23/2014

I'll take this as a compliment!

"Designed by Bamboo Ben (basically the Frank Lloyd Wright of Tiki design), the off-the-strip joint features art by the best-known Tiki Picassos in the world, "

p.s. They missed me on Forbidden Island :wink:

Teadoir posted on 01/23/2014

You did well there! Frankie's was what pushed me over the edge into serious tiki mania!

tikiskip posted on 01/25/2014

“And before anyone starts complaining about what's omitted”
Quote JOHN O

There are some glaring omissions in this article, Plus some odd additions.
No La Marianna or Tonga Hut! Fail.

Back when I owned a restaurant a small diner that was packed everyday
We would never get any press on our place even though we had been downtown forever
and had a very cool place really.
But then someone told us that since we never bought advertising that was why
We were never given any press.(Well lets say rarely got press)

The restaurant was very busy all of the time and did not need to advertise, but you still
Like to see your place in the paper or mag right?
So many times these places buy their way into these lists or some kind of article on what they
Do, sell, make.

Most of the time it is tiki restaurants, bars, artists OUTSIDE of California getting the
Snub as far as press or props for their work goes.

Looks like the shoe is on the other foot this time.
wish we could just get honest info from the world wide media.

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them"
Mark Twain

AceExplorer posted on 01/28/2014

Sometimes the reporters are pressed for time and just can't do the research required to be complete and accurate. Sometimes their sources just don't have enough knowledge to share and make sure that adequate ground is covered. And sometimes the reporters get an assignment and just "get it done" in order to meet a deadline.

I was recently involved in a news story for a non-profit that I do work for. The material was for a high-end magazine which targets people who live in a coastal area with very nice high-end homes. When the article came out, the whole story was written in 3rd-grade English, with choppy sentences and a lot of other distracting over-simplicity. And then the writer also took all the credit for all the photos which several photographers had submitted.

After a while of seeing these things happen, I learned not to take the press too seriously for these sorts of things. They seem to look at certain stories as "filler," and other things as more important core material.

So I wouldn't take this list too seriously, but fortunately it is helping get the word about tiki further into the public eye.

thePorpoise posted on 01/30/2014

sweet-- the Holiday Isle Tiki Bar-- FLORI-TIKI rules!

lunavideogames posted on 01/30/2014

thePorpoise, I just was there and I didn't see any tikis? :)

No DTB either?

Props for Ben though, that is always great!!!

Big Kahuna posted on 01/30/2014

Nice to see Kowloon get recognized, but where's Don The Beachcomber? Quite possibly my favorite place on the planet!

Luckydesigns posted on 01/30/2014

Yeah, just from size and decor alone, Don's should have been mentioned.

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