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Tiki Central / Tiki Music

Hawaiian Holidays, Lani Scott Orchestra

Pages: 1 3 replies

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/01/2014

Never heard of him! My brother up in Reno “finds” tiki and Hawaiiana and gives it to me or my other brother TikiVato.
It’s all appreciated but sometimes we get little surprise’s that bring on a chuckle.
Check out the cover on the latest find from the biggest little city.
I’ve yet to listen to the cuts (some are “classic” Hawaiian songs). Very good according to the review’s I found on-line.
Anybody notice something not right with the cover photo?

Btw,”color photo courtesy of British West Indian Airways"

tiki mick posted on 02/01/2014

It might be a rare misprint, where the LP picture wasn't from the right album, mon!

Kaiwaza posted on 02/02/2014

I have this LP, too. "Golden Tone" was a budget label sold in drug stores & grocery stores. It's just one of the annon. "Luke Leilani" unknown studio group recordings repackaged with a different jacket & fake group name. The folks creating the jacket probably didn't even realize that the Pacific Islands & The West Indies aren't the same thing. The music is nice, though!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 02/03/2014

Mahalo gentlemen!

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