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Don Tiki has Exotic instruments for sale!

Pages: 1 7 replies

Fluid Floyd posted on 02/04/2014


Don Tiki has some authentic and spectacular instruments from Southeast Asia for sale. We went to great lengths to research, find and import them from Myanmar for recording and live performances. The instruments are all playable, very ornate and look beautiful on stage with the appropriate lighting. The 4 instruments we're selling are:

  1. Pattalar $1500
    The Bamboo Xylophone, or Pattalar as it is known in Myanmar, is an ancient musical instrument with the sound box underneath.
    It can produce melodious and unique sounds to the ears.

  2. Burmese Harp $1500
    This highly decorative arched harp, formerly associated with the Buddhist dynasties that ruled Burma for centuries,
    is the national instrument of Myanmar.

  3. Circle of Gongs $2000
    The brass gong circle or kyei waing has 18 or 19 brass gongs in a circle similar to the drum circle.
    The player sits in the center of the gongs which have gorgeous gold leaf + mirrored outer panels.
    Its sound is more melodious than the sound of framed gongs.

  4. Circle of Drums $2000
    The drum circle (sain wain) is made up of 18 to 24 graduated drums slung from slats which form a circle.
    The sound of the drums is distinct, loud, accurate and resonant. Same gold leaf + mirrored outer panels.

We prefer to sell the lot for $5000 total, but are willing to sell instruments individually as priced above.
Packing and shipping is additional.

Mahalo in advance,
Fluid Floyd


tiki mick posted on 02/04/2014

Damn! If I had the money, I would be all over these items!

MrFab posted on 02/04/2014

Crazy - was just listening to an album of Burmese music last week. Is a sam waing the same as a Pat Waing?

Fluid Floyd posted on 02/05/2014

Think so, but honestly not sure. Maybe it's like Samsung vs Sony, same product but different spin?
I got the info here: http://fascinatingmyanmar.info/cultureandarts/musicalinstruments/musicalinstruments_drum_ensemble.html
Cheers~ FF

tiki mick posted on 02/05/2014

The Gamelan you have there is crazy-cool! I am not sure if they are tuned to a western scale or not, but just to have one as a very expensive conversation piece....wow!

I own a few exotic instruments as well, and have recorded with them....including an Erhu, which I ended up giving to Tiki Bong....I also have many middle eastern reed pipes, like little primitive clarinets...I think one is called a "sipsi".....plus a shit load of percussion instruments.....my absolute favorite, though, are my Bansuri (Bamboo flutes) and my greatest shame was when i left my Tablas (which were medium quality, but still expensive) out in the garage during a santa ana winds event...and the dry wind busted the heads on both of them. I really enjoy all the stuff I have....

But it is nothing compared to your collection.......



[ Edited by: lucas vigor 2014-02-04 19:54 ]

Jeff Central posted on 02/05/2014

Man, all those look wonderful and I'm sure they sound just as cool as they look.

I just need to win the lottery now!!

Good luck with the sale!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

socksoff posted on 02/06/2014

i know someone that collects exotic instruments and will pass the note along- hopefully, he can take these off your hands.

will give you a shout soon

Fluid Floyd posted on 02/06/2014

Mahalos, Socksoff! Here's my email if they need more info or want to contact me directly:
Aloha, FF

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