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Recipe: Recipe: Temple of Doom

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jbray2613 posted on 02/15/2014

Hey everyone,
So I'm pretty new to tiki, and after a couple months of building up my home bar and make a bunch of the bum's recipes, I finally mustered the courage to create my own drink last night, and it came out pretty good (well, I thought it was good anyway). I'd love to know what everyone thinks, so here's the recipe for "The Temple of Doom":
1 oz. Lemon Hart 151
1 oz. Demerara Rum (used El Dorado 12 year)
1 oz. Fresh Lime Juice
1 oz. Lopez Coconut Cream
1/2 oz. Grand Marnier
1/4 oz. Cinnamon Syrup (used BG Reynolds)
1/4 oz. Orgeat (used Fee Brothers)
Shake vigorously with 1 cup crushed ice until shaker frosts over, pour in strained into double old fashioned glass, add crushed ice to fill.
The drink is fairly sweet and strong, though it tastes considerably less strong than it has a right to. The tartness of the lime and orange flavor from the Grand Marnier show through well, with slight spice and floral notes from the syrups. The color of the drink is almost orange, and remind me of a Thai iced tea. Hope everyone likes it as much as I did!

GentleHangman posted on 02/15/2014

A tasty drink indeed! If that's your first attempt, you are surely headed in the right direction.
I had to substitute El Dorado 15 for the 12, but otherwise all the other ingredients remained the same. I may make the next one with Cointreau instead of Grand Marnier just to see what difference that would make.
Good job!

I bet you feel more like you do now now than you did when you came in.


[ Edited by: GentleHangman 2014-02-15 13:28 ]

jbray2613 posted on 02/15/2014

Thanks, GentleHangman! I'm glad you liked it. I also want to try it with Cointreau--I just have to get some first!

Gogo7 posted on 02/19/2014

I have to try that, the combination of ingredients looks just to my taste, I don't like sweet cocktails.

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