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Question on Liqueur from Hawaii...

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rustbeltcat posted on 01/19/2004

Hey there the wife just asked me about a piece in our collection and I couldn't answer.
We got three pieces in total One was a little white tiki mug that matches our "Spirit of Hawaii" Hawiian Coffee liqueur Airline bottle (The bottle has a tiki molded into the glass) The real question is on the Other bottle that we got in the deal, its an airline bottle of "Okolehao" spirit of Hawaii.
Is this rum? or another type of liquor that normaly cant be found here on the mainland?
Little help?

bigbrotiki posted on 01/19/2004

Okolehao was a Hawaiian burnt schnaps/brandy that is not made anymore. I found an old bottle years ago (the Tiki one with the ashtray) when engaged in liquor store archeology. Slowly drank it all, it was so good.
The stuff that is now made and sold under that name in the islands is a thicker liqueur.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki on 2004-01-18 20:49 ]

I've been looking for Okolehao(u) I've seen both spellings for a while. Does anyone know of any places to get it. Online suppliers?

Doctor Z posted on 01/19/2004

I've got a small, sealed, airline-sized bottle of it - think it's still safe to drink?

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004

On 2004-01-19 00:25, Doctor Z wrote:
I've got a small, sealed, airline-sized bottle of it - think it's still safe to drink?

Oh, what the hell, I'll try it.

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004

Internet quote:
An 80 PROOF Hawaiian liquor made from a mash of the TI plant. It's often substituted for rum and, like rum, comes in white (colorless) and golden versions. Okolehao is known on the islands as oke.

Here is a great article and news about Okolehao comming to the mainland.


A Tiki Cheers To You

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-01-19 13:45 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004

Here is the website for future contact when it will be re-introduced.
OKE me baby!


OceaOtica posted on 01/19/2004

thanks unga, been waiting for it to come around. the site mentions that the liqueur is coming back, which is great, but i definitely prefer the liquor. sampled them side by side awhile back and they are definitely two different beasts. but in the end i will take what i can get.
thanks again
rustbelt, you might do a search as well for info, oke was discussed before, dont know how to do the post address pasty thing

Unga Bunga posted on 01/19/2004
rustbeltcat posted on 01/20/2004

Hmmmm Now I really want to open my little airline bottle, hopefully it comes back here (to the mainland) soon

Alnshely posted on 01/20/2004

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